Ted Cruz and Sen Hoeven destroy White House talking points on oil.

That’s what you always say when someone ventures away from the Dimtard talking points you are fed.
I don’t ascribe to talking points at all. It’s just that mostly what you call “ Dimtard talking points” happen to most times also be reality.
As usual, a lib reporter just regurgitates the WH talking points, and gets his ass handed to him.

The "public conversation" on this issue was in a back room of the White House between Joe Potatohead and the filthy Environmental Wacko dipshits. There was no public conversation when Potatohead signed all those EOs fucking up American oil independence.

The problem is that we have a jackass in the White House that is in the back pocket of the filthy Environmental Wacko lobby and he is making good on his promise to destroy fossil fuel use in the US.

We were energy independent in 2019 and 2020 under Trump before the jackass stole the election. Gas was around $2/gal. Now we are having to import millions of barrels a day and gas is going north of $5/gal in many parts of the US. God only knows how high it will go.

The jackass has destroyed energy production in this country.

You fucking Moon Bats were idiots voting for that clown and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. You dumass are the one responsible for this disaster. We told you he was going to be a disaster. Hell, even The Worthless Negro warned you that Joe Biden fucked up everything he touched.
How can there ever be true American energy independence in a global crude market where the US is the largest producer but only 20% of global production at best? Global prices will always be subject to the circumstances created by other producers. The best we can ever hope for is that all producers work together to maintain market stability.
Wow, thanks OPEC? Thanks to Biden we rely on a bunch of barbarians that treat women like dogs. Must make you proud.
How can there ever be true American energy independence in a global crude market where the US is the largest producer but only 20% of global production at best? Global prices will always be subject to the circumstances created by other producers. The best we can ever hope for is that all producers work together to maintain market stability.
We had energy independence in 2019 and 2020 under Trump. We had low prices at the pump. We were producing so much oil we became an exporter. First time since the 1950s.

What changed was the stupidity of Joe Potatohead to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos and making it difficult to get the fossil fuel to market. Those Senators in that video did a great job of explaining it.

We are all paying the price of Joe Potatohead being stupid and there will more hell to pay.

Potatohead has been a disaster for this country and it will get worse.

You Moon Bat idiots that voted for that clown and then said nothing when he blatantly stole the election need to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from us Americans. You really fucked this country. Shame!
The XL was only for the Canadian tar sands which is already in production.
Cruz said nothing but talking points. Cheap and tired political rhetoric.
There is plenty of unused production capacity already existing. Not that increased production would stabilize global crude prices anytime soon.
Did I say XL? That was just one example. They won’t approve hardly any new pipelines for those “approved drilling sites”. They cancelled all the useful ones, and block other in courts.

Your guy said he would end fossil fuels, and you cheered it, voted for it, now you got it. So own it. This is what you wanted, now you are trying to blame Putin. US oil production is much lower than President Trump’s time.
We had energy independence in 2019 and 2020 under Trump. We had low prices at the pump. We were producing so much oil we became an exporter. First time since the 1950s.
Why were the prices so high in 2019 when we reach the high mark of 13 mbd. Why was gas at it's highest that summer under Trumpy? Didn't oil prices fall when the Covid pandemic shut down the world economy and not in response to US Production levels?
Wow, thanks OPEC? Thanks to Biden we rely on a bunch of barbarians that treat women like dogs. Must make you proud.
That’s really the problem with a global fossil fuel market, Huh? Dealing with the unsavory types who may not give a damn about our interests. It’s almost as if we should maybe switch to other alternatives and leave that shit to the barbarians.
That’s really the problem with a global fossil fuel market, Huh? Dealing with the unsavory types who may not give a damn about our interests. It’s almost as if we should maybe switch to other alternatives and leave that shit to the barbarians.
There are no “alternatives”, it’s oil for now until we get nuclear fusion, which won’t be for another 50 to 75 years.
We had energy independence in 2019 and 2020 under Trump. We had low prices at the pump. We were producing so much oil we became an exporter. First time since the 1950s.

What changed was the stupidity of Joe Potatohead to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos and making it difficult to get the fossil fuel to market. Those Senators in that video did a great job of explaining it.

We are all paying the price of Joe Potatohead being stupid and there will more hell to pay.

Potatohead has been a disaster for this country and it will get worse.

You Moon Bat idiots that voted for that clown and then said nothing when he blatantly stole the election need to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from us Americans. You really fucked this country. Shame!
Hate to break it to you
We’ve never had energy independence.

That’s really the problem with a global fossil fuel market, Huh? Dealing with the unsavory types who may not give a damn about our interests. It’s almost as if we should maybe switch to other alternatives and leave that shit to the barbarians.
Sounds a lot like what Carter told the country in 1977.

Then Raygun said "Tear down those Solar Panels Mr. Carter", We want that Cheap Saudi oil now.
Did I say XL? That was just one example. They won’t approve hardly any new pipelines for those “approved drilling sites”. They cancelled all the useful ones, and block other in courts.

Your guy said he would end fossil fuels, and you cheered it, voted for it, now you got it. So own it. This is what you wanted, now you are trying to blame Putin. US oil production is much lower than President Trump’s time.
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Your graph shows production is up significantly since 2020. Which other pipeline would you be referring to?
Why were the prices so high in 2019 when we reach the high mark of 13 mbd. Why was gas at it's highest that summer under Trumpy? Didn't oil prices fall when the Covid pandemic shut down the world economy and not in response to US Production levels?
Doesn’t seem to be operating very independently to the rest of the world. Weird. :dunno:
Why were the prices so high in 2019 when we reach the high mark of 13 mbd. Why was gas at it's highest that summer under Trumpy? Didn't oil prices fall when the Covid pandemic shut down the world economy and not in response to US Production levels?
When Trump left office gas was around $2/gal and we produced more than we used. Now is going north of $5/gal and Potatohead is begging the Saudis, Venezuelans and Iranians to give us more oil so the Democrat Party won't be destroyed so bad in the mid terms.

Go ask President Potatohead why things got fucked up. He will either blame it on Trump, the pandemic, the oil companies, White Supremacists, Putin or global warming. Everything but the EOs that he signed and the requirements his administration put in place to curtail oil production in the US.
When Trump left office gas was around $2/gal and we produced more than we used. Now is going north of $5/gal and Potatohead is begging the Saudis, Venezuelans and Iranians to give us more oil so the Democrat Party won't be destroyed so bad in the mid terms.

Go ask President Potatohead why things got fucked up. He will either blame it on Trump, the pandemic, the oil companies, White Supremacists or global warming. Everything but the EOs that he signed and the requirements his administration put in place to curtail oil production in the US.
for fucks sake, gas prices were going up when Trump was in his final months, because prices were recovering from the global recession caused by the pandemic. And oil production was going up when Trump was initally elected.

Stop being a partisan TOOL
Not really true though.
Total horseshit. We don’t have the nickel and cobalt to make our own batteries for that many cars. How is Biden going to solve that logistical problem when he can’t solve current “supply chain issues”? Even if we could build EVs for every driver in America, where are we going to get the power for them? It would require a 30% increase in power generation to meet that demand. And no, your pie in the sky crap like wind and solar won’t come close to meeting that demand, especially when you deranged lunatics are also trying to shut down natural gas and nuclear which is already very clean and super efficient.
Total horseshit. We don’t have the nickel and cobalt to make our own batteries for that many cars. How is Biden going to solve that logistical problem when he can’t solve current “supply chain issues”? Even if we could build EVs for every driver in America, where are we going to get the power for them? It would require a 30% increase in power generation to meet that demand. And no, your pie in the sky crap like wind and solar won’t come close to meeting that demand, especially when you deranged lunatics are also trying to shut down natural gas and nuclear which is already very clean and super efficient.
That’s quite a lot of car manufacturers committed to EVs with reasonable MSRPs. A revolution in transportation is on.
New infrastructure will certainly be required. Imagine if parking lots had wireless charging built into the spaces. Owners could subscribe to charging services the same way we do streaming and cars could be charging while running errands. Better yet. The roadways. That would certainly help with electric long haulers.
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