Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

I can't even believe the shit that's put up in politics by our left wingers any more. The rdean "conservatives have poopy pants" threads are in overdrve. Look at this drivel. A teacher in Utah? Makes it to the front page of politics at USMB. This is pitiful left wingers.


They're really having a hard time trying to find something on Trump that relates to the actual job of being President. What he paid in taxes has nothing to do with the job. How he ran his business has nothing to do with the job. How many times he's been married has nothing to do with the job. How many times he sued or has been sued has nothing to do with the job.

Yet most of what we have on Hil-Liar has everything to do with being President. The fact she doesn't have the intelligence to realize what is and is not classified material, how she handles sensitive information for our country, the devious things she has done in handling her emails, her consistent lies to the American people and US Congress about serious matters.

But the left wishes to ignore the things that actually have to do with taking the job as President. Instead, go back 20 years to find how much money Trump lost in business dealings.

It's becoming more than bizarre seeing headlines like " Bob in Butthole Wyoming doesn't like Trump " or " Candy from Perky Place Pennsylvania believes Trump won't be a good President".


On the bright side though, it seems to prove what we've known all along. Trump has the left becoming completely unhinged. I love it!
:cuckoo: The people who are truly unhinged are those who support Trump. You have to be if your support such a numbskull. He is completely unsuitable to lead our country and the free world. Even the most important people in the Republican party do not support him or only with grave reservations, simply because he is the Republican nominee. Get a grip on reality.

Which Republicans Oppose Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet

Well the Bush family has backed the Clintons forever. Very bizarre. A sexual predator and his enabler embraced by the Bushes. Very strange. I guess you missed my thread last week on the top 50 Bush alumni though coming together to back Trump.

Now as to a choice between Trump or a whoremeister and his wife who STILL lets him screw around on her, I'm taking Trump rather than having to endure endless scandals with these two maniacs again.
Now there's a typical lib: giving credit to unions that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual teaching of children.

If these unions didn't protect bad teachers, maybe they would have a better reputation. You don't need to go to other countries, you can just compare non-union schools to union schools in the US to see how FOS you are.

Unions mean force against ones will. If we need unions so bad, why don't we taxpayers who ultimately pay those unions have a vote whether we want to keep them or not? Bet that's something libs would never want to see happen.

Boy, you've really got those conservative talking points down cold, don't you. 35 years of union bashing, hate filled rhetoric, none of which is true, but that never stops conservatives. Unions helped build the middle class. It's no accident that wages for workers began stagnating when the Reagan administration went on the offensive against labour unions.

Your public schools are in the mess they're in, not because of unions protecting bad teachers, but because Americans have starved the public school system of cash so badly, that the quality of education has suffered. Teachers are paying for school supplies out of their own pockets. Educational requirements for teachers are similar to that for accountants or lawyers, yet teachers are earn on average, less than half what either of these two professions pay. Buildings are crumbling. Few inner city schools have supplies or the building to adequately educate their students. Low wages

Conservatives WANT the public school system to fail. It's one of the basic goals of right wingers to replace the public education system with charter schools. The US is one of two first world countries which spends less to educate the children of the poor, than the children of the rich. Where you go to school determines the quality of your education in the US. Education is the way that poor can lift themselves up, but you need a quality education to have the chance to make it.

Buffalo teachers union paid for boob jobs and tummy tucks for years. You were saying about the public school system being starved of cash? I think they only cancelled the cosmetic surgery rider this summer.

I can't believe people are okay with this shit...

Teachers Alarmed That Trump’s Behavior Is Causing Increased Bullying In US Schools
Kids are shouting “build the wall!” and waving their hands around to imitate a disabled kid like the Republican nominee for president Donald Trump did.

Joy Bock, a middle school social studies teacher from Pataskala, Ohio, described herself as a lifelong Republican, who will be voting Democrat for first time in her life for many reasons, not the least of which is, “We must not have a bully in the White House.”

“In all of my years as a teacher I have never had to think about how to undo the harm a candidate for president is doing,” Bock explained. Teachers are used to dealing with bullying, but it’s very hard to explain to kids that they shouldn’t be doing what an adult who is running for president is doing.

The Ohio Republican recounted one of her students saying, “If Donald Trump wins, I’ll be sent back to Peru.” The 14-year-old girl, a citizen, said her parents fear it will not be safe in the United States for them if Trump wins, so her family will want to move. Boch said this is not an isolated incident.

Joy Bock, a middle school social studies teacher from Pataskala, Ohio, described herself as a lifelong Republican

Sure you are.

“We must not have a bully in the White House.”

"So I'll be voting for the corrupt Democrat bully."

“If Donald Trump wins, I’ll be sent back to Peru.”

If your parents are illegals, they should go back to Peru.
Now there's a typical lib: giving credit to unions that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual teaching of children.

If these unions didn't protect bad teachers, maybe they would have a better reputation. You don't need to go to other countries, you can just compare non-union schools to union schools in the US to see how FOS you are.

Unions mean force against ones will. If we need unions so bad, why don't we taxpayers who ultimately pay those unions have a vote whether we want to keep them or not? Bet that's something libs would never want to see happen.

Boy, you've really got those conservative talking points down cold, don't you. 35 years of union bashing, hate filled rhetoric, none of which is true, but that never stops conservatives. Unions helped build the middle class. It's no accident that wages for workers began stagnating when the Reagan administration went on the offensive against labour unions.

Your public schools are in the mess they're in, not because of unions protecting bad teachers, but because Americans have starved the public school system of cash so badly, that the quality of education has suffered. Teachers are paying for school supplies out of their own pockets. Educational requirements for teachers are similar to that for accountants or lawyers, yet teachers are earn on average, less than half what either of these two professions pay. Buildings are crumbling. Few inner city schools have supplies or the building to adequately educate their students. Low wages

Conservatives WANT the public school system to fail. It's one of the basic goals of right wingers to replace the public education system with charter schools. The US is one of two first world countries which spends less to educate the children of the poor, than the children of the rich. Where you go to school determines the quality of your education in the US. Education is the way that poor can lift themselves up, but you need a quality education to have the chance to make it.

Buffalo teachers union paid for boob jobs and tummy tucks for years. You were saying about the public school system being starved of cash? I think they only cancelled the cosmetic surgery rider this summer.


HAHAHAHAHA leftist hags need LOTS of reconstructive surgery
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Boo hoo. Poor teachers. They care so much about their students. Boob jobs are more important than more teachers.

Though Buffalo's teachers earn around $52,000 a year, their "plastic surgery tab (nearly $9 million last year) would pay salaries for 100 educators," wrote Jordan Weissman in the Atlantic. What's more, the millions spent on these surgeries could have spared layoffs that have hampered the district's morale.

Buffalo Teachers Are Charging Plastic Surgery To Taxpayers Thanks To This Loophole
The example you hold up is the one board out of thousands which has a ridiculous clause in it's contract. Kindly note that teachers in Buffalo are paid, on average, $52,000 per year. That's not a lot considering the educational qualifications required. Before you point out that teachers have two months of the year off, that means that they're paid $5200 per month, so working the extra two months means they'd only make $62,400, so half the amount other professionals with similar educational requirements earn.

The notion that teachers are indoctrinating children into a liberal thinking is ridiculous. The history of the world, the march toward freedom, has always been the story of innovation, improvement and liberal ideas overcoming the resistance of conservatives. Conservatives have tried to take slavery out of history books, as well as the Indian Wars and the genocide which was the result. Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them, but how can students learn about past mistakes and they aren't made aware of them.

You've taken phys ed out of schools, as well as music and art, although music in particular, has been shown to improve mathematics scores and cognitive thinking. Taking phys ed out of schools when America is facing an epidemic of obesity is flat out stupid. Physical activity is also shown to improve focus and concentration, but let's spend money to ensure your kids have the ability to effectively compete.
The example you hold up is the one board out of thousands which has a ridiculous clause in it's contract. Kindly note that teachers in Buffalo are paid, on average, $52,000 per year. That's not a lot considering the educational qualifications required. Before you point out that teachers have two months of the year off, that means that they're paid $5200 per month, so working the extra two months means they'd only make $62,400, so half the amount other professionals with similar educational requirements earn.

The notion that teachers are indoctrinating children into a liberal thinking is ridiculous. The history of the world, the march toward freedom, has always been the story of innovation, improvement and liberal ideas overcoming the resistance of conservatives. Conservatives have tried to take slavery out of history books, as well as the Indian Wars and the genocide which was the result. Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them, but how can students learn about past mistakes and they aren't made aware of them.

You've taken phys ed out of schools, as well as music and art, although music in particular, has been shown to improve mathematics scores and cognitive thinking. Taking phys ed out of schools when America is facing an epidemic of obesity is flat out stupid. Physical activity is also shown to improve focus and concentration, but let's spend money to ensure your kids have the ability to effectively compete.

Wait a minute........Republicans have nothing to do with schools. They are mostly run by liberals--especially in the cities.

As for teachers pay, it's very handsome compared to a lot of other jobs. Yes, you get the summer off plus all those government holidays, two weeks spring vacation, off Christmas to New Year, meetings, snow days. Most of us don't have anywhere near that kind of time off. Goes to explain why kids who go to college for teaching can't find a job; because it's a gravy job that everybody wants to have.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

Maybe we should blame parents for raising their children to be little shits.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

A teachers' union endorsing Hillary. Talk about warping kid's minds. How many of them push the Liberal agenda on their students?
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.
Why are Democrats fucking idiots then?
If the teachers unions backed trump you would sing their praises.....I stake my life on it. In fact I stake everything I own plus my land and house and life on it. Dealing with american kids is a thankless job. I don't know why or how any human can do it for what they are paid. Screw that and the spawmnthey deal with. Another rip on america oh my.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

The average teacher salary in my state is $48,375. That's for teaching 180 days/year and 10 work days for a total of 190. If you give them the benefit of the doubt and say they work 8 hours/day, that's a total of 1520 hours/year. The 40 hour/week, 52 week/year worker works 2080 hours/year. That means the average teacher works 75% of the time a non teacher works. On top of that, they get every holiday, a week in the Spring, two weeks in December, several days at Thanksgiving, every weekend off, and ALL summer.

How many of them knew that's what the pay was BEFORE they started? If you say anything other than all of them, you'd be lying. They have no argument.
I can't even believe the shit that's put up in politics by our left wingers any more. The rdean "conservatives have poopy pants" threads are in overdrve. Look at this drivel. A teacher in Utah? Makes it to the front page of politics at USMB. This is pitiful left wingers.


They're really having a hard time trying to find something on Trump that relates to the actual job of being President. What he paid in taxes has nothing to do with the job. How he ran his business has nothing to do with the job. How many times he's been married has nothing to do with the job. How many times he sued or has been sued has nothing to do with the job.

Yet most of what we have on Hil-Liar has everything to do with being President. The fact she doesn't have the intelligence to realize what is and is not classified material, how she handles sensitive information for our country, the devious things she has done in handling her emails, her consistent lies to the American people and US Congress about serious matters.

But the left wishes to ignore the things that actually have to do with taking the job as President. Instead, go back 20 years to find how much money Trump lost in business dealings.

It's becoming more than bizarre seeing headlines like " Bob in Butthole Wyoming doesn't like Trump " or " Candy from Perky Place Pennsylvania believes Trump won't be a good President".


On the bright side though, it seems to prove what we've known all along. Trump has the left becoming completely unhinged. I love it!
:cuckoo: The people who are truly unhinged are those who support Trump. You have to be if your support such a numbskull. He is completely unsuitable to lead our country and the free world. Even the most important people in the Republican party do not support him or only with grave reservations, simply because he is the Republican nominee. Get a grip on reality.

Which Republicans Oppose Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet

Well the Bush family has backed the Clintons forever. Very bizarre. A sexual predator and his enabler embraced by the Bushes. Very strange. I guess you missed my thread last week on the top 50 Bush alumni though coming together to back Trump.

Now as to a choice between Trump or a whoremeister and his wife who STILL lets him screw around on her, I'm taking Trump rather than having to endure endless scandals with these two maniacs again.
So..>Drumpf is a sexual predator several times over with not just one but three enablers. Interestin.
If the teachers unions backed trump you would sing their praises.....I stake my life on it. In fact I stake everything I own plus my land and house and life on it. Dealing with american kids is a thankless job. I don't know why or how any human can do it for what they are paid. Screw that and the spawmnthey deal with. Another rip on america oh my.

If you think that the teacher's union would ever back anyone other than a Democrat, you're an idiot.

How many of them didn't know what the pay was before they started? NONE.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

The average teacher salary in my state is $48,375. That's for teaching 180 days/year and 10 work days for a total of 190. If you give them the benefit of the doubt and say they work 8 hours/day, that's a total of 1520 hours/year. The 40 hour/week, 52 week/year worker works 2080 hours/year. That means the average teacher works 75% of the time a non teacher works. On top of that, they get every holiday, a week in the Spring, two weeks in December, several days at Thanksgiving, every weekend off, and ALL summer.

How many of them knew that's what the pay was BEFORE they started? If you say anything other than all of them, you'd be lying. They have no argument.
What is the average pay for professionals with at least 5 years of college in your state?
If the teachers unions backed trump you would sing their praises.....I stake my life on it. In fact I stake everything I own plus my land and house and life on it. Dealing with american kids is a thankless job. I don't know why or how any human can do it for what they are paid. Screw that and the spawmnthey deal with. Another rip on america oh my.

If you think that the teacher's union would ever back anyone other than a Democrat, you're an idiot.

How many of them didn't know what the pay was before they started? NONE.
Why do you think that is? Remember, the teachers' unions are made up of teachers....why not that many Republican teachers?

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