Teachers trading tips on how to secretly and quitely transition students despite laws/parents.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021


So teachers are discussing how to transition kids without their parents finding out, how their "ethics" means they will break republican laws to transition kids and so on.

Since when do teachers get to decide they will break laws and keep secrets from kids parents and try to sexually guide and mold children without "getting caught"? If this happened when I was in school those teachers would have been banned from teaching, gone to jail and be lucky if some kids didn't didn't give them a lifelong disability.


So teachers are discussing how to transition kids without their parents finding out, how their "ethics" means they will break republican laws to transition kids and so on.

Since when do teachers get to decide they will break laws and keep secrets from kids parents and try to sexually guide and mold children without "getting caught"? If this happened when I was in school those teachers would have been banned from teaching, gone to jail and be lucky if some kids didn't didn't give them a lifelong disability.


Wish I knew exactly where in the Midwest.

Roughly 30 teachers and administrators from various states including Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio met in an online chatroom hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), an organization that has received millions of dollars in federal funding.

Here’s some gems from this discussion:

1. Kimberly Martin, DEI coordinator for Royal Oaks Schools in Michigan, described her efforts to hide elements of social transition, such as changing a student’s name, from their parents.
“We’re working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents … if there’s a nickname in there we’re trying to hide,” Martin said.

2. Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools in Iowa, condemned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for signing a law in March barring males from competing on female sports teams and bragged about her personal activism for LGBTQ causes.
“I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn’t always go along with the law,” Haglund said.

3. “The stakes are very high for trans youth,” Shea Martin, an Ohio-based teacher and contributor to far-Left blog Radical Teacher, said. “I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.”

Listen to this language:
“Can’t be seen by parents”… “my code of ethics doesn’t go along with the law”… “subversively and quietly”…
Teachers are actively hiding their attempts to confuse children who cannot consent.

And the group is federally funded, so our government is by definition funding the harm of non-consenting children in secret from their parents.

Roughly 30 teachers and administrators from various states including Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio met in an online chatroom hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), an organization that has received millions of dollars in federal funding.

Here’s some gems from this discussion:

1. Kimberly Martin, DEI coordinator for Royal Oaks Schools in Michigan, described her efforts to hide elements of social transition, such as changing a student’s name, from their parents.
“We’re working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents … if there’s a nickname in there we’re trying to hide,” Martin said.

2. Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools in Iowa, condemned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for signing a law in March barring males from competing on female sports teams and bragged about her personal activism for LGBTQ causes.
“I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn’t always go along with the law,” Haglund said.

3. “The stakes are very high for trans youth,” Shea Martin, an Ohio-based teacher and contributor to far-Left blog Radical Teacher, said. “I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.”

Listen to this language:
“Can’t be seen by parents”… “my code of ethics doesn’t go along with the law”… “subversively and quietly”…
Teachers are actively hiding their attempts to confuse children who cannot consent.

And the group is federally funded, so our government is by definition funding the harm of non-consenting children in secret from their parents.


Private school. Get your kids in one.
Roughly 30 teachers and administrators from various states including Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio met in an online chatroom hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), an organization that has received millions of dollars in federal funding.

Here’s some gems from this discussion:

1. Kimberly Martin, DEI coordinator for Royal Oaks Schools in Michigan, described her efforts to hide elements of social transition, such as changing a student’s name, from their parents.
“We’re working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents … if there’s a nickname in there we’re trying to hide,” Martin said.

2. Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools in Iowa, condemned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for signing a law in March barring males from competing on female sports teams and bragged about her personal activism for LGBTQ causes.
“I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn’t always go along with the law,” Haglund said.

3. “The stakes are very high for trans youth,” Shea Martin, an Ohio-based teacher and contributor to far-Left blog Radical Teacher, said. “I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.”

Listen to this language:
“Can’t be seen by parents”… “my code of ethics doesn’t go along with the law”… “subversively and quietly”…
Teachers are actively hiding their attempts to confuse children who cannot consent.

And the group is federally funded, so our government is by definition funding the harm of non-consenting children in secret from their parents.

Turn over education to the state, and the state will indoctrinate your children how they please.

It's all about state control, and they have you paying for it whether you send kids there or not.



So teachers are discussing how to transition kids without their parents finding out, how their "ethics" means they will break republican laws to transition kids and so on.

Since when do teachers get to decide they will break laws and keep secrets from kids parents and try to sexually guide and mold children without "getting caught"? If this happened when I was in school those teachers would have been banned from teaching, gone to jail and be lucky if some kids didn't didn't give them a lifelong disability.

Never happened.
You see it in pedophile cases and even among mass murderers. Sexual perverts and other criminal types trade tips all the time about getting away with criminal conduct. These people should be in jail.
This is not the 1st time teachers or the teacher's union have been caught ignoring rules or even laws to push the liberal pedo-cult agenda.

Any teacher caught doing this should be fired immediately, if not brought up on child endangernent charges.
- I would even like to see legislation proposed where any teacher who engages in child transitioning / transgender confusing / genital mutilation be officially listed as a SEX OFFENDER that would follow them for life.

If the Unions are caught sharing tips how to do this secretly - as they have been in the past - they should be hit wirh at least a $1 million fine.

It is past time to end the liberal / Democrat policy / agenda of using tax payer-funded k-12 public schools as Indoctrination Camps where they turn kids into little 'Nazi Youth' and conduct social / gender experiments on kids as if Mengele were in charge.

Public schools are graduating kids who can't read / write / do simple math problems because the focus is on CRT, LGBTQ Indoctrination, Transgender Confusion, Genital Mutilation, and the overall sexualization of our kids.

Again, science has proven children do not fully mentally or physically develop until after their teens. Until then they are easily manipulated, highly impressionable, gullible, and susceptible to such dangerous and damaging indoctrination.

IMO, we are seeing so much mental health problems, youth / gang violence, teen pregnancy, fatherless families, etc... because these kids are not being allowed to BE KIDS.

Their childhood is being stolen, they are being sexualized and rushed into adult issues too fast - things they are nomentalkyly, emotionally, or physically ready for. They are not being educated, inspired - they are being used, abused in schools that have become liberal agenda farms and indoctrination centers.

This goes far beyond political agenda. This is preying on vulnerable children - it is CRININAL, PERVERTED, & SICK.

Every state has their own laws intended for the PROTECTION OF CHILDREN, laws that are being violated without question.

Democrats - adults, teachers - used to (maybe still do) take children to have abortions without getting parental consent or 1st notifying the parents. These children were then abandoned to face the physical / psychological aftermath of these abortions on their own, their parents / guardians unaware of what their child was going through.

Democrats argued they had the RIGHT to violate parents' rights as protectors and guardians of these children.

Now its genital mutilation of young children. Democrats, liberals, teachers - transgender confusing young, under-developed, impressionable, easily manipulated children and conducting permanent genital mutilation of these kids.

These sick pedo-cult members have tried to even legslize the kidnapping of children from parents IOT perform these genital mutilating procedures.

To this end, every single Democrat in Congress voted against 'Parents' Rights' legislation that officially, legally established the rights of parents as protectors and guardians of their own children, declaring their children are NOT the property of the government, preventing the government from conducting these experiments, pushing these agendas, indoctrinating and harming their kids.

During the vote one Democrat stood up and declared that as soon as parents enrolled their children in public schools those children became THE GOVERNMENT'S children.

Holy Shit! Enrolling your kids in public school is not selling your children to the govt, is not forfeiting your rights as a parent and guardin. It is a contract, a bond of trust wherein you entrust the govt to safely educate your children. Even then patents have a legitimate say in that education.

The Teachers' Union, FBI, and the Biden WH, however, collaborated together to devise a plan to label any parent who opposed their 'pedo-crat' indoctrination 'education' agenda as 'DOMESTIC TERRORISTS'.

Welcome to the Stallinist / Maoist / Hitler Youth / Democrat Socialist Authoritarian States of Amerika.

This has got to end!

Again, the GOP should make a huge public showing of listing the names of every Democrat who voted against the Parent's Bill of Rights, who declare children to be the government's.

We need legislation - based on the science - outlawing the sexualization, indoctrination, and transgender confusing of children who are mentally, emotionally, and physically not ready for this forced agenda...which is NOT by accident.

-- Democrats know at these eatly stages / ages children are highly impressionable, easily manipulated, which is why they are targeting and preying on them.

We need legislation outlawing 'transgender care' - puberty blockers and genital mutilation - for children.

The age limit for:
- Voting is 18
- Getting a driver's license is 18
- Joining the military (& killing) is 18
- Drinking is 21

The age limit in most states for getting a permanent tattoo is 18...

Yet liberals / pedo-crats are ignoring Child protection laws to conduct very permanent genital mutilation of children as young as 6 years old.



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