Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture

Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

Maybe not...:dunno:

Food for thought - another point of view.

The American Muslim (TAM)
Muslims have carried out 22,000 deadly terrorist acts since 9-11.

Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

Maybe not...:dunno:

Food for thought - another point of view.

The American Muslim (TAM)

The presumption of most terrorist being muslims speaks about organized armed groups operating today, not historically. Many on the list acted alone, not a planned group.
Of course there are exceptions, but places like sri lanka don't make western headlines. They are also more isolated in their operations. Most muslim terrorism is wide spread, they intentional attack civilians and act to impose fear and obedience to their rule. I don't know tje exact number but it must be close to a million people have been killed because of muslim terrorism, fanaticism, authoritarianism, religious conflict, etc., in the last 50 years. This is a global problem, not isolated to one or two countries or regions.
Most violent conflict in the world right now involves muslims from china to europe to half of africa to the US have a muslim component. It gives the impression that muslims are difficult to live with, even among other muslims. Those involved in violence overshadow those who just want to work and raise a good family in peace.

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