Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

The math at this point is this. In Rasmussen's latest poll, Castle was ahead of the Democrat by eleven for the general election. O'Donnell was behind the Democrat by eleven for the general election.

Palin and the Tea Party cost the GOP 22 points going into November.

The move to the right will kill the Republicans in swing states
yup, keep telling yourself that. Polls looking excellent for you...............

Polls aren't looking excellent for O'Donnell. Delaware is a liberal state. Why on Earth would you think that someone who runs as a "true conservative" against a "fake conservative" should be elected in the Republican Primary?

Northern liberal states elect Olympia Snowes and Mike Castles, not Sarah Palins. Just like your not going to see Al Gore win a senatorial election in Mississippi, O'Donnell has no chance in Delaware. And the polls show it.
Well, this is going to be an interesting election. I wonder what they are going to do with candidates like O'Donnell. Certainly avoid press conferances.
I think it's so funny reading this shit... Everybody's an authority and in reality, nobody has a fucking clue. Unchartered ground, friends... Going to be interesting in November.
Well, this is going to be an interesting election. I wonder what they are going to do with candidates like O'Donnell. Certainly avoid press conferances.

The RNC won't waste any of their resources there.
O'Donnell leading in Delaware......

Setting up another win for Democrats in a previously unwinnable seat

Better to lose an honest debate than win on false pretenses. If the voters in Delaware choose a Progressive over a Conservative, that's a Representative Republic and it is good. At least it was a true choice instead of this mushy "moderate" campaigns resulting in the whole crowd taking a hard turn to the left after being sworn in.
What tea party?

"Who are these people?"

grasping at straws seems so desperate for demonRats! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I think it's so funny reading this shit... Everybody's an authority and in reality, nobody has a fucking clue. Unchartered ground, friends... Going to be interesting in November.

Last summer they didn't even see the tea party! :eusa_angel:
Lets see...we have either Mike Castle- who is only a Republican because he checked the wrong box when he filled out his registration form....but should easily win the general election.

Or we have Christine O’Donnell who is a true-conservative, but who might be beaten in the general election by Alvin Greene.

And on one side we have people arguing we’re throwing away an easy election win to vote for a "crazy person", while on the other we have that Castle is such a horrible RINO we’ll never be able to live with ourselves. That sums it up fairly well eh?

So who do I support? I just can’t care enough to decide. It’s fucking Delaware! This is a big fight over who gets to represent a tollbooth. And while I guess Senate control might hang in the balance, getting control of the Senate wasn’t the most likely thing and there will be advantages in 2012 to not having control of both houses..... yet.

So, while I’d like us to win the Senate, I’m not going to get to broken up about it if we don’t. And while in general I hate RINOs, it’s FUCKING DELAWARE!! so it's really not a big deal to me.

Yeah, Mike Castle can go fuck himself. RINO's are going extinct. Send them all home.

Except when you don't win those RINO seats in swing districts and states, you don't get the party into the majority and that makes a BIG difference.

While true, that didn't exactly work out too well with the last group of RINOS in charge. Sure it ushered in you folks, who have fucked it up even more.

Time to move past this being a game and actually get some real "change" in Washington. That won't happen with the liberals on both sides of the aisle.

Your side will find out soon enough.
Ron & Rand Paul Rock!

too bad you won't have Rand as YOUR senator.

Rand only rocks at this point because of who his daddy is.

Rand will win. I have no doubt about that.

O'Donnell will lose. I have no doubt about that.

I'm not so sure. This seems to be the year of the woman. I told my husband tonight the farty old men have fucked this country up for long enough. let the women have a go at it and he said "I agree with you" at which point I fainted dead away and bumped me head on the way down. :eusa_eh:
Well, this is going to be an interesting election. I wonder what they are going to do with candidates like O'Donnell. Certainly avoid press conferances.

The RNC won't waste any of their resources there.

The RNC has already stated they will not fund Christine O'donnell's campaign. So you Tea Partiers out there--better get out your wallets--you've really pissed the establishment of the RNC off---:lol::lol:

And I say--GOOD FOR YOU! It's high time we got rid of these Republican Rino's.
Well, this is going to be an interesting election. I wonder what they are going to do with candidates like O'Donnell. Certainly avoid press conferances.

The RNC won't waste any of their resources there.

The RNC has already stated they will not fund Christine O'donnell's campaign. So you Tea Partiers out there--better get out your wallets--you've really pissed the establishment of the RNC off---:lol::lol:

And I say--GOOD FOR YOU! It's high time we got rid of these Republican Rino's.

so the best way to do that is to nominate unelectable fuckwits like o'donnell?

good luck widdat

Lets see...we have either Mike Castle- who is only a Republican because he checked the wrong box when he filled out his registration form....but should easily win the general election.

Or we have Christine O’Donnell who is a true-conservative, but who might be beaten in the general election by Alvin Greene.

And on one side we have people arguing we’re throwing away an easy election win to vote for a "crazy person", while on the other we have that Castle is such a horrible RINO we’ll never be able to live with ourselves. That sums it up fairly well eh?

So who do I support? I just can’t care enough to decide. It’s fucking Delaware! This is a big fight over who gets to represent a tollbooth. And while I guess Senate control might hang in the balance, getting control of the Senate wasn’t the most likely thing and there will be advantages in 2012 to not having control of both houses..... yet.

So, while I’d like us to win the Senate, I’m not going to get to broken up about it if we don’t. And while in general I hate RINOs, it’s FUCKING DELAWARE!! so it's really not a big deal to me.

Yeah, Mike Castle can go fuck himself. RINO's are going extinct. Send them all home.

Agreed, but remember, in the senate its not the size of the state that counts, and if O'Donnel can pry the Repubs form being entrenched in the "We're not as bad as Dem's" position, and it takes losing to a Dem, then the message will have still gotten sent: Better get your heads out of your asses, Repubs, and Join the Tea Party.
The RNC won't waste any of their resources there.

The RNC has already stated they will not fund Christine O'donnell's campaign. So you Tea Partiers out there--better get out your wallets--you've really pissed the establishment of the RNC off---:lol::lol:

And I say--GOOD FOR YOU! It's high time we got rid of these Republican Rino's.

so the best way to do that is to nominate unelectable fuckwits like o'donnell?

good luck widdat


You don't mind if I earmark this in case she wins, do you?

Well, this is going to be an interesting election. I wonder what they are going to do with candidates like O'Donnell. Certainly avoid press conferances.

The RNC won't waste any of their resources there.

But don't attribute that correct allocation of resources to competence, it's because they (the RNC) would rather lose but stay in charge of the Party than win and get run out of power.

Remember, this is the group that tried to ram Charlie Crist down the throats of Florida voters and tut-tutting them for not jumping on board. This is the group that chastised donors for not "stepping up" and beating Obama's fundraising at the bank, as if the election was won on just money.

I hope the Republican Party retakes the house in November and I hope it's the Tea Party that makes it happen. Those folks won't give two shits about the "establishment" and will clean house. Liberal-lite just means a kindler gentler version of Obamacare and failed Keynesian economic policies.
The RNC has already stated they will not fund Christine O'donnell's campaign. So you Tea Partiers out there--better get out your wallets--you've really pissed the establishment of the RNC off---:lol::lol:

And I say--GOOD FOR YOU! It's high time we got rid of these Republican Rino's.

so the best way to do that is to nominate unelectable fuckwits like o'donnell?

good luck widdat


You don't mind if I earmark this in case she wins, do you?


not at all. i realize delaware is a pretty stupid electorate, but still...
Lets see...we have either Mike Castle- who is only a Republican because he checked the wrong box when he filled out his registration form....but should easily win the general election.

Or we have Christine O’Donnell who is a true-conservative, but who might be beaten in the general election by Alvin Greene.

And on one side we have people arguing we’re throwing away an easy election win to vote for a "crazy person", while on the other we have that Castle is such a horrible RINO we’ll never be able to live with ourselves. That sums it up fairly well eh?

So who do I support? I just can’t care enough to decide. It’s fucking Delaware! This is a big fight over who gets to represent a tollbooth. And while I guess Senate control might hang in the balance, getting control of the Senate wasn’t the most likely thing and there will be advantages in 2012 to not having control of both houses..... yet.

So, while I’d like us to win the Senate, I’m not going to get to broken up about it if we don’t. And while in general I hate RINOs, it’s FUCKING DELAWARE!! so it's really not a big deal to me.

Yeah, Mike Castle can go fuck himself. RINO's are going extinct. Send them all home.

Agreed, but remember, in the senate its not the size of the state that counts, and if O'Donnel can pry the Repubs form being entrenched in the "We're not as bad as Dem's" position, and it takes losing to a Dem, then the message will have still gotten sent: Better get your heads out of your asses, Repubs, and Join the Tea Party.


We don't need another Senator Snowe. Will the Democrats please take her?

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