Teachers trading tips on how to secretly and quitely transition students despite laws/parents.

There are 11 studies showing this. Some, but not all, had the kids stating they wanted to be the opposite sex. Nearly all outgrew it by the time puberty had completed.
OK. Where are they? Are they invisible studies? Do I need a black light to read them?
Sure. When changes are made to treatments that have irreversible impacts, especially to kids imo, the burden is on showing the efficacy of the new treatment.
Gender-affirming Care Saves Lives

That happens first with the medical community, not Bingos online, and then with their patients. If doctors and specialists devise a care treatment plan they don't typically force people into it. You're free to seek other opinions.
You can search them out. Whatever study you read, ensure its controlling for sexual orientation.
No. Thats not how this works. It isnt incumbent on me to search out evidence of your claims.

You will find when they do, there is no difference between hetero males and mtf gynephilic brains, for example. I've read them over time, and didnt save them. I'm certainly no expert, though.
Where will I find this? Post the link.
To be fair, I did provide evidence that social transition is an intervention from the nhs and sweden.

Alot of it is stuff I've read over quite a few years, but in the example of the step from blockers to hormones, i gave you info on how to locate. Tavistock stats. I truly dont have an interest spending hours on replies looking for all the studies I've read, etc.

Possibly unfair.
Seems more like you don't have ability to prove your claims.
In some cases the kids end up on blockers with just one visit. Blockers lead to hormones in nearly all cases (see tavistock stats) then surgery. It's an escalator from.one step to the next.

Anyway, yoj seem to be of the opinion that when they declare a trans identity, they were always trans. Once they detransition, they were never trans.

as provided earlier it's an intervention and has impacts.
Again, it is a process. No kid wakes up and decides to go trans. Even if they did, I don't think medical doctors are going to prescribe blockers or whatever on the first visit. At least, not ethical doctors.

Let's come back to the subject at hand. Are these teachers somehow making these kids take the blockers? Have a sex change? Of course, not. They are there for emotional support. Helping them in their need. Sorry that you idiots see that as a crime.
OK. Where are they? Are they invisible studies? Do I need a black light to read them?

11 studies going back some time all showing the same. Nearly all kids stop by end of puberty. Some had the requirement that the kid have a stated desire to be the opposite sex. Some were recalculated using dsm-v requirements and still showed majorities desist. Some studies had issues with potentially only gender non conforming kids being included - not trans.

All 11 showed majorities cease feelings of being trans - with the above stated qualifications:


That happens first with the medical community,
The US is out of step with much of the rest of the world. The issue is likely too politicized here. The medical communities elsewhere completed systematic reviews and greatly restricted kid's acces. The medical communities here either did complete a systematic review finding (see wpath - not sure that qualifies as a "medical community", but..) but found low certainty and quality... or refuse to complete the review (see APA)

No. Thats not how this works. It isnt incumbent on me to search out evidence of your claims.
you made the claim, so I assume you actually read some of the studies, no? Or do you just rely on trans activist talking points? Read the studies you think support your position and see if they controlled for homosexuality. I promise that if they did, they will not find white or Grey matter differences between trans F and male.


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11 studies going back some time all showing the same. Nearly all kids stop by end of puberty. Some had the requirement that the kid have a stated desire to be the opposite sex. Some were recalculated using dsm-v requirements and still showed majorities desist. Some studies had issues with potentially only gender non conforming kids being included - not trans.

All 11 showed majorities cease feelings of being trans - with the above stated qualifications:

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That's not a link, regardless I Googled the first one and it says nothing about most children growing out of medically diagnosed gender dysphoria. It's about the study of 16 boys who showed feminine behavior as youth.

The US is out of step with much of the rest of the world. The issue is likely too politicized here. The medical communities elsewhere completed systematic reviews and greatly restricted kid's acces. The medical communities here either did complete a systematic review finding (see wpath - not sure that qualifies as a "medical community", but..) but found low certainty and quality... or refuse to complete the review (see APA)
Two countries don't constitute the rest of the world. Your hyperbole is less than impressive. Some countries have pulled back care procedures and are now only administering puberty blockers and the like for the most severe cases, some countries like Spain are making it easier for young trans people to live their lives as they see fit.
you made the claim, so I assume you actually read some of the studies, no? Or do you just rely on trans activist talking points?
You made the claim you Bingo and despite you not even providing a link the little you did provide doesn't actually say what you says it does.
Read the studies you think support your position and see if they controlled for homosexuality. I promise that if they did, they will not find white or Grey matter differences between trans F and male.
I don't care what you pinky promise, I care what you can prove. Why should they even control for homosexuality? Homosexuality and transgenderism aren't the same thing. That's like arguing the studies are invalidated because they didn't control for left handedness. Prove first they needed to.
If there was we would have heard about before.

But there were no trans kids 2,000 years ago, 1,000 years ago, 500 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago, 20 years ago or even 5 years ago. They suddenly popped up out of nowhere.

Trans kids are not real. A trans kid is indeed a abused child the parents abused for their own personal reasons. They wanted to brag about what awesome parents they are for having a trans kid for upvotes or Twitter views. Or the parents are mentally ill people raising a child.
In two years there was a 4000% increase in gender dysphoria. 4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls

No. It's not real. It is a social contagion, mass psychosis. It is no difference than the dancing plague, the laughing sickness or the Salem witch trials.
That's not a link, regardless I Googled the first one and it says nothing about most children growing out of medically diagnosed gender dysphoria. It's about the study of 16 boys who showed feminine behavior as youth.


Of the 16 they studied 2 turned out gay, 4 trans and 10 straight. 75% ceased their feelings.

Two countries don't constitute the rest of the world.
Finland, sweden uk have either stopped or greatly reduced access to medicalization of kids.

Norway, France and medical orgs in Australia have also sounded similar cautions around kids treatments.

You made the claim you Bingo and despite you not even providing a link the little you did provide doesn't actually say what you says it does.
Tis true, though. Read the studies, not the activists claims about the studies.
In two years there was a 4000% increase in gender dysphoria. 4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls

No. It's not real. It is a social contagion, mass psychosis. It is no difference than the dancing plague, the laughing sickness or the Salem witch trials.
When I first learned about the dancing plague from my daughter a few years ago, that comparison was the first thing I thought of. Mostly girls impacted by both. Enough so in the transgender identity that girls have surpassed boys as in #s of trans ID.
Teachers are fueling this psychosis. The teacher that took over a class of normal children had a 60% in gay, transgender or otherwise non binary children by the end of the school year. That's not indicative of anything near a normal class. It was solely the fault of the deranged teacher.
Teachers are fueling this psychosis. The teacher that took over a class of normal children had a 60% in gay, transgender or otherwise non binary children by the end of the school year. That's not indicative of anything near a normal class. It was solely the fault of the deranged teacher.
I believe there were two teachers that had similar experiences. They talked about it as if it were a great thing, when it really just shows you can make young kids believe anything

As france cautions, there are clusters and could be a social contagion, etc:

Whatever the mechanisms involved in the adolescent – overuse of social networks, greater social acceptability, or example in the entourage – this epidemic-like phenomenon results in the appearance of cases or even clusters in the immediate surroundings (4).
Again, it is a process. No kid wakes up and decides to go trans. Even if they did, I don't think medical doctors are going to prescribe blockers or whatever on the first visit. At least, not ethical doctors.
They do prescribe after 1 visit. Read the lawsuits and stories feom detransitioners themselves. . You can also read planned parenthood websites where they describe what to expect at the first visit (hormones), though that is largely for adults. But, at least we agree there are big problems in this area of medicine, or as you call it unethical doctors. I really suspect you just don't quite understand what affirmation really entails, though.

The below was copied from a Reuters piece published a year and half ago.

In interviews with Reuters, doctors and other staff at 18 gender clinics across the country described their processes for evaluating patients. None described anything like the months-long assessments de Vries and her colleagues adopted in their research.

Seven of the clinics said that if they don’t see any red flags and the child and parents are in agreement, they are comfortable prescribing puberty blockers or hormones based on the first visit, depending on the age of the child.

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