Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Why don't Republicans become teachers?

Because they think teachers are bad people who should work for free....and they couldn't fathom themselves making el zippo.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Why don't Republicans become teachers?

But better to whine than become part of the solution of the problem you seem to think exists. How very RW of you.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Why don't Republicans become teachers?
Well, I am working towards that right now, so that is one more.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.

Ten worthless college degrees. I have several of these kids working in my warehouse. But one of them is going back to school taking Nursing.

10 Worst College Degrees to Earn in 2015 - The Simple Dollar
At least ditch the public sector unions. I mean, first our gov't mandates public services and then gives those unions the power to withhold them. It's madness!

At least ditch the public sector unions

Yes. They should be outlawed.

They're unneeded. And harmful.
What makes you think they are unneeded?

The government has plenty of safeguards in place for government employees.
No need for the Marxist unions.

Except that unions allow the government to standarize wages, benefits and working conditions while giving employees a say in their packages. It also saves them the time of determining wages, benefits etc., every time a new employee is hired.

Unions aren't there just to protect workers from employer abuses.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

My grand kids 10 & 7 are scared to death of Donald Trump, so he is making quite an impression on small minds.

Hillary Clinton has put out a new add--on young girls and how they perceive themselves. Is Trump the President we want for our daughters and grand daughters--Oh HELL NO.

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At least ditch the public sector unions

Yes. They should be outlawed.

They're unneeded. And harmful.
What makes you think they are unneeded?

The government has plenty of safeguards in place for government employees.
No need for the Marxist unions.

Except that unions allow the government to standarize wages, benefits and working conditions while giving employees a say in their packages. It also saves them the time of determining wages, benefits etc., every time a new employee is hired.

Unions aren't there just to protect workers from employer abuses.

Except that unions allow the government to standarize wages, benefits and working conditions while giving employees a say in their packages. It also saves them the time of determining wages, benefits etc., every time a new employee is hired.

Government doesn't need a union for any of that.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

My grand kids 10 & 7 are scared to death of Donald Trump, so he is making quite an impression on small minds.

Hillary Clinton has put out a new add--on young girls and how they perceive themselves. Is Trump the President we want for our daughters and grand daughters--Oh HELL NO.

If he beats Hillary, damn right.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Why don't Republicans become teachers?

But better to whine than become part of the solution of the problem you seem to think exists. How very RW of you.
Another right wing nutter, justifying your God W's invasion of other countries based on lies. You Republican whack jobs need to stop defending your lies and be honest
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

The average teacher salary in my state is $48,375. That's for teaching 180 days/year and 10 work days for a total of 190. If you give them the benefit of the doubt and say they work 8 hours/day, that's a total of 1520 hours/year. The 40 hour/week, 52 week/year worker works 2080 hours/year. That means the average teacher works 75% of the time a non teacher works. On top of that, they get every holiday, a week in the Spring, two weeks in December, several days at Thanksgiving, every weekend off, and ALL summer.

How many of them knew that's what the pay was BEFORE they started? If you say anything other than all of them, you'd be lying. They have no argument.
What is the average pay for professionals with at least 5 years of college in your state?

Depends on what you call professional.

Doesn't change that EVERY teacher KNOWS what the pay is BEFORE they start. Yours is the typical Liberal argument.
If the teachers unions backed trump you would sing their praises.....I stake my life on it. In fact I stake everything I own plus my land and house and life on it. Dealing with american kids is a thankless job. I don't know why or how any human can do it for what they are paid. Screw that and the spawmnthey deal with. Another rip on america oh my.

If you think that the teacher's union would ever back anyone other than a Democrat, you're an idiot.

How many of them didn't know what the pay was before they started? NONE.
Why do you think that is? Remember, the teachers' unions are made up of teachers....why not that many Republican teachers?

EVERY teacher knew what the pay was BEFORE they started. They have no argument.

There are Republican teachers. They're the ones trying to offset the bullshit mindset all the Liberal ones are trying to indoctrinate into the students.
My grand kids 10 & 7 are scared to death of Donald Trump, so he is making quite an impression on small minds.

Hillary Clinton has put out a new add--on young girls and how they perceive themselves. Is Trump the President we want for our daughters and grand daughters--Oh HELL NO.

It's a good thing children 7 and 10 can't vote yet. But of course...........give Democrats time........
Except that unions allow the government to standarize wages, benefits and working conditions while giving employees a say in their packages. It also saves them the time of determining wages, benefits etc., every time a new employee is hired.

Unions aren't there just to protect workers from employer abuses.

Yes, good work.

Non-union places pay their workers by job performance. Imagine how stupid that is!

Then the leftists say the problem with public schools is not enough money.
Is the pledge a form of indoctrination? My kids and my grandkids said it every morning at the public school they attended so this indoctrination mantra the far right extremists toss around might be onto something with the pledge. You see I never saw the value in it...once a week would have sufficed. It loses its meaning when its revcited every day and frankly from what my grandkids tell me most of their classmates could care less and joke around during the daily recital.
Except that unions allow the government to standarize wages, benefits and working conditions while giving employees a say in their packages. It also saves them the time of determining wages, benefits etc., every time a new employee is hired.

Unions aren't there just to protect workers from employer abuses.

Teachers don't have to worry, government prefers to abuse successful people who start businesses and pay most of the taxes.

And the problem with teacher unions is that the people who pay them aren't at the table negotiating with them. Taxpayers are not represented in the negotiations. There should be no such thing as a government union. FDR got one thing right at least
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

I believe that the ones warping kids minds are the socialist/fascist motherfuckers who manage the government schools:

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

– Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

How much you want to bet that the berners/socialists will completely take over the Democratic party in the 2020 elections?


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