Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

They did not yet they will reap the rearwards of his success. Better get used to people calling them names, oh wait that happens at school too. It is life Coyote unless they live in the protective bubble of a PC society.
Bull shit, when it comes to politician's underage kids the main stream media has always traditionally left them out of the fray. Doesn't matter who breaks that rule that person needs to be looking for work elsewhere, preferably in a septic tank cleaning capacity.

Yeah, right, because the leftwing media never attacked Sarah Palin's kids or the Bush daughters.

How stupid are you?
Thanks once again for proving you're an absolute moron who dropped out of 2nd grade. :thup:

Posting an irrefutable fact proves I'm a moron?
:lmao: I bet everyone you knew was glad when you dropped out of 2nd grade to go work on the family still..........
Tell ya what, I'll give you a hint as to where you fucked up by asking two questions......
1. Do you know what the definition of "typically" is?
2. Which "Main Stream Media" outlets did what you claim? (I don't mean the idiot talking heads).
For 8 years liberals called george bush the smirking chimp and now this. I say it's ok to call obama's daughters chimps now.

That is because you are an asshole and a bastard.

Did you say the same thing when Bush was made to look like a chimp or sources attacked Sarah Palin's family? No you didn't with makes you an asshole and a supporter of a President that is half of a race that has over 70% bastards born into it.

I have said the same thing every time a politician's are attacked. Bush or Obama being attacked as monkeys or chimps is just politics.

Moral people know the difference.

Assholes like you don't- to you attacking kids is fine- as long as it serves your partisan ideology.
We know its wrong. All were saying is how's it feel?

I bet you didn't care when Charlie ebdo drew Mohammad.

I don't approve of making fun of Cruz kids but I do defend the freedom to do it. If anything it should help Cruz. In fact he still might be using them as little monkeys. I don't blame him they are cute. I'm sure Bush's girls were too but he was a horrible commander.

Doesn't matter rubios your nominee

Assholes have the freedom to be assholes- that doesn't mean that they have freedom from criticism.

Why would I support Rubio?
For 8 years liberals called george bush the smirking chimp and now this. I say it's ok to call obama's daughters chimps now.

That is because you are an asshole and a bastard.

Did you say the same thing when Bush was made to look like a chimp or sources attacked Sarah Palin's family? No you didn't with makes you an asshole and a supporter of a President that is half of a race that has over 70% bastards born into it.

I have said the same thing every time a politician's are attacked. Bush or Obama being attacked as monkeys or chimps is just politics.

Moral people know the difference.

Assholes like you don't- to you attacking kids is fine- as long as it serves your partisan ideology.
We know its wrong. All were saying is how's it feel?

I bet you didn't care when Charlie ebdo drew Mohammad.

I don't approve of making fun of Cruz kids but I do defend the freedom to do it. If anything it should help Cruz. In fact he still might be using them as little monkeys. I don't blame him they are cute. I'm sure Bush's girls were too but he was a horrible commander.

Doesn't matter rubios your nominee

Assholes have the freedom to be assholes- that doesn't mean that they have freedom from criticism.

Why would I support Rubio?
Because he's not a democrat
everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that cruz was more than willing to use and exploit them.....and now he is reaping what he has sowed....he used them to give his pac something to use....
For 8 years liberals called george bush the smirking chimp and now this. I say it's ok to call obama's daughters chimps now.

That is because you are an asshole and a bastard.

Did you say the same thing when Bush was made to look like a chimp or sources attacked Sarah Palin's family? No you didn't with makes you an asshole and a supporter of a President that is half of a race that has over 70% bastards born into it.

I have said the same thing every time a politician's are attacked. Bush or Obama being attacked as monkeys or chimps is just politics.

Moral people know the difference.

Assholes like you don't- to you attacking kids is fine- as long as it serves your partisan ideology.
We know its wrong. All were saying is how's it feel?

I bet you didn't care when Charlie ebdo drew Mohammad.

I don't approve of making fun of Cruz kids but I do defend the freedom to do it. If anything it should help Cruz. In fact he still might be using them as little monkeys. I don't blame him they are cute. I'm sure Bush's girls were too but he was a horrible commander.

Doesn't matter rubios your nominee

Assholes have the freedom to be assholes- that doesn't mean that they have freedom from criticism.

Why would I support Rubio?

Liberal assholes believe they have the freedom from criticism. Just look at all you Obama supporters who yell racist anytime someone criticizes him.
For 8 years liberals called george bush the smirking chimp and now this. I say it's ok to call obama's daughters chimps now.

That is because you are an asshole and a bastard.

Did you say the same thing when Bush was made to look like a chimp or sources attacked Sarah Palin's family? No you didn't with makes you an asshole and a supporter of a President that is half of a race that has over 70% bastards born into it.

I have said the same thing every time a politician's are attacked. Bush or Obama being attacked as monkeys or chimps is just politics.

Moral people know the difference.

Assholes like you don't- to you attacking kids is fine- as long as it serves your partisan ideology.

Sure you have liar. That's what all you lying Liberal assholes say. The thing is we never see you do it just hear you SAY you do it.
Remember when John McCain said Janet Reno was Chelsea Clinton's father?

Remember when Martin Bashir said someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth?

Sounds good to me!

Then you shouldn't have a problem if the Obama kids are portrayed as monkeys. What's good for the goose is good for the gander except in Liberal world. To you, it's OK for you but wrong for others. Go smoke your peace pipe Pocahontas.


whats good for the goose is good for the monkey

people are strange....they don't believe their own eyes

Only assholes attack kids.

Only assholes justify their own attacks on kids because some other asshole attacked some other kids.

Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Does anyone remember Rush Limpdick calling Chelsea Clinton a dog on two different occasions?

Why is a true statement a problem? If she wasn't a Clinton, she'd have to have a bone around her neck for the other dogs to play with her.

You are a fucking asshole

Again, why is a true statement a problem? Seems you have a problem with someone saying something you don't like. Typical Liberal asshole. Seems you got your panties in a wad. Good. Now you have two options. Get over it or tough shit.

Like I said- you are fucking asshole.

Like I said, what you think means nothing to me because you existence to me means nothing. You could die today and I could care less. The good thing about it is those you call loved ones would get a favor.
That is because you are an asshole and a bastard.

Did you say the same thing when Bush was made to look like a chimp or sources attacked Sarah Palin's family? No you didn't with makes you an asshole and a supporter of a President that is half of a race that has over 70% bastards born into it.

I have said the same thing every time a politician's are attacked. Bush or Obama being attacked as monkeys or chimps is just politics.

Moral people know the difference.

Assholes like you don't- to you attacking kids is fine- as long as it serves your partisan ideology.
We know its wrong. All were saying is how's it feel?

I bet you didn't care when Charlie ebdo drew Mohammad.

I don't approve of making fun of Cruz kids but I do defend the freedom to do it. If anything it should help Cruz. In fact he still might be using them as little monkeys. I don't blame him they are cute. I'm sure Bush's girls were too but he was a horrible commander.

Doesn't matter rubios your nominee

Assholes have the freedom to be assholes- that doesn't mean that they have freedom from criticism.

Why would I support Rubio?

Liberal assholes believe they have the freedom from criticism. Just look at all you Obama supporters who yell racist anytime someone criticizes him.
Look how rush or trump or carson will say and do things rubio Christie or jeb wouldnt. The white house never played the race card.

We can't be accountable for every liberal if some of us try to explain subtle racism or how it works.

I tend to agree you attak hillary and Obama because they are Democrats not women or black. But we recognize you use race to divide us. In the end carli carson and Bruce Jenner think we're all nig%$rs
wow where was this outcry when the clintons were in office....didnt mind saying nasty things about their daughter now did ya
We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?
Does anyone remember Rush Limpdick calling

Chelsea Clinton a dog on two different occasions?

Why is a true statement a problem? If she wasn't a Clinton, she'd have to have a bone around her neck for the other dogs to play with her.

You are a fucking asshole

Again, why is a true statement a problem? Seems you have a problem with someone saying something you don't like. Typical Liberal asshole. Seems you got your panties in a wad. Good. Now you have two options. Get over it or tough shit.

Like I said- you are fucking asshole.

Like I said, what you think means nothing to me because you existence to me means nothing. You could die today and I could care less. The good thing about it is those you call loved ones would get a favor.


LMAO. Maybe you should get a job with the RNC. Head up recruitment efforts for the Republican party.

How many other red necked, ignorant, stupid bigots do you know?
Remember when Martin Bashir said someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth?

Sounds good to me!

Then you shouldn't have a problem if the Obama kids are portrayed as monkeys. What's good for the goose is good for the gander except in Liberal world. To you, it's OK for you but wrong for others. Go smoke your peace pipe Pocahontas.


whats good for the goose is good for the monkey

people are strange....they don't believe their own eyes

Only assholes attack kids.

Only assholes justify their own attacks on kids because some other asshole attacked some other kids.

Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.
Then you shouldn't have a problem if the Obama kids are portrayed as monkeys. What's good for the goose is good for the gander except in Liberal world. To you, it's OK for you but wrong for others. Go smoke your peace pipe Pocahontas.


whats good for the goose is good for the monkey

people are strange....they don't believe their own eyes

Only assholes attack kids.

Only assholes justify their own attacks on kids because some other asshole attacked some other kids.

Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.

wow where was this outcry when the clintons were in office....didnt mind saying nasty things about their daughter now did ya
We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?

You truly are an idiot
Does attacking cruz' kids in any way hurt him? Then stfu with this fox news crap.

whats good for the goose is good for the monkey

people are strange....they don't believe their own eyes

Only assholes attack kids.

Only assholes justify their own attacks on kids because some other asshole attacked some other kids.

Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.

wow where was this outcry when the clintons were in office....didnt mind saying nasty things about their daughter now did ya
We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?

You truly are an idiot
Does attacking cruz' kids in any way hurt him? Then stfu with this fox news crap.

Just leave kids alone, it speaks volumes YOU have no problem attacking children. Party first, right? Asshole
So conservatives only want to censor cartoonists, not kill them, when they're offensive.

Gee, good for you, you're one notch below the most extreme Muslims...

...for now...
Only assholes attack kids.

Only assholes justify their own attacks on kids because some other asshole attacked some other kids.

Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.

wow where was this outcry when the clintons were in office....didnt mind saying nasty things about their daughter now did ya
We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?

You truly are an idiot
Does attacking cruz' kids in any way hurt him? Then stfu with this fox news crap.

Just leave kids alone, it speaks volumes YOU have no problem attacking children. Party first, right? Asshole
I didn't say that. I'm suggesting Cruz loves the publicity.

Defending little girls is the one argument Cruz can win. The only issue he's right about. On cue comes the Cruz bump or surge in the polls.

Alas it won't be enough. If only daddy were electable

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