Teas governor says the only reason they aren't just shooting

And that's why I said immigration reform must be passed by congress because the laws we have must not be good enough. Despite the race baiting you get 24-7 on RWM, the laws are being followed.
Nonsense, the laws are sufficient, the utter disregard for them is the problem.
Migrants aren't doing ANY of those things, but thanks for proving you're a shill for lying right wing media.

You lying bitch.

There's more links if you got off your lazy ass and look.

You lying bitch.

There's more links if you got off your lazy ass and look.

The overstating small numbers technique doesn't work with informed people.
This is on congress to pass some kind of immigration reform. But they're too busy enlarging nude pictures of Hunter Biden.

Ok race baiter, why are you lying again? It's on xiden to enforce the laws on the books as he swore he'd do.


Deflection much?

Are you saying that's what we should do to all rioters?


The overstating small numbers technique doesn't work with informed people.

I didn't overstate a damn thing, the foreign commie bitch said it isn't happening. I simply proved it is. So take your race baiting ass and run along.

Nobody is asking you to put them in your house either, Son.


Biden is inviting them into OUR house, at OUR expense, WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION.

What he is doing is AGAINST THE LAW.

That's why he's being impeached.

Stop with the made up bullshit and maybe people will start to take you seriously.

And Mayorkas too, he's being impeached too.
Most of these people are coming here to seek asylum


to escape suffering that these farr ight pieces of trash could never imagine.

Why doesn't the US arm them?

We arm every other fuckin body, why can't they fight for their freedom like everyone else, instead of fleeing like cowards?

The fact that these scumbags dare to call themselves Christian is the biggest joke ever. Because they are not Christian by means. They are garbage.

You're buyin, buddy.

You can feed and clothe and house every homeless person on the planet for all I care. As long as you're buyin. It's your brilliant idea, you pay for it.
MIgrants out of hand is they the Biden Administration would charge them with murder.

THis is another case of republicans telling us who they are.

For sme reason they all seem to be just itching for the chance to shoot someone.

What is wrong with these people?

Its a shame that the Deep State does not have as much respect for the law gov abbot has

In washington they kill undesirable US citizens - aka white conservatives - with no fear of consequences

No...just pointing out that you were quite upset when unarmed people were shot back then...now you want to mow down a few hundred.

I know...different rules for brown people.

And violating posting rules in the process. With your deflection from the topic and quoting me out of context. Why did you ignore the equivalent of 100 divisions invading annually and I took a high number on what constitutes a division. And if you think they're all "brown people" you're highly delusional. 10s of thousands are from our geopolitical adversaries. Most military aged males. That is the greatest threat to our national security short of an actual armed invasion. More than 8 divisions worth of Chinese have crossed and that's just the ones that were caught. As have almost that many Russians So yeah I would have no problem shooting some to put a stop to it. Sue me.

And violating posting rules in the process. With your deflection from the topic and quoting me out of context. Why did you ignore the equivalent of 100 divisions invading annually and I took a high number on what constitutes a division. And if you think they're all "brown people" you're highly delusional. 10s of thousands are from our geopolitical adversaries. Most military aged males. That is the greatest threat to our national security short of an actual armed invasion. More than 8 divisions worth of Chinese have crossed and that's just the ones that were caught. As have almost that many Russians So yeah I would have no problem shooting some to put a stop to it. Sue me.

You're comparing landscapers and beauticians to a military unit.

And you're calling me "delusional". LOL

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