Ted Cruz falsely says that Iran deal would make it easier for Iran to build a bomb

Politifact rates Cruz's statement "false" and explains how the deal will make it harder for Iran to make a bomb.

"The Iran deal may be less than perfect, but experts say it’s hard to see how implementing the agreement -- rather than doing nothing at all -- would actually "facilitate and accelerate" an Iranian nuclear weapon. The worst-case scenario would be that the deal throws up a couple years’ worth of roadblocks that would not exist otherwise. We rate the claim False." Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb

In this thread, we shall discuss ways in which Ted Cruz can become less dumb.

How is allowing them to sell their oil, get back 150 billion dollars, being able to keep inspectors out of targeted sites for over a month not allowing them to build nuclear weapons……

They will have more cash……and will have protection from strikes by Israel……politifact is a left wing, democrat supporting site that couldn't tell the truth if they tried….
i'm wondering about your 'over a month' statement, but let's assume you're right.
how long does it take inspectors to get to those sites before the implementation of the agreement?
2aguy is parroting a bullshit meme that there are no snap inspections.

All known nuclear weapons development sites are subject to no-notice inspections. In fact, most of them will have 24 hour monitoring systems in place. They will be watched 24/7/365.

Examples from the agreement:

For 15 years, Iran will permit the IAEA to implement continuous monitoring, including through containment and surveillance measures, as necessary, to verify that stored centrifuges and infrastructure remain in storage, and are only used to replace failed or damaged centrifuges, as specified in this Annex.

. Iran will permit the IAEA regular access, including daily access as requested by the IAEA, to relevant buildings at Natanz, including all parts of the FEP and PFEP, for 15 years.

The parrots are drinking the piss when they say there are no snap inspections.

Items 74 through 78 of the agreement deal with undeclared nuclear materials or activities. This is where the boneheads got the idea there are no snap inspections allowed of any kind.

They are wrong, and clearly have never read the agreement and are just being good little parroting rubes.

75. In furtherance of implementation of the JCPOA, if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared nuclear materials or activities, or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA, at locations that have not been declared under the comprehensive safeguards agreement or Additional Protocol, the IAEA will provide Iran the basis for such concerns and request clarification.

76. If Iran’s explanations do not resolve the IAEA’s concerns, the Agency may request access to such locations for the sole reason to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at such locations. The IAEA will provide Iran the reasons for access in writing and will make available relevant information.

77. Iran may propose to the IAEA alternative means of resolving the IAEA’s concerns that enable the IAEA to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the location in question, which should be given due and prompt consideration

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

You actually think any of that is going to happen…you are delusional.
why do you think it won't? why would anyone release sanctions if iran doesn't do what it's supposed to?

You know what….we'll wait….and when everything you say turns out to be wrong, and everything we say turns out to be right you will make up excuses…..time will show how dumb you guys are…nothing agreed to in this farce is going to happen except for Iran getting everything it wants……..

You are the same guys who believed hitler and you are going to give the worlds biggest sponsors of murder a nuclear weapon….
You are the same guys who believed hitler and you are going to give the worlds biggest sponsors of murder a nuclear weapon….
you just can't stand that we aren't going to war, can you?
explain how this deal, with the reduction of centrifuges and fissile material before any sanctions are lifted and the presence of inspectors results in an iran closer and more able to produce a nuclear weapon?
please, tell us how this deal 'gives' iran a nuclear weapon. i'll wait.
How is allowing them to sell their oil, get back 150 billion dollars, being able to keep inspectors out of targeted sites for over a month not allowing them to build nuclear weapons……

They will have more cash……and will have protection from strikes by Israel……politifact is a left wing, democrat supporting site that couldn't tell the truth if they tried….
i'm wondering about your 'over a month' statement, but let's assume you're right.
how long does it take inspectors to get to those sites before the implementation of the agreement?
2aguy is parroting a bullshit meme that there are no snap inspections.

All known nuclear weapons development sites are subject to no-notice inspections. In fact, most of them will have 24 hour monitoring systems in place. They will be watched 24/7/365.

Examples from the agreement:

For 15 years, Iran will permit the IAEA to implement continuous monitoring, including through containment and surveillance measures, as necessary, to verify that stored centrifuges and infrastructure remain in storage, and are only used to replace failed or damaged centrifuges, as specified in this Annex.

. Iran will permit the IAEA regular access, including daily access as requested by the IAEA, to relevant buildings at Natanz, including all parts of the FEP and PFEP, for 15 years.

The parrots are drinking the piss when they say there are no snap inspections.

Items 74 through 78 of the agreement deal with undeclared nuclear materials or activities. This is where the boneheads got the idea there are no snap inspections allowed of any kind.

They are wrong, and clearly have never read the agreement and are just being good little parroting rubes.

75. In furtherance of implementation of the JCPOA, if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared nuclear materials or activities, or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA, at locations that have not been declared under the comprehensive safeguards agreement or Additional Protocol, the IAEA will provide Iran the basis for such concerns and request clarification.

76. If Iran’s explanations do not resolve the IAEA’s concerns, the Agency may request access to such locations for the sole reason to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at such locations. The IAEA will provide Iran the reasons for access in writing and will make available relevant information.

77. Iran may propose to the IAEA alternative means of resolving the IAEA’s concerns that enable the IAEA to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the location in question, which should be given due and prompt consideration

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

You actually think any of that is going to happen…you are delusional.
why do you think it won't? why would anyone release sanctions if iran doesn't do what it's supposed to?

You know what….we'll wait….and when everything you say turns out to be wrong, and everything we say turns out to be right you will make up excuses…..time will show how dumb you guys are…nothing agreed to in this farce is going to happen except for Iran getting everything it wants……..

You are the same guys who believed hitler and you are going to give the worlds biggest sponsors of murder a nuclear weapon….
Sadly, the memory span of you rubes is like that of a goldfish. Despite all the fearmongering piss you have chugged over the past six years not coming to fruition, you continue to line up to have your piss cups refilled.

So when the terms of this agreement start to kick in, and Iran begins to scale down its nuclear weapons program, your piss pourers will be distracting you with yet more fearmongering bullshit so you don't notice.

Will Iran try to evade or cheat? Does a bear shit in the woods?

The USSR violated every treaty and agreement they ever signed. That didn't stop Reagan from negotiating with them, and it didn't stop progress from being made moving us away from the brink of nuclear war. Despite all the cheating and evading on the part of the USSR, the world became a safer place and the US came out on top.

This is what I mean by you rubes being historically ignorant. Your masters who are manipulating your opinions know all these things, but they absolutely depend on your stupidity to get away with filling your heads with lies and misunderstandings. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt you do not have the intellectual capacity, or the personal initiative, to pick up the Iran agreement and read it for yourselves.

They know they can manufacture whatever bullshit they choose, and fearmonger the living shit out of you, and get away with it.

And they know your fornix is inoperative and you won't remember all the lies they told you.

When (not if) the day comes that Iran tries to evade or cheat, they will have you shouting with victory, "See? See?" And you will have forgotten the actual lies you parroted, such as, "No snap inspections".

No one who supports the treaty has ever said the Iranians won't try to cheat. They will.

But you have parroted a mountain of bullshit.
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Dumb is believing that this deal doesn't fast-track a bomb... matter of fact, that's just stupid. Obama's legacy will be mushroom clouds.


Was this a mirror shot?
I'm not the one shitting my pants over imaginary mushroom clouds. You parroting piss drinkers are.

Who's shitting their pants?

Trusting the Iranians or suicide?

Both are bad choices...

Selective hearing is your problem, not mine...

i'm wondering about your 'over a month' statement, but let's assume you're right.
how long does it take inspectors to get to those sites before the implementation of the agreement?
2aguy is parroting a bullshit meme that there are no snap inspections.

All known nuclear weapons development sites are subject to no-notice inspections. In fact, most of them will have 24 hour monitoring systems in place. They will be watched 24/7/365.

Examples from the agreement:

For 15 years, Iran will permit the IAEA to implement continuous monitoring, including through containment and surveillance measures, as necessary, to verify that stored centrifuges and infrastructure remain in storage, and are only used to replace failed or damaged centrifuges, as specified in this Annex.

. Iran will permit the IAEA regular access, including daily access as requested by the IAEA, to relevant buildings at Natanz, including all parts of the FEP and PFEP, for 15 years.

The parrots are drinking the piss when they say there are no snap inspections.

Items 74 through 78 of the agreement deal with undeclared nuclear materials or activities. This is where the boneheads got the idea there are no snap inspections allowed of any kind.

They are wrong, and clearly have never read the agreement and are just being good little parroting rubes.

75. In furtherance of implementation of the JCPOA, if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared nuclear materials or activities, or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA, at locations that have not been declared under the comprehensive safeguards agreement or Additional Protocol, the IAEA will provide Iran the basis for such concerns and request clarification.

76. If Iran’s explanations do not resolve the IAEA’s concerns, the Agency may request access to such locations for the sole reason to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at such locations. The IAEA will provide Iran the reasons for access in writing and will make available relevant information.

77. Iran may propose to the IAEA alternative means of resolving the IAEA’s concerns that enable the IAEA to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the location in question, which should be given due and prompt consideration

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

You actually think any of that is going to happen…you are delusional.
why do you think it won't? why would anyone release sanctions if iran doesn't do what it's supposed to?

You know what….we'll wait….and when everything you say turns out to be wrong, and everything we say turns out to be right you will make up excuses…..time will show how dumb you guys are…nothing agreed to in this farce is going to happen except for Iran getting everything it wants……..

You are the same guys who believed hitler and you are going to give the worlds biggest sponsors of murder a nuclear weapon….
Sadly, the memory span of you rubes is like that of a goldfish. Despite all the fearmongering piss you have chugged over the past six years not coming to fruition, you continue to line up to have your piss cups refilled.

So when the terms of this agreement start to kick in, and Iran begins to scale down its nuclear weapons program, your piss pourers will be distracting you with yet more fearmongering bullshit so you don't notice.

Will Iran try to evade or cheat? Does a bear shit in the woods?

The USSR violated every treaty and agreement they ever signed. That didn't stop Reagan from negotiating with them, and it didn't stop progress from being made moving us away from the brink of nuclear war. Despite all the cheating and evading on the part of the USSR, the world became a safer place and the US came out on top.

This is what I mean by you rubes being historically ignorant. Your masters who are manipulating your opinions know all these things, but they absolutely depend on your stupidity to get away with filling your heads with lies and misunderstandings. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt you do not have the intellectual capacity, or the personal initiative, to pick up the Iran agreement and read it for yourselves.

They know they can manufacture whatever bullshit they choose, and fearmonger the living shit out of you, and get away with it.

And they know your fornix is inoperative and you won't remember all the lies they told you.

When (not if) the day comes that Iran tries to evade or cheat, they will have you shouting with victory, "See? See?" And you will have forgotten the actual lies you parroted, such as, "No snap inspections".

No one who supports the treaty has ever said the Iranians won't try to cheat. They will.

But you have parroted a mountain of bullshit.

So when the terms of this agreement start to kick in, and Iran begins to scale down its nuclear weapons program,

You are a fool.............
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.

Which Republicans have said they want to go to war with Iran, other than McCain?
And even he said bomb them not go to war with them.
It's not very comforting when our President says that Iran will not get the bomb under his watch.
Especially when he has 496 days left.
They will get the bomb now before a different president makes it harder for them, but what many fail to see is,that Iran can probably accomplish its goals without the bomb. The bomb may just be a diversion from their terror war.
of course it will make it easier for iran to build a nuke you idiot. i love the way you losers lie TO YOURSELVES.
DID YOU FORGET that obama hid the "BREAKOUT TIME" for iran to develop a nuke???


by the time obama is able to re-introduce sanctions WHEN Iran cheats it will be too late

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.

Here is the perfect example of a prototypical liberal who follows the blind...

No one on the right advocates war...

Any links to this false statement?

Your hatred is getting the better of you...
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.

Here is the perfect example of a prototypical liberal who follows the blind...

No one on the right advocates war...

Any links to this false statement?

Your hatred is getting the better of you...
nobody on the right would apparently negotiate with iran. if you won't peacefully negotiate with a nation how else do you propose to get them to bend to your will?
of course it will make it easier for iran to build a nuke you idiot. i love the way you losers lie TO YOURSELVES.
DID YOU FORGET that obama hid the "BREAKOUT TIME" for iran to develop a nuke???


by the time obama is able to re-introduce sanctions WHEN Iran cheats it will be too late

libs are losers who lie to themselves
how does the presence of inspectors, the decommissioning of centrifuges, the reduction by 95% of stockpiles - how does any of that make it easier for iran to build a nuclear weapon?
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.

Here is the perfect example of a prototypical liberal who follows the blind...

No one on the right advocates war...

Any links to this false statement?

Your hatred is getting the better of you...
nobody on the right would apparently negotiate with iran. if you won't peacefully negotiate with a nation how else do you propose to get them to bend to your will?

It takes two to negotiate, Iran made their choice long ago...

This deal is a monumental mistake from the beginning, Obama and Kerry should be tried for treason...
The Repubs want war and RWs do as their owners tell them.

No thinking. Just blind obedience to the 1%.

And what they are told is -
Thousands of dead Americans - good.
Peace - bad.

Here is the perfect example of a prototypical liberal who follows the blind...

No one on the right advocates war...

Any links to this false statement?

Your hatred is getting the better of you...
nobody on the right would apparently negotiate with iran. if you won't peacefully negotiate with a nation how else do you propose to get them to bend to your will?

It takes two to negotiate, Iran made their choice long ago...

This deal is a monumental mistake from the beginning, Obama and Kerry should be tried for treason...
yep - well in this case it was 7 that negotiated. so why is the deal that puts inspections in place, reduces iran's nuclear materials, and decommissions centrifuges tantamount to treason in your mind?
Politifact rates Cruz's statement "false" and explains how the deal will make it harder for Iran to make a bomb.

"The Iran deal may be less than perfect, but experts say it’s hard to see how implementing the agreement -- rather than doing nothing at all -- would actually "facilitate and accelerate" an Iranian nuclear weapon. The worst-case scenario would be that the deal throws up a couple years’ worth of roadblocks that would not exist otherwise. We rate the claim False." Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb

In this thread, we shall discuss ways in which Ted Cruz can become less dumb.
A couple years worth of roadblocks and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Politifact rates Cruz's statement "false" and explains how the deal will make it harder for Iran to make a bomb.

"The Iran deal may be less than perfect, but experts say it’s hard to see how implementing the agreement -- rather than doing nothing at all -- would actually "facilitate and accelerate" an Iranian nuclear weapon. The worst-case scenario would be that the deal throws up a couple years’ worth of roadblocks that would not exist otherwise. We rate the claim False." Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb

In this thread, we shall discuss ways in which Ted Cruz can become less dumb.
A couple years worth of roadblocks and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

a couple. or 10
Politifact rates Cruz's statement "false" and explains how the deal will make it harder for Iran to make a bomb.

"The Iran deal may be less than perfect, but experts say it’s hard to see how implementing the agreement -- rather than doing nothing at all -- would actually "facilitate and accelerate" an Iranian nuclear weapon. The worst-case scenario would be that the deal throws up a couple years’ worth of roadblocks that would not exist otherwise. We rate the claim False." Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb

In this thread, we shall discuss ways in which Ted Cruz can become less dumb.
A couple years worth of roadblocks and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

a couple. or 10
As long as the bomb comes after Obama all is good.


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