Ted Cruz GOES OFF On Washington Post After Cartoonist Depicts His Kids As Monkeys

The leftwing turds always go ballistic if anyone makes fun of Chelsea or Obama's kids, but they feel free to publish the most insulting crap imaginable about the children of Republican candidates. How do these scumbags walk around in broad daylight?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed The Washington Post on Tuesday after the paper depicted his two young daughters as monkeys in an editorial cartoon.

In an article accompanying her drawing, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes wrote that while it is an "unspoken rule in editorial cartooning that a politician's children are off-limits," she felt that Cruz's daughters, Caroline and Catherine, were "fair game" because the Republican presidential candidate used them in a Christmas parody video

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props pic.twitter.com/GNfoP4batF

Lol great cartoon. Though those dumb monkeys could easily be representative of any of Cruz's nuts-o followers.

It could easily be Obama and his children, then it would be offensive.
this was a photoshop they had out on President bush that I captured and saved. I think it came off the dailyKos or DUunderground. I don't remember so don't quote me on it. but

but that cartoon of his CHILDREN was in a NATIONAL rag. that's suppose be the UPSTANDING rag of all rags. now you've seen how LOW they can go for Politics.... because they are in the BAG for the DNC.....PEOPLE need to drop them right into bankruptcy. their editors aren't good enough to catch something like that. screw them.
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So...what is it in the picture that identifies those monkeys as Cruz's children?
The cartoonist admitted they were intended to represent his kids

The Washington Post pulled the comic
The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.
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I think Pam Geller should a hold Caroline and Catherine Cartoon Contest. :lol:

The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.

Agreed...and the politicians should themselves not use their children as props.

December 21, 2015 5:24 PM EST - Ted Cruz's campaign released a parody ad of the senator reading Christmas stories to his children with titles such as "How Obamacare Stole Christmas" and "Rudolph The Underemployed Reindeer."
The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.

Agreed...and the politicians should themselves not use their children as props.

December 21, 2015 5:24 PM EST - Ted Cruz's campaign released a parody ad of the senator reading Christmas stories to his children with titles such as "How Obamacare Stole Christmas" and "Rudolph The Underemployed Reindeer."
Politicians have always used their family as props. It is expected.

The girls should be off limits
The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.

Agreed...and the politicians should themselves not use their children as props.

December 21, 2015 5:24 PM EST - Ted Cruz's campaign released a parody ad of the senator reading Christmas stories to his children with titles such as "How Obamacare Stole Christmas" and "Rudolph The Underemployed Reindeer."

The only politicians that do not use their children as props in some way are the ones that do not have any.
The cartoonist should have known better. Leave the children out of the smear and muck of politics.

Agreed...and the politicians should themselves not use their children as props.

December 21, 2015 5:24 PM EST - Ted Cruz's campaign released a parody ad of the senator reading Christmas stories to his children with titles such as "How Obamacare Stole Christmas" and "Rudolph The Underemployed Reindeer."

The only politicians that do not use their children as props in some way are the ones that do not have any.

Well I think there is a difference between trotting them out, showing the loving family, and intentionally creating an attack parody video featuring them.
Very poor taste and beneath the standard of good journalism

Fortunately, the image has been removed.

Sorry doesn't un-break the lamp.

True. I'm so glad you are so smart. I'd never have known. What would you have me say other than what I did? Do you think I will suddenly decide to vote for the asshole......or that I'm going to heap praise on some nutbag who uses poor taste that is aimed at Bernie?

Try being an adult.

Why such a hurt response, did something touch you in a bad place?

The fact of the matter is that the press thinks they can have two standards, Republican Standards, and Democrat Standards, and this is a glaring example of it.
Very poor taste and beneath the standard of good journalism

Fortunately, the image has been removed.

Sorry doesn't un-break the lamp.

True. I'm so glad you are so smart. I'd never have known. What would you have me say other than what I did? Do you think I will suddenly decide to vote for the asshole......or that I'm going to heap praise on some nutbag who uses poor taste that is aimed at Bernie?

Try being an adult.

Why such a hurt response, did something touch you in a bad place?

The fact of the matter is that the press thinks they can have two standards, Republican Standards, and Democrat Standards, and this is a glaring example of it.

Not a hurt response dummy. Just telling you like it is.

There is no double standard. In fact, this example was taken offline. That standard was not upheld.....and action was taken.

Go Trump!!!!!
Isn't it wonderful for the paper to announce that the first pickanninies are now fair game for cartoons and all manner of joke!

Tho the latter would be redundant, the whole tribe already being wot they are.
okay he makes these damn videos and post them on youtube and his pac picks it up from there....thus avoiding the collaboration rule......

he made his kids fair game by trying to cheat the stupid ass system
Democrats actually resorted to ridiculing Sarah Palin's child suffering with Downs Syndrome. So they've proven they're capable of anything. This doesn't surprise me at all.
Now that kids are fair game, can we please put a tail on that ape Chelsea popped out?
Only Republican children are fair game to Democrats and the Communist/Progressive Press. It is what it is.

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