Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.

Stop pushing college for everyone.
Sometimes little Johnny or Joan just isnt cut out for higher learning.
Of course we'd have to stop exporting all our blue collar jobs.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.

Stop pushing college for everyone.
Sometimes little Johnny or Joan just isnt cut out for higher learning.
Of course we'd have to stop exporting all our blue collar jobs.

Oh yeah....and stop importing foreigners who will work for half what Americans will work for.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

Get rid of the unions, yes, there should be no such thing as a government Union. One of the few things FDR was right about.

But if you think "most teachers are fine," you obviously haven't had school age kids in the last couple decades. Teachers routinely tout liberal politics. If anything non-liberal is said, they say to "keep politics out of the classroom." And they're serious, they think that. It's unreal. Liberalism is just truth to liberals, it isn't even politics.

They even assign tasks like write an essay listing five ways that W lied us into the Iraq war
Why don't Republicans become teachers?
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.

Stop pushing college for everyone.
Sometimes little Johnny or Joan just isnt cut out for higher learning.
Of course we'd have to stop exporting all our blue collar jobs.
I personally do not think college is for everyone but it is one of the few remaining paths to the middle class. The working class is pretty much stuck near the poverty line no matter how diligently they apply themselves in a service based economy dominated by giant corporations. Economic mobility is all but dead for those who start from the bottom. No one on the right ever gave a fuck about this until just recently, it's kind of fucked up how they suddenly hijacked the left's economic justice agenda when the republican leaders have no intention of ever doing a damned thing about it.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

That liberal arts degree is a wage winner for sure,and dont get me started on african american studies,you'll be papering the bathroom in hundreds before you know it..
Anyone who pursues a liberal arts degree for the money is a fool. Don't know why you people keep giving that as an example of what's wrong with education when it's really just a bad move to go into debt for such a degree. On the other hand a fresh law degree is now practically worthless since way too many people decided to go for that. A new Business degree might get you $25,000 year to start. On the other hand a self taught coder can pull down 6 figures easy if they are good.

Stop pushing college for everyone.
Sometimes little Johnny or Joan just isnt cut out for higher learning.
Of course we'd have to stop exporting all our blue collar jobs.
I personally do not think college is for everyone but it is one of the few remaining paths to the middle class. The working class is pretty much stuck near the poverty line no matter how diligently they apply themselves in a service based economy dominated by giant corporations. Economic mobility is all but dead for those who start from the bottom. No one on the right ever gave a fuck about this until just recently, it's kind of fucked up how they suddenly hijacked the left's economic justice agenda when the republican leaders have no intention of ever doing a damned thing about it.

And just how did that happen?
I didnt go to college and neither did the wife yet I retired at 46 and the wife is due in a few more years.
No I didnt work for a union or the government with a pension,in fact I live in a right to work state.
Stop the unfair trade practices and bring work back to America.
personally do not think college is for everyone but it is one of the few remaining paths to the middle class. The working class is pretty much stuck near the poverty line no matter how diligently they apply themselves in a service based economy dominated by giant corporations. Economic mobility is all but dead for those who start from the bottom. No one on the right ever gave a fuck about this until just recently, it's kind of fucked up how they suddenly hijacked the left's economic justice agenda when the republican leaders have no intention of ever doing a damned thing about it.

Sp what do you want them to do about it?

Funny how people come here from other countries--only knowing a few words of English--only a couple of dollars in their pockets, yet manage to work themselves to owning stores, going to college to become doctors, buying into franchises, yet people born here can't figure out how to use toilet paper if it's not on the roll the government way.

It's not like when you were born, government (or somebody) picked out how you were going to live your life. In a free country, YOU make that decision; not government, not your neighborhood, not your parents, nobody but you.
I am sure most people realize by now that this sort of regressive bullshit is the exact reason so many people are voting for Trump.
personally do not think college is for everyone but it is one of the few remaining paths to the middle class. The working class is pretty much stuck near the poverty line no matter how diligently they apply themselves in a service based economy dominated by giant corporations. Economic mobility is all but dead for those who start from the bottom. No one on the right ever gave a fuck about this until just recently, it's kind of fucked up how they suddenly hijacked the left's economic justice agenda when the republican leaders have no intention of ever doing a damned thing about it.

Sp what do you want them to do about it?

Funny how people come here from other countries--only knowing a few words of English--only a couple of dollars in their pockets, yet manage to work themselves to owning stores, going to college to become doctors, buying into franchises, yet people born here can't figure out how to use toilet paper if it's not on the roll the government way.

It's not like when you were born, government (or somebody) picked out how you were going to live your life. In a free country, YOU make that decision; not government, not your neighborhood, not your parents, nobody but you.

And of course that goes back to culture,which liberals have destroyed.
I was taught that nothing was for free and if I wanted it I had to work for it.
Now it's safe spaces and white guilt.
The teachers union are domestic terrorists
^ RW beliefs on Education in a nutshell.

Yes, our public education system is domestic terror that destroys generation after generation; kids "graduate" who can't read or write and think the Civil War was something on South Park. In short, they are perfect little Democrats who look forward to a life of subservience to Big Daddy Government
And of course that goes back to culture,which liberals have destroyed.
I was taught that nothing was for free and if I wanted it I had to work for it.
Now it's safe spaces and white guilt.

How can children of liberals be taught that way if they have no fathers living in the home with them the way liberals promoted since the 70's?

I started working at the age of 12. I'm thankful I had a working father to teach me the same things you learned as a child. My father was a bricklayer who had to work night and day because he couldn't work in the winter. He had to do side jobs after work to save up money for the tough months ahead.

So one day I asked my father for five bucks. He returned the question: What makes you think I have five dollars to give you? I replied that he works, so he makes money. He said, well if that's how I make my money, that's how you're going to make yours. Now get in the van!

Ever since then I worked all summer with my father as a child. My starting pay was one dollar an hour. One dollar an hour to carry bricks to the job site, to mix cement, to clean cement off of tools, and assist my father in any way needed.
Well then

1). Quit your job
2). Forfeit a decent salary
3). Deal with troubled kids and parents
4). Fix the problem

You can whine like a little incessant schoolgirl but you can't help fix things. BTW is saying the pledge every morning like my grandkids did a form of indoctrination?
A strong work ethic can keep a person in the lower half of the middle class. No doubt about it.
Not much...not much at all these days. That's where it will get you. A degree which is in demand combined with a strong work ethic is something a person can use against their employer.
''warping kids minds'', that's rich coming from a school teacher. if there ever was a case of ''it takes one to know one'', this is it.

Still upset at having to take the second grade twice? It's not your teachers fault you're a fucking moron.
Starting out at the bottom in today's world means never digging out. A person is stuck there unless they have a college degree in a field in demand. Then one is ready to leave current employment on a whims notice for higher wages and better benefits.

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