Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.

You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children. It is rationalization and equivocation.

Every politician has shown himself with his kids- perhaps you think that is wrong- but it is not attacking the children- it isn't harming children.

Going into a national forum and attack Cruz's kids, or Obama's kids, or Chelsea's kids or Palin's kids- and harming them- in order to attack their parents if a fucking asshole move- and should be condemned universally- and clearly- with no 'equivalency'

Simple line in the sand- attacking kids on the internet is done by hateful immoral fucking bastards.

I think everyone should be able to clearly- and without any equivocation- condemn the internet abuse of kids.

God, for once you posted something I agree with!
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.

You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children. It is rationalization and equivocation.

Every politician has shown himself with his kids- perhaps you think that is wrong- but it is not attacking the children- it isn't harming children.

Going into a national forum and attack Cruz's kids, or Obama's kids, or Chelsea's kids or Palin's kids- and harming them- in order to attack their parents if a fucking asshole move- and should be condemned universally- and clearly- with no 'equivalency'

Simple line in the sand- attacking kids on the internet is done by hateful immoral fucking bastards.

I think everyone should be able to clearly- and without any equivocation- condemn the internet abuse of kids.

God, for once you posted something I agree with!
But why call him God?
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
That is a pathetic justification and pure bull shit. Politicians have been using children, theirs and others as props forever, the main stream media have traditionally not attacked the children. Anyone who thinks differently has some real personal issues and needs professional help, like you.

I just want to point out that there is another thread regarding the same subject.

BUT in that thread- a Conservative proclaims that means it is now okay for Conservatives to attack Obama's kids.

That is how some people react to an immoral reaction- thinking it provides an excuse for them to be immoral also.
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
That is a pathetic justification and pure bull shit. Politicians have been using children, theirs and others as props forever, the main stream media have traditionally not attacked the children. Anyone who thinks differently has some real personal issues and needs professional help, like you.

I just want to point out that there is another thread regarding the same subject.

BUT in that thread- a Conservative proclaims that means it is now okay for Conservatives to attack Obama's kids.

That is how some people react to an immoral reaction- thinking it provides an excuse for them to be immoral also.
Exactly and they need to be in a position where the only job they can get is cleaning septic tanks with their tongue.
The cartoon depicts Cruz as an organ grinder and organ grinders have monkeys. How does Cruz construe that as those monkeys being his kids?

really? you aren't that callous or dense are you? give it a rest
I would like to thank the LIBERALS who had the nerve to say that this was wrong. Many of us said it was wrong when the Obama children were thrown into the fray also. Same with Chelsea Clinton.

People who push this garbage ARE the problem with the country; win at all costs, tear down the kids, burn the church, whatever it takes. Forget Ted Cruz, look at those little girls in the picture. It is bad enough they will soon know you hate their daddy, but that is understandable. But for them to think you hate them also?!?!?!?!

Hey folks, those damn Isis assholes got nothin on you!
I would like to thank the LIBERALS who had the nerve to say that this was wrong. Many of us said it was wrong when the Obama children were thrown into the fray also. Same with Chelsea Clinton.

People who push this garbage ARE the problem with the country; win at all costs, tear down the kids, burn the church, whatever it takes. Forget Ted Cruz, look at those little girls in the picture. It is bad enough they will soon know you hate their daddy, but that is understandable. But for them to think you hate them also?!?!?!?!

Hey folks, those damn Isis assholes got nothin on you!

THAT said it all. stop this now it's gone to far. right or left you can't say this is right.
Only WE the people can stop it. Contact that rag or any other one that pulls that kind of garbage
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
That is a pathetic justification and pure bull shit. Politicians have been using children, theirs and others as props forever, the main stream media have traditionally not attacked the children. Anyone who thinks differently has some real personal issues and needs professional help, like you.

I just want to point out that there is another thread regarding the same subject.

BUT in that thread- a Conservative proclaims that means it is now okay for Conservatives to attack Obama's kids.

That is how some people react to an immoral reaction- thinking it provides an excuse for them to be immoral also.

Remember how some conservatives nyucked nyucked when their GOP presidential candidate said this:

“Do you know why Chelsea is so ugly?

She’s the love child of Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno!”
nobody here expects anything but hate from you^^^^^^^^^^^. So the only thing to use is IGNORE. SHUT them down and out
The guy is backwards like the taliban. there's little question of it!

This coming from the Washington POS and the like that shit themselves over a GOP congressional aid calling out the Obama daughter dress code during the 2014 pardon of the turkeys.
He shouldn't use his kids on the campaign, but the cartoon was at best tasteless.

people have used their kids forever. the Clintons hauled their kid around with them and still USES her today. so that is bs who gets to make up these rules for others? that's the only way they can spend time with their kids sometimes.
take note: these are the media's that are IN THE BAG for the DNC. STOP letting them get away with this kind of crap. let them know about it and then they'll be whining how they got nasty hate mail with death threats. TOO BAD for them they should have thought things through I guess.

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these people claiming they are using the children are the same one who stands with a party that CHAMPIONS abortion on demand. so go to hell
The guy is backwards like the taliban. there's little question of it!

This coming from the Washington POS and the like that shit themselves over a GOP congressional aid calling out the Obama daughter dress code during the 2014 pardon of the turkeys.
He shouldn't use his kids on the campaign, but the cartoon was at best tasteless.

people have used their kids forever. the Clintons hauled their kid around with them and still USES her today. so that is bs
I recall seeing her, and the W twins, at various rallies, but not actually being in commercials ... at least not until they were adults.


But, I'm telling you, Susan Ford was HOT.
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Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
That is a pathetic justification and pure bull shit. Politicians have been using children, theirs and others as props forever, the main stream media have traditionally not attacked the children. Anyone who thinks differently has some real personal issues and needs professional help, like you.

I just want to point out that there is another thread regarding the same subject.

BUT in that thread- a Conservative proclaims that means it is now okay for Conservatives to attack Obama's kids.

That is how some people react to an immoral reaction- thinking it provides an excuse for them to be immoral also.

Remember how some conservatives nyucked nyucked when their GOP presidential candidate said this:

“Do you know why Chelsea is so ugly?

She’s the love child of Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno!”

Again- why bring that up now- here?

This is really simple- assholes who attack politicians kids should be condemned for the assholes that they are.

That some Conservatives were assholes when it comes to Chelsea or Obama's kids doesn't excuse or make it right when others do it.

No equivocation. No rationalizations. No stories about how "X did it too"- just condemnation of those who attack kids.
You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children.

No, that's not what I said. I said that Cruz is wielding his children as if they were circus monkeys.

I think everyone should be able to clearly- and without any equivocation- condemn the internet abuse of kids.

Except, that's exactly what I've done, and you're throwing a hissy fit. So really, what you mean is that you want people to condemn everyone except Cruz.

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