Ted Cruz Defends Endorsement From Pastor Who Believes Hitler Was ‘Hunter’ Sent By God

If true Cruz just shot himself in the foot.

Then again, Barry spent over a decade in the pews listening to his professed 'mentor' spew racist, anti-American hate, and it didn't hurt him.
Yes, but he is a liberal. Different set of rules... Oh, almost forgot... Shhh, he's black too, don't tell anyone, and certainly don't say THAT too loud.

It's not true about Buckle's sermon you dumb downed moron. Good grief, this is why you're not taken serious, you just spew the BS w/o checking facts
Bickle was comparing Hitler to the anti Christ...and defending Israel. They couldn't have gotten this one more polar opposite if they tried. Talk about egg on the face
Sadly, they have no egg on their face. No one will publicly call them out on it. Wouldn't want to be labeled a racisist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, or what ever they would come up with to assasinate the character of anyone who opposes them. Only way to stop them is to stop listening to them, and boycott companies that support them. Hit 'em in the wallet.

The very first clue something was amiss it that it was from Think Progress. Only a loon follows Stink Progress

Can we automatically dismiss all sites known to be conservative?
Sure, if you don't want the whole picture...

SassyAss is mentally retarded. She thinks the messenger is more important than the truth.

If the Devil himself told her 2 plus 2 is 4,

she'd stop believing it.

I watched the video, obviously you haven't. Now you look really stupid, you igorant jackass, Buckle was defending Israel and the Jews.
Bickle is a Preacher of the Rapture...so what?
Cruz still has to contend with the Bible Belt.
Politics as usual.
No big deal.

It's not true about Buckle's sermon you dumb downed moron. Good grief, this is why you're not taken serious, you just spew the BS w/o checking facts

I made no reference to any sermon. Learn to read.
Sadly, they have no egg on their face. No one will publicly call them out on it. Wouldn't want to be labeled a racisist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, or what ever they would come up with to assasinate the character of anyone who opposes them. Only way to stop them is to stop listening to them, and boycott companies that support them. Hit 'em in the wallet.

The very first clue something was amiss it that it was from Think Progress. Only a loon follows Stink Progress

Can we automatically dismiss all sites known to be conservative?
Sure, if you don't want the whole picture...

SassyAss is mentally retarded. She thinks the messenger is more important than the truth.

If the Devil himself told her 2 plus 2 is 4,

she'd stop believing it.

I watched the video, obviously you haven't. Now you look really stupid, you igorant jackass, Buckle was defending Israel and the Jews.

"you igorant jackass"

Bickle is a Preacher of the Rapture...so what?
Cruz still has to contend with the Bible Belt.
Politics as usual.
No big deal.

The big deal is the reality that cruz believes in this shit and has a father that is nutter then a 5 pound bag of nutz.
Sadly, they have no egg on their face. No one will publicly call them out on it. Wouldn't want to be labeled a racisist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, or what ever they would come up with to assasinate the character of anyone who opposes them. Only way to stop them is to stop listening to them, and boycott companies that support them. Hit 'em in the wallet.

The very first clue something was amiss it that it was from Think Progress. Only a loon follows Stink Progress

Can we automatically dismiss all sites known to be conservative?
Sure, if you don't want the whole picture...

SassyAss is mentally retarded. She thinks the messenger is more important than the truth.

If the Devil himself told her 2 plus 2 is 4,

she'd stop believing it.

I watched the video, obviously you haven't. Now you look really stupid, you igorant jackass, Buckle was defending Israel and the Jews.

Mike Bickle...

...let's start here...

"They've come to a renovated strip mall to answer the call of a leader named Mike Bickle, who says a purpose of their worship is to hasten the Second Coming.

IHOP is a place of perpetual worship, with continuous two-hour sets of rock band praise music and prayer.

Bickle, 53, says he's heard God's voice, and that he's been to heaven - twice."


Now, you tell you tell us your feelings, emotions, analysis, and opinions of THAT,

and then we'll move on to point number 2 about Mike Bickle...
Bickle is a Preacher of the Rapture...so what?
Cruz still has to contend with the Bible Belt.
Politics as usual.
No big deal.

The big deal is the reality that cruz believes in this shit and has a father that is nutter then a 5 pound bag of nutz.
Cruz's brand of Conservatism already turns me off; I didn't need a preacher to see the man for what he is.
Is this yet another indication of how far right the GOP has gone? Yes, I think it is...

McCain Rejects Minister's Endorsement

McCain told CNN's Brian Todd that he rejected Hagee's endorsement after Todd brought to his attention Hagee's comments that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God's will by hastening the desire of Jews to return to Israel in accordance with biblical prophecy.

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