Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children.

No, that's not what I said. I said that Cruz is wielding his children as if they were circus monkeys.

I don't care.

No equivocation- no rationalization- universal condemnation of those who attack a candidates kids.

:lol: So, you accuse people of saying things they didn't, and when they reassert what they did say, suddenly you don't care. :lol:

What a joke you are.
compare the two:

the compost puts out nasty cartoons of Republicans children's
and the very liberal/left people mag falls over some Democrats child who has done NOTHING really, but is only known because of her parents.
Chelsea Clinton Steps Out After Pregnancy Announcement, Thanks Fans for ‘Warm Wishes’
Chelsea Clinton Steps Out After Pregnancy Announcement, Thanks Fans for ‘Warm Wishes’

let the COMPOST know how you feel. that's the only way to put a stop to their BIASED bs
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.
Cruz didn't go ape shit. He didn't even GO OFF. From the link in the OP, this is what Cruz said to the Washington Post:

"Classy. @washingtonpost makes fun of my girls. Stick w/ attacking me–Caroline & Catherine are out of your league.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 22, 2015"

Actually, a measured, mature response. I couldn't find anything else on that link, anyway.
of course they all do it. but they started on this with Governor Palin. saying she Using her kids. and so what if they are. that's not anyone's business. Six and Four years old. that is some lowlife crap

Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.......blaming Ted Cruz for the cartoon. Based on your logic, every President in history that had his children out on the campaign trail were wielding them as circus monkeys. Since you are so smart, delineate Obama in 2007-2008 Campaign and his children vs. Ted Cruz in 2015-2016. In advance, your partisanship is not an excuse.
You never saw Obama's kids until after he won. Ted's using his little bitches as props.

America never saw Obama's daughters on the campaign trail? You can verify and validate that?
I "don't recall" seeing them.
more oh so UNBIASED reporting from the rag. You couldn't give me that paper. how anyone pays for this kind of garbage daily. sheesh
I took this off another site because I REFUSE to click on the link to the Compost. everyone should too. don't give them your support.

The upside of the mainstream Republican
Washington Post ^ | 12/23/15 | Jennifer Rubin

Posted on ‎12‎/‎23‎/‎2015‎ ‎11‎:‎44‎:‎04‎ ‎AM by jimbo123

One take on new polls from New Hampshire, Florida and South Carolina is that "The crowded GOP field is harming Marco Rubio and helping Donald Trump." Well, sort of.
The crowded field is not going to be crowded for very long, and it is Rubio (or New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is surging in New Hampshire) who stands to gain the most when others drop out. Donald Trump - with 100 percent name recognition and high unfavorables - is about topped out. No one who likes Trump is not with him now. As for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), he is pilfering votes from Trump (tied in South Carolina at 27 percent, behind by 8 in New Hampshire and 11 in Florida). However, he too has a limited upside as the candidate, increasingly, of the shrill, anti-establishment, anti-immigration throng. It is Rubio, in this analysis, who has room to expand his reach.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

the author of all that garbage:

The upside of the mainstream Republican
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The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

That is in poor taste and it appears as though the Post has pulled it.
Remember when John McCain said Janet Reno was Chelsea Clinton's father?

Remember when Martin Bashir said someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth?

I don't recall that, but it's funny.
I don't condone what he said one bit, however, the context should be noted:

Martin Bashir Did Not Actually Say ‘Someone Should Defecate in Sarah Palin’s Mouth’

It's all coming back to me now. TY. ;)
more oh so UNBIASED reporting from the rag. ...

You fucking idiot. That is an EDITORIAL.

You were too stupid to not know that that's a blog from an Opinion writer.

If you don't understand what that means, have a small child explain it to you.
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.
Cruz didn't go ape shit. He didn't even GO OFF. From the link in the OP, this is what Cruz said to the Washington Post:

"Classy. @washingtonpost makes fun of my girls. Stick w/ attacking me–Caroline & Catherine are out of your league.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 22, 2015"

Actually, a measured, mature response. I couldn't find anything else on that link, anyway.

exactly. it would be Obot/lib/democrat supporters who would be ape shit if those were of his OLDER childen. these kids are practically babies. 6 and 4 I believe. look how they went off on some poor Rodeo clown just for making fun of the thug, I mean Obama. the NAACP wanted the poor guy charged with a hate crime for crying out lous
Continuing the holiday spirit of this thread, a Christmas Song you liberals are sure to find offensive.

So if you click on the link and hate whet you see as possibly an attack on your slimy self then don't bitch.



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