Teachers' wildcat srike.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
West Virginia teachers are staying out until their government legally commits to their promises.

This is among the reasons why many political campaign contributors love imported goods. Workplaces such as factories with comparatively larger groups of employees may be talking to each other are a danger to the status-quo.

USA's decline of wages purchasing powers, the shrinking population segment of our middle-income earners, the growing segment of lower income earners, are related to the federal Taft-Harley act which jump-started laws to reduce the rights of organized employees.

Germany, the nation was in 1945, destroyed and defeated. USA's Marshall Plan began their recovery and enabled them to rebuild. They're a democratic republic, they've achieved good public education and training, legally established management and employees interaction, and a national health plan that is working. Their middle-income population segment, their median wage's purchasing power, has been growing.

Germany's voters and politicians are smarter than us? Why are we upset that other nations may have influenced our elections by diligently posting upon our internet forums? Shouldn't we be upset that so many USA citizens cannot or will not think for themselves? A nation that can be led to believe 90% of doctors approve of a particular cigarette brand, can be sold anything if it's packaged bright and shiny.

Respectfully, Supposn
Refer to:
… The governor had promised 5 percent pay raises to settle a statewide strike, and union leaders had agreed. …
… No matter what union leaders said, they were staying out until they had what they wanted, and in writing. ...
...It was a crucial turning point, and a telling one. With no collective bargaining rights, no contract, and no legal right to strike, the teachers had managed to mount a statewide work stoppage anyway, and make their demands heard, marshal public support, and stick together until they won. And the rank and file, not union leaders, came to call the shots.
Bullshit. Our children have dropped to 17th. in the world in education. It is an embarrassment. How about teaching them to think instead of using them to make more money. There is no reason in the world for a child, sitting in algebra class, to know the political party affiliation of their teacher.
No marching our little stupids around to further your excruciating minutia of agenda's. Just math and science, and how to write their names. Then we'll talk pay raises...
Parents, take control of your child's education before they turn on you for not conforming to the ideals of the motherland, UN Common Core.
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One more reason to never send a child to a Public School. I'm sure all the Homeschooled kids are continuing to get their quality education while these buffoons further reduce what their students might have learned this year.
Teachers are paid what West Virginia taxpayers can afford to pay them HELLO. A growing trend is for teachers unions to point to some wealthy state and claim their teachers should be paid the same. They have no problem vampire sucking their taxpayers dry, they don't give a shit. The public employee mentality is IMA GET MINE SCREW THE TAXPAYERS.
They should simply be ordered back to work. If they refuse, start locking them up. The union should be declared illegal, all its assets seized, and the leaders locked up for at least 20 years.
Teachers in America only work 180 days a year, but get paid like they are working 365 days a year and they are overly concerned with indoctrinating children with PC Politics and Victimhood instead of getting them a quality education.

We have the most expensive education system in the world and all it does is turn out Libtard Social Justice Warriors that can barely read or write and cannot even think for themselves.
One more reason why parents should seek all education alternatives. Government Schooling is in rapid steep decline. 'Teacher' Unions are made up of mostly greedy malcontents. They don't care about the children. They continue to abuse the Taxpayers who pay them.

They refuse to accept that tax dollars are finite. Communities have only so much tax dollars to spend. The only folks they hurt with these strikes, are the children and struggling hard working taxpayers. It's why parents desperately need education alternatives. Government Schooling is only gonna get worse. I advise parents to try something else.
I do agree that people know going into a state like west Virginia that one is going to take it badly on the chin of one teaches there. Come to a place like ours where kids do well and heck we just have our teachers a 3 percent raise. Teaching in some of the southern states....simply don't apply there. As far as bashing teachers? Only for the faint of brained. If I look to the biggest problem in education I find the parents....I would fine the parents in fact.

Teachers are paid what West Virginia taxpayers can afford to pay them HELLO. A growing trend is for teachers unions to point to some wealthy state and claim their teachers should be paid the same. They have no problem vampire sucking their taxpayers dry, they don't give a shit. The public employee mentality is IMA GET MINE SCREW THE TAXPAYERS.
BluesLegend, I suppose the teachers believe that the state legislators and governors are not overly concerned about teachers and their families; maybe their state considers teachers as no more than feces? These teachers have determined they must now risk their professional careers. That may occur when people decide they will no longer tolerate others taking advantage of them.

Respectfully, Supposn
Refer to:
...It was a crucial turning point, and a telling one. With no collective bargaining rights, no contract, and no legal right to strike, the teachers had managed to mount a statewide work stoppage anyway, and make their demands heard, marshal public support, and stick together until they won. And the rank and file, not union leaders, came to call the shots.

Teachers are paid what West Virginia taxpayers can afford to pay them HELLO. A growing trend is for teachers unions to point to some wealthy state and claim their teachers should be paid the same. They have no problem vampire sucking their taxpayers dry, they don't give a shit. The public employee mentality is IMA GET MINE SCREW THE TAXPAYERS.
BluesLegend, I suppose the teachers believe that the state legislators and governors are not overly concerned about teachers and their families; maybe their state considers teachers as no more than feces? These teachers have determined they must now risk their professional careers. That may occur when people decide they will no longer tolerate others taking advantage of them.

Respectfully, Supposn
Refer to:
...It was a crucial turning point, and a telling one. With no collective bargaining rights, no contract, and no legal right to strike, the teachers had managed to mount a statewide work stoppage anyway, and make their demands heard, marshal public support, and stick together until they won. And the rank and file, not union leaders, came to call the shots.

I have lived in areas where teachers salaries, benefits, and pensions are disconnected from local economic reality so I know how this ends. Its ugly for both teachers and taxpayers.

Teachers - When this crap starts the costs spiral out of control and becomes unsustainable by the tax base but by then you have tier 1 teachers locked in for life with a bloated package taxpayers can't afford to pay. Since the unions refuse to negotiate tier 1 what happens next may shock you, cannibalism of new teachers. To fund the bloated package for tier 1 teachers they create a new tier, tier 2 and those new teachers get less. Then they create tier 3 and tier 4 and those teachers get jack shit because all the money is being gobbled up by tier 1 and tier 2 teachers.

Taxpayers - meanwhile taxpayers watch their property taxes skyrocket beyond their means to pay and the mass exodus of the middle class and retirees begins, they pack up and move to states they can afford. The neighborhoods go to shit, the poor meanwhile can't afford their first house because the property tax alone is $1,000 a month.

^^^ this is how communities are destroyed.

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