Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

For 8 years liberals called george bush the smirking chimp and now this. I say it's ok to call obama's daughters chimps now.

I do believe it is. throw it all out there for POLITICS . you can't reason these people.

So Stephanie- you can't bring yourself to condemn someone who calls Obama's daughter's chimps?

What part of that moral problem was too difficult for you?
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.
Cruz didn't go ape shit. He didn't even GO OFF. From the link in the OP, this is what Cruz said to the Washington Post:

"Classy. @washingtonpost makes fun of my girls. Stick w/ attacking me–Caroline & Catherine are out of your league.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 22, 2015"

Actually, a measured, mature response. I couldn't find anything else on that link, anyway.

Cruz responded very maturely- more so than if my kids were attacked- good for him.
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.
Cruz didn't go ape shit. He didn't even GO OFF. From the link in the OP, this is what Cruz said to the Washington Post:

"Classy. @washingtonpost makes fun of my girls. Stick w/ attacking me–Caroline & Catherine are out of your league.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 22, 2015"

Actually, a measured, mature response. I couldn't find anything else on that link, anyway.
That post was my Christmas present to you. A chance for you to spout off and miss the humor. Geez respond to a serious post.
One's minor children should be off limits to the media...
Well, that used to be the tacit agreement. I guess as we continue to get nastier we'll be seeing more stuff like this.
Like Cruz using his children as political tools? No doubt. And he will continue to whine when he gets called on it. Whine to the extent that a PCism must be issued in his favor.

The irony of Mac continues to amuse.

There is a difference between PC and common decency.
No there isn't.
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

Ted should have done a Trump. ."hey Ann...go fuck yourself,"
So you Liberals would have no problem with a cartoon depicting Obama's daughters as monkeys, am I right?

I wouldn't because there is not a RWnut on the planet who would get anything other than a massive net loss politically from attacking President Obama's daughters.
What candidate would attack Obama's daughters. One katyusha awarded.

No candidate has attacked Cruz's daughters. Pay attention.
So you Liberals would have no problem with a cartoon depicting Obama's daughters as monkeys, am I right?

I wouldn't because there is not a RWnut on the planet who would get anything other than a massive net loss politically from attacking President Obama's daughters.
What candidate would attack Obama's daughters. One katyusha awarded.

No candidate has attacked Cruz's daughters. Pay attention.
Who would get " a massive net loss politically" other than a candidate?

oh YEAH. and a bunch more of those losers with their names made up of the Alphabet. they did that because they think everyone is too dumb to remember a full name. so ADD: . ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PMSnbc. The LAslimes.
you've got down the NYslimes and the WashingtonCOMPOST
Ted needs to keep his girls out of politics except to introduce them . Everyone already knows the kissing baby routine.

Agreed. By taking out that political ad and piggy backing on SNL (it was a parody commercial, and looked like something SNL would do), as well as having his daughters read some of the crap that the ad was spewing, he placed his kids firmly in the crosshairs HIMSELF. Obama never used his kids as political fodder, which is why they are off limits. Cruz threw his kids into the political campaign and should expect that he would be called out for using his kids as political props (which is what the cartoon accurately depicted).

If he doesn't want his kids to become part of the campaign, he should keep them out of the campaign.

BTW.................do you think that the reason he did that stupid ad and piggy backed it on SNL was because he was feeling left out? Trump and Hillary have already been on, maybe he felt a bit jealous.
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.

His kids didn't have any say in the matter.
They did not yet they will reap the rearwards of his success. Better get used to people calling them names, oh wait that happens at school too. It is life Coyote unless they live in the protective bubble of a PC society.
Bull shit, when it comes to politician's underage kids the main stream media has always traditionally left them out of the fray. Doesn't matter who breaks that rule that person needs to be looking for work elsewhere, preferably in a septic tank cleaning capacity.

Yeah, right, because the leftwing media never attacked Sarah Palin's kids or the Bush daughters.

How stupid are you?
Ted needs to keep his girls out of politics except to introduce them . Everyone already knows the kissing baby routine.

Another leftwing scumbag trying to justify the sleaziest kind of behavior imaginable.
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.

His kids didn't have any say in the matter.
They did not yet they will reap the rearwards of his success. Better get used to people calling them names, oh wait that happens at school too. It is life Coyote unless they live in the protective bubble of a PC society.
Bull shit, when it comes to politician's underage kids the main stream media has always traditionally left them out of the fray. Doesn't matter who breaks that rule that person needs to be looking for work elsewhere, preferably in a septic tank cleaning capacity.

Yeah, right, because the leftwing media never attacked Sarah Palin's kids or the Bush daughters.

How stupid are you?
Thanks once again for proving you're an absolute moron who dropped out of 2nd grade. :thup:

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