Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

This is hilarious.

If your party's faithful are going to ceaselessly create and circulate photoshopped images of the Obamas as monkeys, than you have no right to complain when someone finally, after 8 years, returns the favor.

But make no mistake: the monkey reference doesn't even come close to having the same connotations when it is done against whites (who don't have a history of being compared to primates. Part of the reason it was both legal and morally acceptable to torture and hang blacks was because whites placed them closer to apes than humans on "scientific" taxonomy charts, and they didn't enjoy the legal protections of humans).

As a leader of the party, Cruz should have taken an unambiguous stand against the toxic racism levied by his party against the Obamas. He should also take a stand against the deeply racist Neo-Nazi White Supremacists who supports him, but he doesn't.

Also, there are more than a few Obama-monkey avatars on this message board, and we all know that Republican posters have zero problems with it. Comparing the Obamas to monkeys is the standard operating procedure of the underground Right - and the majority of the party just lets it go with a word, which implies tacit approval.

Is the Left any better? Obviously not. But this thread is about Cruz, who so emphatically does not have a leg to stand on.

How predictable that you would defend this kind of absolute sleaze and hypocrisy.
Kids don't have the thick skins that adults develop through experience. They see stuff like that and there is no way but to take it deeply and personally. To drag them into the dirt is really cruel. They have enough to deal with growing up with a family in the limelight.
How can you speak for his children?
You don't have children do you?
I do not have children that are in the public eye, do you?

Answer the question
Not irrelevant Cruz used his children as political fodder now if you figure him being an unfit parent into the mix then I may agree the use of children is in poor taste by all involved and they did not give one fuck about the kids. On BTW keep my "kids" out of the conversation as I have not brought them in and they are not an aspect of this conversation. See how that works?

I knew there was an abundant supply of leftwing scumbags like you would attempt to justify this.
You don't have children do you?
I do not have children that are in the public eye, do you?

Answer the question
Not irrelevant Cruz used his children as political fodder now if you figure him being an unfit parent into the mix then I may agree the use of children is in poor taste by all involved and they did not give one fuck about the kids. On BTW keep my "kids" out of the conversation as I have not brought them in and they are not an aspect of this conversation. See how that works?
Are you a fucking retard???

If a parent sexually abuses their children does it give you the right to do the same?

and your ability to be a moron is unparalleled. The man was wrong, the cartoonist was wrong, the editorial dept was wrong. The kids suffered due to the ambitions of all involved.

They suffered because of pieces of shit just like you.
Lol great cartoon. Though those dumb monkeys could easily be representative of any of Cruz's nuts-o followers.
Except they aren't. They are intended to be Cruz's children. The cartoonist is a c*nt.
He shouldn't have used them in a blatantly partisan political stunt. I don't recall any President ever doing such a thing.

You Do have a very short memory....

Showing off your family is not the same as blatantly insulting multiple specific individuals with opposing viewpoints, and using your children to do it.
How did Cruz use his children to insult anyone?
I'm glad the editor yanked the cartoon. I don't understand the cartoonist's need to attack the children. I for one am really really tired of the "props" justification for attacking a candidates family. Hell's bells if children were kept off the stage and out of the public eye then you'd have every opponent questioning "what's wrong with your family?" and "why are you hiding them?".

Every politician puts their family out there. As they should. Think of Camelot. LBJ and his girls. Ditto Nixon. And so on. And it's been a joy over the years seeing the pets too. Family and pets show the "human" dimension of the leader of the free world after all.
took me a minute to find this:

he used his kids to attack...and now he is whining that anyone dares attack back? what a idiot......he put the target on his kids back
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

Most dispicable about this are Leftist Hypocrisy defending this. If the editorial wanted to convey the prop image, they could have used puppets instead of monkeys. If a conservative dared dreamed of depicting a similar ad with Obama and his daughters as monkeys, all we would hear is how racist it was from the Left. Speaking of hypocrisy, remember Obama's diatribe on 2008 in a Good Morning Amethysts ca interview how Michelle and his daughters were off limits, where's Obama to defend Cruz on principle? Silent of course.
i think it is funny as hit...and you know what is even funnier the butthurt yall are showing over this....not that conservatives dont do this....mccain..sc...robo calls...black child....ring bells?
The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF


That's where we are right now, sleazy people are controlling the conversation.
One's minor children should be off limits to the media...
Well, that used to be the tacit agreement. I guess as we continue to get nastier we'll be seeing more stuff like this.
Like Cruz using his children as political tools? No doubt. And he will continue to whine when he gets called on it. Whine to the extent that a PCism must be issued in his favor.

The irony of Mac continues to amuse.
Most dispicable about this are Leftist Hypocrisy defending this..
The guy has a right to do it, there's no law against the cartoon.

The beauty of freedom of expression is that it points out what people are thinking, and that's what this guy and the Regressive Left are thinking. This is who they are. Kids are fair game. I want to know that's what they're thinking, and there is certainly no lack of material there.

The best arguments are always, "hey, look at that, look at what they said", because it can't be denied. That can't be done if people can't say what they're thinking.

Even attacking a guy's kids. Yuck.

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