Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

Obama's children have been attacked repeatedly, in a backhanded way, by the rightwing propaganda machine attacking the first lady and the girls for going on vacations.
The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.

I agree. But I demand the same from the candidates themselves.

Yeah, I've seen this video. Watching how the sausage gets made is never a pretty sight. lol. He does want to have it both ways but The Washington Post should have known better anyway. Admittedly, some of the reactions in this thread are overly-dramatic.
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take note: these are the media's that are IN THE BAG for the DNC. STOP letting them get away with this kind of crap. let them know about it and then they'll be whining how they got nasty hate mail with death threats. TOO BAD for them they should have thought things through I guess.

Is that all you got? My sister is a pretty staunch liberal, and is married to a guy who's quite conservative. My other sister is even more staunchly liberal, yet most of her serious relationships have been with men who are staunchly conservative. I'm the reverse. The major relationships in my life have mostly been with pretty liberal women. There is all kinds of political diversity in a great many families. If you're marrying someone based on politics than you're doing it wrong.
of course they all do it. but they started on this with Governor Palin. saying she Using her kids. and so what if they are. that's not anyone's business. Six and Four years old. that is some lowlife crap

Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.......blaming Ted Cruz for the cartoon. Based on your logic, every President in history that had his children out on the campaign trail were wielding them as circus monkeys. Since you are so smart, delineate Obama in 2007-2008 Campaign and his children vs. Ted Cruz in 2015-2016. In advance, your partisanship is not an excuse.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.
of course they all do it. but they started on this with Governor Palin. saying she Using her kids. and so what if they are. that's not anyone's business. Six and Four years old. that is some lowlife crap

Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

No- frankly that is just stupid- and excusing stupidity

Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

But attacking kids- ANY kids- is wrong- and the persons doing so are lowlife immoral bastards- and should get universal condemnation.

In my mine there is a bright and shiny line- kids are off limits- and whether it is Tipsy calling Obama's kids sluts or a cartoonist portraying Cruz's kids as monkeys- its wrong- and the bastards should be condemned.
of course they all do it. but they started on this with Governor Palin. saying she Using her kids. and so what if they are. that's not anyone's business. Six and Four years old. that is some lowlife crap

Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.......blaming Ted Cruz for the cartoon. Based on your logic, every President in history that had his children out on the campaign trail were wielding them as circus monkeys. Since you are so smart, delineate Obama in 2007-2008 Campaign and his children vs. Ted Cruz in 2015-2016. In advance, your partisanship is not an excuse.
You never saw Obama's kids until after he won. Ted's using his little bitches as props.

You are a fucking asshole.

No kids are 'little bitches'
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.

His kids didn't have any say in the matter.
They did not yet they will reap the rearwards of his success. Better get used to people calling them names, oh wait that happens at school too. It is life Coyote unless they live in the protective bubble of a PC society.
Bull shit, when it comes to politician's underage kids the main stream media has always traditionally left them out of the fray. Doesn't matter who breaks that rule that person needs to be looking for work elsewhere, preferably in a septic tank cleaning capacity.
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
The cartoon depicts Cruz as an organ grinder and organ grinders have monkeys. How does Cruz construe that as those monkeys being his kids?
The cartoon depicts Cruz as an organ grinder and organ grinders have monkeys. How does Cruz construe that as those monkeys being his kids?

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.

You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children. It is rationalization and equivocation.

Every politician has shown himself with his kids- perhaps you think that is wrong- but it is not attacking the children- it isn't harming children.

Going into a national forum and attack Cruz's kids, or Obama's kids, or Chelsea's kids or Palin's kids- and harming them- in order to attack their parents if a fucking asshole move- and should be condemned universally- and clearly- with no 'equivalency'

Simple line in the sand- attacking kids on the internet is done by hateful immoral fucking bastards.

I think everyone should be able to clearly- and without any equivocation- condemn the internet abuse of kids.
Politicians have been bringing their families into campaigns since at least the 1960's- and there is nothing wrong with a politician being shown with his children- no more than putting your kids on your Christmas cards.

That's a straw man argument and has nothing to do with what I said. Cruz has actively wielded his children as campaign circus monkeys and posted it on youtube. It's disgraceful and disgusting, and that is my point. Cruz himself is the one who set the standard on this. I disapprove of both sides.
That is a pathetic justification and pure bull shit. Politicians have been using children, theirs and others as props forever, the main stream media have traditionally not attacked the children. Anyone who thinks differently has some real personal issues and needs professional help, like you.

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