Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

So conservatives only want to censor cartoonists, not kill them, when they're offensive.

Gee, good for you, you're one notch below the most extreme Muslims...

...for now...

Hmmm, no. Liberals are the ones who want to censor people. Conservatives just point out a sleazy despicable idiot when they encounter one.
Interesting that I haven't seen you say those attacking kids of people like Sarah Palin are assholes. You'll say you have but you can't prove it.
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.

wow where was this outcry when the clintons were in office....didnt mind saying nasty things about their daughter now did ya
We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?

You truly are an idiot
Does attacking cruz' kids in any way hurt him? Then stfu with this fox news crap.

Just leave kids alone, it speaks volumes YOU have no problem attacking children. Party first, right? Asshole
I didn't say that. I'm suggesting Cruz loves the publicity.

Defending little girls is the one argument Cruz can win. The only issue he's right about. On cue comes the Cruz bump or surge in the polls.

Alas it won't be enough. If only daddy were electable

You're condoning what Wapo did and trying to put it on Cruz. You're not smart enough to pull it off
So conservatives only want to censor cartoonists, not kill them, when they're offensive.

Gee, good for you, you're one notch below the most extreme Muslims...

...for now...

Hmmm, no. Liberals are the ones who want to censor people. Conservatives just point out a sleazy despicable idiot when they encounter one.
Conservatives love to control the message. Cruz camp drew that pic or they paid someone to so we could talk about his adorable kids. Genious!
Sarah's family proves her moral and political policies don't work. Such as raising a child in a two parent home or abstenance only birth control or the sanctity of marriage.

We didn't even say a word when w's daughter let her vajayjay be photographed on that beach. God was that hot.

I hope malia and Sasha grow up to be cute. Not like the Olsen twins.

Anyways, for the record, this Ted Cruz kid schtick is just a publicity stunt.

I hate Cruz, and even I realize he's a human when I see those adorable kids.

If I didn't know any better I'd think the Cruz camp drew those monkey pics.

Bravo Cruz. You successfully used those kids to further your cause, but who wouldn't?

You truly are an idiot
Does attacking cruz' kids in any way hurt him? Then stfu with this fox news crap.

Just leave kids alone, it speaks volumes YOU have no problem attacking children. Party first, right? Asshole
I didn't say that. I'm suggesting Cruz loves the publicity.

Defending little girls is the one argument Cruz can win. The only issue he's right about. On cue comes the Cruz bump or surge in the polls.

Alas it won't be enough. If only daddy were electable

You're condoning what Wapo did and trying to put it on Cruz. You're not smart enough to pull it off
How does Cruz come out looking bad here?

And OK, we're sorry. Let's move on. Let's go back to talking about how cruz would be a horrible potus.
of course they all do it. but they started on this with Governor Palin. saying she Using her kids. and so what if they are. that's not anyone's business. Six and Four years old. that is some lowlife crap

Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.......blaming Ted Cruz for the cartoon. Based on your logic, every President in history that had his children out on the campaign trail were wielding them as circus monkeys. Since you are so smart, delineate Obama in 2007-2008 Campaign and his children vs. Ted Cruz in 2015-2016. In advance, your partisanship is not an excuse.
You never saw Obama's kids until after he won. Ted's using his little bitches as props.

America never saw Obama's daughters on the campaign trail? You can verify and validate that?
I "don't recall" seeing them.

That was not the question. Can you verify and validate that the American people never saw Obama's daughters on the campaign trail? You say you did not. You are one data point.
The guy is backwards like the taliban. there's little question of it!

Most conservatives think Obama is a socialist anti-American asshole, but if a conservative ever put a picture of Sasha and Malia in a cartoon depicted as monkeys, the cartoonist would be fired on spot, it would be a front page global story for months, the N bombs would be protesting and marching in the streets.
Thread's been cleaned of a lot of Flame Zone worthy material - let's try to discuss the topic here, not each other's relative intelligence or education.
Using a six year old and four year old as campaign tools is lowlife crap too. If Cruz doesn't want his kids being portrayed as circus monkeys, then he shouldn't be wielding them as circus monkeys. Cruz is just as guilty as the guy who made the cartoon. Of course, you can't be bothered to acknowledge that because you're a lowlife piece of scum yourself.

This has got to be the most pathetic refute I have ever seen on USMB.......blaming Ted Cruz for the cartoon. Based on your logic, every President in history that had his children out on the campaign trail were wielding them as circus monkeys. Since you are so smart, delineate Obama in 2007-2008 Campaign and his children vs. Ted Cruz in 2015-2016. In advance, your partisanship is not an excuse.
You never saw Obama's kids until after he won. Ted's using his little bitches as props.

America never saw Obama's daughters on the campaign trail? You can verify and validate that?
I "don't recall" seeing them.

That was not the question. Can you verify and validate that the American people never saw Obama's daughters on the campaign trail? You say you did not. You are one data point.

Cruz was doing more than just having his daughters out on the campaign trail. He was using them as props in a very partisan political ad. He wasn't having them spread the word of Christmas, when he was reading to them about evil Obamacare.
I don't recall RWers calling for Glenn Beck's job when he was attacking Obama's girls, or Rush Limpdick when he was attacking Chelsea Clinton. Look at the RWers now....going all PC. :p
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any politician that stands their kids in the middle of a freeway and expects every car to dodge them isn't worthy of being the POTUS..

Just about every president and candidate has done exactly what you say prevents them from being President.
Yes people, Obama DID have his daughters with him on the campaign trail, but it was rare. However................Obama NEVER put his daughters in a campaign ad with speaking parts, nor did he ever put them in a sarcastic role.

Cruz did. He made a campaign ad that was done in the style of SNL, piggybacked the ad on SNL (probably to make it look like he was on SNL too), and gave his daughters lines to read about how bad Obamacare is.

In doing so, he placed his daughters straight in the path of the campaign and all that goes with it.

BTW...............the cartoon wasn't making a comment about Cruz's kids being chimps, it was making a comment about Cruz using his daughters like trained chimps for his campaign (which he did).

Personally? I thought it was clever and funny, and said more about Cruz being a slimeball who uses his kids for political gain, than it did about his daughters.
Sorry, libs, you can't put the the toothpaste back in the tube and you can't put the evil genie you whistled up back in the bottle. A line was crossed when you made sport of a Downs syndrome child and another when one of your heroes called for the public rape of a little girl.

But I'm sure you wouldn't unring either of those bells had you the opportunity. So when your kiddies are lampooned suck it up and be brave. Oh wait, that IS asking the impossible - what with your leader being a surrender monkey. Sorry I asked.....
Why is a true statement a problem? If she wasn't a Clinton, she'd have to have a bone around her neck for the other dogs to play with her.

You are a fucking asshole

Again, why is a true statement a problem? Seems you have a problem with someone saying something you don't like. Typical Liberal asshole. Seems you got your panties in a wad. Good. Now you have two options. Get over it or tough shit.

Like I said- you are fucking asshole.
Like I said, what you think means nothing to me because you existence to me means nothing. You could die today and I could care less. The good thing about it is those you call loved ones would get a favor.


LMAO. Maybe you should get a job with the RNC. Head up recruitment efforts for the Republican party.

How many other red necked, ignorant, stupid bigots do you know?

I don't know any. I do know that Chelsea Clinton is one ugly bitch just like her mother.
You are a fucking asshole

Again, why is a true statement a problem? Seems you have a problem with someone saying something you don't like. Typical Liberal asshole. Seems you got your panties in a wad. Good. Now you have two options. Get over it or tough shit.

Like I said- you are fucking asshole.
Like I said, what you think means nothing to me because you existence to me means nothing. You could die today and I could care less. The good thing about it is those you call loved ones would get a favor.


LMAO. Maybe you should get a job with the RNC. Head up recruitment efforts for the Republican party.

How many other red necked, ignorant, stupid bigots do you know?

I don't know any. I do know that Chelsea Clinton is one ugly bitch just like her mother.

You are an asshole.

Not even Santa could get that Christmas tree out of your flabby ass.
Sorry, libs, you can't put the the toothpaste back in the tube and you can't put the evil genie you whistled up back in the bottle. A line was crossed when you made sport of a Downs syndrome child and another when one of your heroes called for the public rape of a little girl.

But I'm sure you wouldn't unring either of those bells had you the opportunity. So when your kiddies are lampooned suck it up and be brave. Oh wait, that IS asking the impossible - what with your leader being a surrender monkey. Sorry I asked.....

Only assholes attack kids.

And only assholes like you try to excuse attacks on kids.
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

As usual your thinking is backwards. But then, that's why you're a Republican ... right?

The Republicans made fun of Chelsea and said the most insulting things about her simply because she wasn't pretty. Butt ugly most people would say.

But you want to scream bloody murder when a Dem makes fun of a Republican's kids.

Yours are untouchable but Democrat kids are fair game.

You guys live on a one way street.
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

As usual your thinking is backwards. But then, that's why you're a Republican ... right?

The Republicans made fun of Chelsea and said the most insulting things about her simply because she wasn't pretty. Butt ugly most people would say.

But you want to scream bloody murder when a Dem makes fun of a Republican's kids.

Yours are untouchable but Democrat kids are fair game.

You guys live on a one way street.

Rush Limbaugh is the only one who ever made fun of Chelsea, and he claims not to be a Republican. Furthermore, he was widely condemned by Republicans. No one defended him. On the other hand, we have a whole flock of sleazy leftwingers defending this despicable attack on Cruz's daughters.

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