Tearing It ALL Down


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Liberals fear Trump for more then one reason. You see the liberal rules we follow right now are built on the E.O. And you can tear down an E.O. REAL fast. You just write an E.O. killing the E.O. that was written to support it. No House or Senate needed just a president with a pen and will. That IS how they shoved this crap down your throat in the first place right?

So what can Trump destroy in the FIRST 30 days?

Now the lunatic leftists will proclaim that was passed by Congress so he cannot kill it but they are lying once again. For you folks that have a memory that goes back farther then Friday that bill had MAJOR funding flaws that Obama "fixed" with his E.O.s

Those E.O.s CAN be overwritten and Obamacare can die a short painful death it deserves and contrary to what liberals tell you, you DON'T have to replace it with a damn thing.

Islamic State Imports
He RAISED those numbers by E.O. so we cannot only withdraw those numbers by E.O. we CAN REDUCE those numbers by E.O. And IF the NEW number is zero oh well, check with us next year.

Gun Regulations
This one might really take a month when you start tossing all the Obama AND Clinton regs. And there are a bunch to tear down. We have LOST more gun rights in this country in 20 years then anything.

So you democrats can yell and whine all you want but face it YOU built this crap WITHOUT the input of the people. YOU built it by DICTATE. And any NEW set of dictates can tear that sh8t down. YOU took six plus years to erect this crap to your imperial leader and we CAN tear that sh8t down in six weeks. So yeah you ARE afraid be very afraid. Because that tower of crap YOU built is coming down the SAME way YOU idiots built it.

"With a phone and a pen".
KARMA can be a bitch.

How many of these bullshit threads are you going to post? ACA can't be done away with by an executive order, no matter how much you wish it could. Why is every thread you post based on a lie?
I'm gonna laugh my ass off every time President Trump used an E.O. to overturn one of Obama's E.O.s.

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