Ted Cruz and Sen Hoeven destroy White House talking points on oil.

I just hope when the gop takes the house next year they gut .gov regulatory agency funding like a fish.....I figure that by then we will be in a full blown recession anyway so it will be a good time for targeted austerity measures. ;)
Reread mine.
Exploration and drilling is not production. None of the “examples” cited by Cruz actually are or would’ve anytime soon been producing anything.
Well yes, exploration has to happen first.

But why would they do that when they know this regime has already blocked any new pipelines to transport it?
As usual, a lib reporter just regurgitates the WH talking points, and gets his ass handed to him.

It's easy to "destroy" people when they're not there, and one can just pontificate with no response to worry about.

Wouldn't it be better if we could see some public conversation where all opinions and counter-arguments are included out in the open?

But we don't do that any more. It's all one end or the other. Keeps it simple.
Biden does not sit on panels that include ted cruz

so biden mumbles something about russia and ted cruz responds with a devastating answer that even has biden apologists like you on the defensive
I would love to have the old interpersonal debates on measures by our leaders but, I am afraid that partisanship and one-upmanship is the main course to be given.
Remember the old “Crossfire” on CNN? That was real-time fact checking that forced them to keep the more ridiculous bullshit to a minimum. There’s nothing doing that now.
As usual, a lib reporter just regurgitates the WH talking points, and gets his ass handed to him.

I wanted to grab that video for future use but it seems to only exist on facebook

But why would they do that when they know this regime has already blocked any new pipelines to transport it?
Besides the one that crossed an international border what other pipeline construction has Biden revoked the permit for?

New leases and new exploration will not increase production for years. Drilling new production wells into existing fields where existing wells were shut down and were not easily reopened, will. It is just a matter of time.
After hitting record highs, there's really only one way they could go.
theHawk there's lots and lots of unused keystone pipelines all over the Midwest.... For decades... Even the Alaskan pipeline is not running to capacity. Some of you all are such experts about the oil business and believe it's a Democratic controlled business, but lots of oil companies went bankrupt in 2020.
Well yes, exploration has to happen first.

But why would they do that when they know this regime has already blocked any new pipelines to transport it?
The XL was only for the Canadian tar sands which is already in production.
Cruz said nothing but talking points. Cheap and tired political rhetoric.
There is plenty of unused production capacity already existing. Not that increased production would stabilize global crude prices anytime soon.
It's easy to "destroy" people when they're not there, and one can just pontificate with no response to worry about.

Wouldn't it be better if we could see some public conversation where all opinions and counter-arguments are included out in the open?

But we don't do that any more. It's all one end or the other. Keeps it simple.
The "public conversation" on this issue was in a back room of the White House between Joe Potatohead and the filthy Environmental Wacko dipshits. There was no public conversation when Potatohead signed all those EOs fucking up American oil independence.

The problem is that we have a jackass in the White House that is in the back pocket of the filthy Environmental Wacko lobby and he is making good on his promise to destroy fossil fuel use in the US.

We were energy independent in 2019 and 2020 under Trump before the jackass stole the election. Gas was around $2/gal. Now we are having to import millions of barrels a day and gas is going north of $5/gal in many parts of the US. God only knows how high it will go.

The jackass has destroyed energy production in this country.

You fucking Moon Bats were idiots voting for that clown and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. You dumass are the one responsible for this disaster. We told you he was going to be a disaster. Hell, even The Worthless Negro warned you that Joe Biden fucked up everything he touched.

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