Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

Ann Telnaes Verified account ‏@AnnTelnaes

Ted Cruz has put his children in a political ad- don't start screaming when editorial cartoonists draw them as well. http://wapo.st/1U0FF7M

Where to start?

Cruz was wrong to use his kids in a commercial the way he did.

The cartoonist was wrong to also use Cruz's kids as well.

Personally I didn't pick up on it being about his kids until told.

I may not like Cruz but I am being consistent, It was wrong when it was Obama's kids and it is wrong if it is Cruz's kids.
Saying that Cruz shouldn't use his kids in commercials and especially negative ads like this one, it is disgusting...
How can you speak for his children?
You don't have children do you?
I do not have children that are in the public eye, do you?

Answer the question
Not irrelevant Cruz used his children as political fodder now if you figure him being an unfit parent into the mix then I may agree the use of children is in poor taste by all involved and they did not give one fuck about the kids. On BTW keep my "kids" out of the conversation as I have not brought them in and they are not an aspect of this conversation. See how that works?

I knew there was an abundant supply of leftwing scumbags like you would attempt to justify this.
Not left wing asshole, just placing the blame where is should be placed. Cruz hung his kids out to dry when he used them as political fodder, To do this the cartoonist cartoonist was much like you, an ignorant douche.
I do not have children that are in the public eye, do you?

Answer the question
Not irrelevant Cruz used his children as political fodder now if you figure him being an unfit parent into the mix then I may agree the use of children is in poor taste by all involved and they did not give one fuck about the kids. On BTW keep my "kids" out of the conversation as I have not brought them in and they are not an aspect of this conversation. See how that works?
Are you a fucking retard???

If a parent sexually abuses their children does it give you the right to do the same?

and your ability to be a moron is unparalleled. The man was wrong, the cartoonist was wrong, the editorial dept was wrong. The kids suffered due to the ambitions of all involved.

They suffered because of pieces of shit just like you.
The children will suffer more and deeper because of morons like you who wish to enable unfit and irresponsible parenting as exhibited by Cruz when he used his children as political fodder.
People should let that rag have it..... call, flood them a nasty email and then drop it from your life. they need to go into the garbage bin of dirty nasty newspapers. that was totally uncalled for . But this is the left. they wail about leaving the politicians children and family out of it. but what they mean: is that's only for other people. they are 6 and 4 years old. come on
It's wrong to target a politicians children - it was low to refer to Chelsea as the Whitehouse dog, it's wrong to refer to these kids as "monkeys".


Chelsea isn't the topic. that was 20 years ago. all you had to say is it was wrong.
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

Lol great cartoon. Though those dumb monkeys could easily be representative of any of Cruz's nuts-o followers.

You hacky spinning sack of shit.
No reason for the man to go ape shit.

He put his kids in the limelight and has dug a deeper hole for them by this latest antic.

are you people that callous? everyone brings their children on stage with them. If that had been Obama's kids. I'd like to see you say, he didn't need to go apeshit over it. I hope to see one put out of Obama kids. screw it. lets let go of civility and manners.... all just for politics
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

Lol great cartoon. Though those dumb monkeys could easily be representative of any of Cruz's nuts-o followers.
Ya know you're a lowlife when grampamurked defends Michelle & her kids from insults on this board but you enjoy the insults of Republicans minor children.

You're pathetic
Lol when Ted Cruz's family is subjected to the level of depraved, weird shit Obama's family is subjected to then we can talk.

He uses his kids to fuel the partisanship that's torn the country apart in a gimmicky, loser ad... then he can't complain.

Deflect, Deflect Deflect you shitstain.
i think it is funny as hit...and you know what is even funnier the butthurt yall are showing over this....not that conservatives dont do this....mccain..sc...robo calls...black child....ring bells?

The discussion is about the candidate's children, not robo calls or the other miscellaneous lame-assed complaints liberal morons always whine about.
lets all photoshop Obama girls into monkeys and send it to that rag and say: oopsi we didn't stop to look at it. how so very very very sorry. not
can the mods please do something with the troll VOR? he goes around crapping on everyone postings. thanks

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