Teacher tells boy he has to eat alone for not believing in god

Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

Are you like fucking stupid or what? Freedom of religion means freedom to practice religion and faith. Stop wasting my time with your bullshit
Or not.

You're cute what are you 18?
If it's true it was wrong. With that said it's also wrong to prohibit a child from worshiping and/or believing in God also and yes it's happening
In school yes its wrong as long as its a student led club or group. It SHOULD NOT BE a holiday or special event because those students that don't want to attend get singled out etc.

Sorry, I'm a supporter of freedom of religion.
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
A bit of both actually. Freedom from an Established Religion, which now includes the state pushing God on you.
It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

Are you like fucking stupid or what? Freedom of religion means freedom to practice religion and faith. Stop wasting my time with your bullshit
Or not.

You're cute what are you 18?

Get lost ya fucking troll
If it's true it was wrong. With that said it's also wrong to prohibit a child from worshiping and/or believing in God also and yes it's happening
In school yes its wrong as long as its a student led club or group. It SHOULD NOT BE a holiday or special event because those students that don't want to attend get singled out etc.

Sorry, I'm a supporter of freedom of religion.
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

The clause says freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. You are free to practice whatever religion you want, it says nothing about sheltering a person from all religion. If you want to practice your religion fine, if you wish not to practice religion fine.

The teacher was wrong in this case as teachers seem to be quite a bit.
In school yes its wrong as long as its a student led club or group. It SHOULD NOT BE a holiday or special event because those students that don't want to attend get singled out etc.

Sorry, I'm a supporter of freedom of religion.
As am I. Very much so. Public school is paid for with citizens taxes and run by the state/county government. Religion in school violates separation of church and state and making sure every citizen's child is in zone of teaching not religion. They do make religious schools that's where it belongs not in public schools. We just had to smack a school here around having coach led prayers at football practices etc. We won :) Pissed off the bible thumpers

Nothing to be proud of. Our daughters compete in gymnastics and before they perform they give the sign of the cross and after do it again and point to the sky to thank God. Some atheist got butt hurt over it and complained they were "offended". That's the stupid shit I'm talking about, all because some asshole wanted to make a stink the entire gymnastic community was in upheaval. They finally ruled they are allowed to do it but it should have never been an issue
Not the place to do it but long as its not adult led then it seems like the courts are allowing it....oh well.

Why is it "not the place to do it" Because people like you get all butt hurt over it? It'a fucking public venue, they were covered by the Constitution. In short? The atheist asshole lost before he started. If you don't like it? DON'T FUCKING GO and IF YOU GO .....DON"T LOOK!!!!! Simple, eh?
Christian melt-down.
Now I know why those Romans fed the Christians to the lions. The kept those evangelical fundamentalist under control.
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

Are you like fucking stupid or what? Freedom of religion means freedom to practice religion and faith. Stop wasting my time with your bullshit
Or not.

You're cute what are you 18?

Get lost ya fucking troll
Why don't you block me lil girl. Or stop replying. That's the easiest way.
I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

Are you like fucking stupid or what? Freedom of religion means freedom to practice religion and faith. Stop wasting my time with your bullshit
Or not.

You're cute what are you 18?

Get lost ya fucking troll
Why don't you block me lil girl. Or stop replying. That's the easiest way.

why don't you just shut the hell up and stop seeking attention like a kindergartner, I have children I don't want to deal with another one on here.
Sorry, I'm a supporter of freedom of religion.
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

The Constitution says freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That means you have a right to practice what you believe and others have right to practice what they believe.
If it's true it was wrong. With that said it's also wrong to prohibit a child from worshiping and/or believing in God also and yes it's happening

Links to children being prohibited from worshipping or believing in God.

Response: Humina humina

Dad Teacher Told My Kid to Stop Lunchtime Prayer Todd Starnes

From your link;

Please know that students are permitted to pray during school,” the principal wrote. “I will remind all staff members of this.”
I'm betting the true store was they had a bible meeting during their FREE time lunch period and as such only included other God believing children in their church meeting. Which has already been stated is perfectly alright to do. It isn't their fault he was the only non-believer in the room.
rationalize much?
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

The Constitution says freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That means you have a right to practice what you believe and others have right to practice what they believe.
Yes, within reason, and it also says the state must remain neutral. In God We Trust on police cars is not neutral.
If it's true it was wrong. With that said it's also wrong to prohibit a child from worshiping and/or believing in God also and yes it's happening

Links to children being prohibited from worshipping or believing in God.
Link to a reputable source of information that this story is even remotely true?
none found but on the other hand

I dont think anyone should be forced to "swear to", support or believe in anything they dont want to...period!

...but since you went to a different country to find this scout thing, there is also a "small" cross issue going on in China thats pretty scary.
scouting is scouting no matter what country it's in it also originated in England. but nice try
I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

Are you like fucking stupid or what? Freedom of religion means freedom to practice religion and faith. Stop wasting my time with your bullshit
Or not.

You're cute what are you 18?

Get lost ya fucking troll
Why don't you block me lil girl. Or stop replying. That's the easiest way.

She only blocks you if you provide too many facts. She loves name calling flame wars. Just post facts and links she can't refute and she'll put you on ignore so fast your head will spin.
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

The Constitution says freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That means you have a right to practice what you believe and others have right to practice what they believe.
more misinterpretation. freedom of religion means you are free not to believe or believe as your conscious dictates.
a majority believing a certain way does not superseded the minorities right not to.
If it's true it was wrong. With that said it's also wrong to prohibit a child from worshiping and/or believing in God also and yes it's happening
In school yes its wrong as long as its a student led club or group. It SHOULD NOT BE a holiday or special event because those students that don't want to attend get singled out etc.

Sorry, I'm a supporter of freedom of religion.
Supporting freedom of religion is pointless unless that support is comprehensive with regard to both Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence – where citizens also have the right to be free from religion, free from being compelled to follow or acknowledge religious doctrine and dogma at the behest of the state, and free to not only practice whatever faith one so desires, but to be free from faith altogether.

It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
intentional misinterpretation.
It's freedom OF religion,not freedom FROM religion
My religion is athiesm

I really don't care.
Well we're you suggesting freedom of religion means I gotta pick one? What you said or the way you wrote that suggest that I don't have freedom from religion, I do. Free to not exercise any religion at all. You worry about your soul I'll worry about mine. While you are here worry about your ass because there might not be a heaven awaiting.

The Constitution says freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That means you have a right to practice what you believe and others have right to practice what they believe.
Yes, within reason, and it also says the state must remain neutral. In God We Trust on police cars is not neutral.

In your opinion.

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