Teacher Under Fire For Telling Student to Speak English

You have been caught as a fake fool. Stolen heritage trying to get away with the one drop rule.
There you go. Sounding like a white person. The one drop rule was implemented to prevent people of color from owning land. It’s a white thing. Just like you.
There you go. Sounding like a white person. The one drop rule was implemented to prevent people of color from owning land. It’s a white thing. Just like you.
What are you? Norwegian or something. Stop stealing the heritage of Natives. You insult the memories of the brave souls who fought for their heritage.
Whatever, whitey.
"The one drop rule was implemented to prevent people of color from owning land."

You got a link to that?

Looks like DemoKKKrats were indeed racist pigs. They still follow the one drop rule of course.

I like this bit though:

For example, in 1630, only 11 years after the first enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia, “colonist Hugh Davis was sentenced to be soundly whipped ‘before an assembly of negroes and others for abusing himself to the dishonor of God and shame of Christianity by defiling his body in lying with a negro.’”

lol. How DemoKKKrat!!!

Fun fact:

The multi-tiered racial classification system that created the Creole also created an elite class of people, many of whom were as financially secure as whites, if not more so. In New Orleans, Creoles made up a significant portion of the city’s doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and other educated professionals. Some were successful enough to own their own “slaves.” Their very ability to work for wages, operate businesses, and receive inheritances was due to their racial and social approximation to whites. Having a European-like phenotype—light skin, straight or loosely coiled hair, aquiline features, etc.—marked people elsewhere categorized wholly as Black as privileged, with the amount of privilege assigned based on how much white blood the person possessed and/or how much white blood it appeared that the person possessed. Thus, among Creoles themselves, each of these subcategories represented jealous and fiercely guarded distinctions. This caste system would set into motion a history of “bad blood” (no pun intended) between Louisiana’s Creole population and browner- or darker-skinned Blacks based largely on ancestry and appearance.

Looks like being a "one dropper" was in fact an advantage; NOT as stated aimed at stopping them from owning anything.

I agree though that it was NOT a good system. Racial segregation never is.

The teacher might have been a little bit harsh with their actions, but actually I agree with them. If you live in an English speaking country, you should be at least speaking English when you're out in public. ...
That's not what the Constitution says.
Any school in America that doesn't think speaking our language is the key to success should be closed and boarded up for good...
Any school in America that doesn't think speaking our language is the key to success should be closed and boarded up for good...
I think every school does recognize that. Anyone who doesn't think having more skills rather than less is advantageous is a moron.
I think every school does recognize that. Anyone who doesn't think having more skills rather than less is advantageous is a moron.
Speaking multiple languages is an awesome advantage today... but that isn't what this is about.... either a teacher is in charge of his or her classroom or they are not... if the teacher thinks a student would be advantaged by speaking proper English the teacher should feel free to make that call...
Speaking multiple languages is an awesome advantage today... but that isn't what this is about.... either a teacher is in charge of his or her classroom or they are not... if the teacher thinks a student would be advantaged by speaking proper English the teacher should feel free to make that call...
As we do every day. What's the issue?
What do you mean "you liberals"? Who do you think you're talking to?
I am speaking to Liberals thinkers like you. A condition you have proven with your comment made after I challenged your liberal thinking.
Then that's a pretty dumb teacher.
How do you know that?... maybe the people lambasting her are dumb.... I would think that you of all people would side with the authority in the classroom....
WRONG. Stop guessing, you suck at it.
RIGHT. I think you have previously claimed to be a teacher and if correct I will assume that you are amongst the 90% of teachers who admit to and act like a Liberal. Also, your reaction score is about 5% positive which is certainly piss poor. You don't get much support from your brotherhood.

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