Ted Cruz Declared A 'Naturalized Citizen' And Eligible To Be President

The racial aspect of the GOP simply can't be denied. When you have delegates at the Republican Convention throwing peanuts at a black CNN camerawoman and saying "This is how we feed the animals" at such a high profile event, it only underlines the message coming from that odious party. Worse is the woman saying she's used to it.

Even if this actually did happen the way the left wing has spun it those accused were thrown out of the convention.

Then of course, the right wingers at the USMB with the endless "we are better than blacks" thread.

Please link one, just one. If not, again slink into the darkness.

The mainstream GOP saying they know how to teach blacks "work" (see Gingrich among others). The use of blacks as criminals and welfare queens in political ads.

Pure libernut BS.

Voter suppression.

How so? By using the IRS as did Obama or posting Black Panthers at voting places?. The libernuts have nothing to say on this subject.

The fact the GOP is 90% white and based in the Deep South.

What are you saying about the South? Showing your discrimination and pure BS of libernuts.

The horrible attacks on Obama's children, his wife, his dead mother (passing out DVD's to a million Republicans insisting she was a porn star), his half brother, aunt, uncle's and everyone he has ever spoken too.

I never saw such attacks and they would pale in comparision to the attacks launched by libernuts on Palin's and Bush's children. If this did happen it was frindge people but that attacks on Palin's children came from the center of the Democrat party.

The shunning of Scott and Christie for embracing Obama.

Why not everything Obama has touched has turned to shit. He even has to lie about his signature legislation. Those who sleep with dogs are best left to the dogs. (not calling anyone a dog)

By pretending the GOP isn't a racist party at it's core is to enable racism.

GWB had a more diverse cabinet then does Obama. I am a Republican and not you and I am telling you this statement of yours is a lie straight from the gates of Hell. But that is what libernuts do, lie and keep repeating it until it becomes their truth. I think the treatment of Herman Cain at the hands of the DNC and the libernuts show the truth about which party is still the party of slavery.
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When he was born, what country was Cruz a citizen of?
Case closed.

Unlike you, I am being carefully optimistic that he is an American citizen, thus eligible for election to the office of the POTUS.

The case is closed when the courts decide ... maybe even the SCOTUS.

But go right ahead and pound your chest - It's impressive. :salute:

Please answer the question.

No person can answer that question definitively. That will be the question the SCOTUS has to decide. How often does the SCOTUS make unanimous decisions? It is fair to assume if this subject gets heard by SCOTUS, there will be differing opinions. Which way would the majority rule? Can anyone here predict that with any kind of certainty?
Unlike you, I am being carefully optimistic that he is an American citizen, thus eligible for election to the office of the POTUS.

The case is closed when the courts decide ... maybe even the SCOTUS.

But go right ahead and pound your chest - It's impressive. :salute:

Please answer the question.

No person can answer that question definitively. That will be the question the SCOTUS has to decide. How often does the SCOTUS make unanimous decisions? It is fair to assume if this subject gets heard by SCOTUS, there will be differing opinions. Which way would the majority rule? Can anyone here predict that with any kind of certainty?

The answer is he was an American citizen. This is pretty easy. The SC will not hear the case because there is no case.
Please answer the question.

No person can answer that question definitively. That will be the question the SCOTUS has to decide. How often does the SCOTUS make unanimous decisions? It is fair to assume if this subject gets heard by SCOTUS, there will be differing opinions. Which way would the majority rule? Can anyone here predict that with any kind of certainty?

The answer is he was an American citizen. This is pretty easy. The SC will not hear the case because there is no case.

^^^^ More crystal-ball gazing?

You don't know that - you could be right in that they DON'T hear it, but you cannot know that they WON'T.

OK, that's enough on my end - repeating the same thing might be a hoot for some folks, to me It's actually worse than swallowing a bug.

GWB had a more diverse cabinet then does Obama. I am a Republican and not you and I am telling you this statement of yours is a lie straight from the gates of Hell. But that is what libernuts do, lie and keep repeating it until it becomes their truth. I think the treatment of Herman Cain at the hands of the DNC and the libernuts show the truth about which party is still the party of slavery.

Why did you include my name in this post? I had nothing to do with it, please remove references to Mad Cabbie, thanks.
This is a silly argument anyway. Ted Cruz has as much chance as becoming president as the ham sandwich that conservatives guaranteed could beat Obama in 2012.
The greatest leaders in history were born in places other than the country they led:

Alexander the Great was not Greek, he was Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, he was Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, he was born in Georgia.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

What do you say to that!?

Apparently their Constitions allowed it.

Apparently you did not see the sarcasm in my post.
No person can answer that question definitively. That will be the question the SCOTUS has to decide. How often does the SCOTUS make unanimous decisions? It is fair to assume if this subject gets heard by SCOTUS, there will be differing opinions. Which way would the majority rule? Can anyone here predict that with any kind of certainty?

The answer is he was an American citizen. This is pretty easy. The SC will not hear the case because there is no case.

^^^^ More crystal-ball gazing?

You don't know that - you could be right in that they DON'T hear it, but you cannot know that they WON'T.

OK, that's enough on my end - repeating the same thing might be a hoot for some folks, to me It's actually worse than swallowing a bug.


I dont know when he was born he was an American citizen? OK, what country was he a citizen of? When did he do his naturalization?
This is not difficult. That is why the SC will never hear a case on it.
McCain got a waver because he was born in the Canal Zone when his father was in the Military. Cruz cannot become president unless they change the Constitutional requirement or he fudges his BC like Obama did.

Let the democrats whine about Cruzes birth status and we'll just call the ones who do "birthers," and neither Congress nor the courts will do a thing about it.
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The answer is he was an American citizen. This is pretty easy. The SC will not hear the case because there is no case.

^^^^ More crystal-ball gazing?

You don't know that - you could be right in that they DON'T hear it, but you cannot know that they WON'T.

OK, that's enough on my end - repeating the same thing might be a hoot for some folks, to me It's actually worse than swallowing a bug.


I dont know when he was born he was an American citizen? OK, what country was he a citizen of? When did he do his naturalization?
This is not difficult. That is why the SC will never hear a case on it.

He was an American citizen when he was born, so he's a natural born citizen.

Case closed.
The greatest leaders in history were born in places other than the country they led:

Alexander the Great was not Greek, he was Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, he was Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, he was born in Georgia.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

What do you say to that!?

Were they subject to the Constitution?

False equivalency that.
The greatest leaders in history were born in places other than the country they led:

Alexander the Great was not Greek, he was Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, he was Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, he was born in Georgia.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

What do you say to that!?

Were they subject to the Constitution?

False equivalency that.

I am not surprised that you failed to see the sarcasm.
That whole constitutional argument about who can be president is sooooooo 1700's. That's all past us. We're "post constitutional" now.
GWB had a more diverse cabinet then does Obama. I am a Republican and not you and I am telling you this statement of yours is a lie straight from the gates of Hell. But that is what libernuts do, lie and keep repeating it until it becomes their truth. I think the treatment of Herman Cain at the hands of the DNC and the libernuts show the truth about which party is still the party of slavery.

Quote: Originally Posted by rdean View Post

The racial aspect of the GOP simply can't be denied. When you have delegates at the Republican Convention throwing peanuts at a black CNN camerawoman and saying "This is how we feed the animals" at such a high profile event, it only underlines the message coming from that odious party. Worse is the woman saying she's used to it.

Even if this actually did happen the way the left wing has spun it those accused were thrown out of the convention.

Yea, by the Secret Service, not by Republicans.

Then of course, the right wingers at the USMB with the endless "we are better than blacks" thread.

Please link one, just one. If not, again slink into the darkness.

All the endless threads from everything that black women aren't as good looking to blacks in general aren't as smart? You mean you don't read any of those threads? Who do you think is putting them together?

The mainstream GOP saying they know how to teach blacks "work" (see Gingrich among others). The use of blacks as criminals and welfare queens in political ads.

Pure libernut BS.

Willie Horton, Welfare queen,
Don't know much do you?

Voter suppression.

How so? By using the IRS as did Obama or posting Black Panthers at voting places?. The libernuts have nothing to say on this subject.

There was two black guys calling themselves Black Panthers in a black neighborhood standing outside a polling place. So what?

The fact the GOP is 90% white and based in the Deep South.

What are you saying about the South? Showing your discrimination and pure BS of libernuts.

The land of Jim Crowe. And I have to prove the obvious?

The horrible attacks on Obama's children, his wife, his dead mother (passing out DVD's to a million Republicans insisting she was a porn star), his half brother, aunt, uncle's and everyone he has ever spoken too.

I never saw such attacks and they would pale in comparision to the attacks launched by libernuts on Palin's and Bush's children. If this did happen it was frindge people but that attacks on Palin's children came from the center of the Democrat party.

Bush's daughters were arrested. Why?
DVD Claiming Obama's Mother Was a Porn Star Mailed to 1 Million Swing-State Voters

The shunning of Scott and Christie for embracing Obama.

Why not everything Obama has touched has turned to shit. He even has to lie about his signature legislation. Those who sleep with dogs are best left to the dogs. (not calling anyone a dog)

Obama has done a remarkable job of cleaning up Bush/Republican messes. Easily listed.

By pretending the GOP isn't a racist party at it's core is to enable racism.


How did these right wingers get so ignorant? And they want to argue? About what? They remind me of that kid with his mouth covered in chocolate and crumbs whose mother asked, "Did you eat those cookie?" And the kid says "No".
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How did these right wingers get so ignorant? And they want to argue? About what? They remind me of that kid with his mouth covered in chocolate and crumbs whose mother asked, "Did you eat those cookie?" And the kid says "No".

Hey, DUMBASS - I was only posting the quoted post in order to ask the member to remove it.
Please remove my name from the quote you shared which I did not write. Thank you.
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That whole constitutional argument about who can be president is sooooooo 1700's. That's all past us. We're "post constitutional" now.

It's hysterical watching these Obama fluffers whining about the Constitution. When did that ever matter to any of them?
The answer is he was an American citizen. This is pretty easy. The SC will not hear the case because there is no case.

^^^^ More crystal-ball gazing?

You don't know that - you could be right in that they DON'T hear it, but you cannot know that they WON'T.

OK, that's enough on my end - repeating the same thing might be a hoot for some folks, to me It's actually worse than swallowing a bug.


I dont know when he was born he was an American citizen? OK, what country was he a citizen of? When did he do his naturalization?
This is not difficult. That is why the SC will never hear a case on it.

If either of your parents are American citizens, then you are automatically a U.S. citizen. You don't need to do any "naturalization."

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