Ted Cruz Heckled At Obamacare Town Hall


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ted Cruz Heckled At Obamacare Town Hall

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faced some unexpected guests at his Obamacare town hall on Tuesday night, enduring a pair of hecklers multiple times during his speech.

Video footage from NBC News shows Cruz' audience shouting "USA! USA! USA!" to compete with the protesters. The Washington Post reports that Cruz also received chants of “you have health care, we should too!” from the hecklers.

“Thank you for sharing your views," he said, according to the paper. "You know, part of the First Amendment is about respecting others.”

The line of "USA! USA!" chanters grew more vociferous, before Cruz interjected to make a "couple of observations" about the protesters.
Great, some paid "protesters" heckled one of their most hated opponents.

I like my senator more and more every time he's mentioned.
The worst fears of the GOP is that a great many people will realize that the ACA makes health care affordable for them. After 1Jan14, a great many people may well change their minds concerning the ACA. And, at the end of the year, some of the nits in Congress that have voted 40 times to kill the ACA may well find themselves out of a job.
Should these people be happy that Ted Cruz wants to reduce the size of federal government to near-zero, so even the Congress won't have great health care?

Sounds like they were motivated by envy and covetous feelings, they covet what others have.
Should these people be happy that Ted Cruz wants to reduce the size of federal government to near-zero, so even the Congress won't have great health care?

Sounds like they were motivated by envy and covetous feelings, they covet what others have.

Liberal politics are based on envy and hatred. Ordinary liberals are mindless muppets, with a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath's hand up their ass.

These bed wetters are too stupid to realize the people they support are the sort of rich people they would hate, but they've been convinced these rich people are "the good ones" and only care about what's best for "the poor".

Fucking dupes.
Ted Cruz Heckled At Obamacare Town Hall

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faced some unexpected guests at his Obamacare town hall on Tuesday night, enduring a pair of hecklers multiple times during his speech.

Video footage from NBC News shows Cruz' audience shouting "USA! USA! USA!" to compete with the protesters. The Washington Post reports that Cruz also received chants of “you have health care, we should too!” from the hecklers.

“Thank you for sharing your views," he said, according to the paper. "You know, part of the First Amendment is about respecting others.”

The line of "USA! USA!" chanters grew more vociferous, before Cruz interjected to make a "couple of observations" about the protesters.

Why did you post an edited video? You afraid of something?

Ted Cruz Shuts Down A Heckler With Class and Logic | Independent Journal Review

Here's the entire video without the fake ass democrap shit.
Ted Cruz Heckled At Obamacare Town Hall

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faced some unexpected guests at his Obamacare town hall on Tuesday night, enduring a pair of hecklers multiple times during his speech.

Video footage from NBC News shows Cruz' audience shouting "USA! USA! USA!" to compete with the protesters. The Washington Post reports that Cruz also received chants of “you have health care, we should too!” from the hecklers.

“Thank you for sharing your views," he said, according to the paper. "You know, part of the First Amendment is about respecting others.”

The line of "USA! USA!" chanters grew more vociferous, before Cruz interjected to make a "couple of observations" about the protesters.

Why did you post an edited video? You afraid of something?

Ted Cruz Shuts Down A Heckler With Class and Logic | Independent Journal Review

Here's the entire video without the fake ass democrap shit.


Liberalism wouldn't exist without fraud.
Why did you post an edited video? You afraid of something?

Ted Cruz Shuts Down A Heckler With Class and Logic | Independent Journal Review

Here's the entire video without the fake ass democrap shit.


Liberalism wouldn't exist without fraud.
Liberalism is a fraud. From beginning to end there is nothing in liberalism that isn't a lie.

Example, brainwashed dingbat? See sig for what you're never told, the BS you are- actually, everything you know is a lie, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich GOP who've ruined the nonrich and the country over the last 30 years...:eusa_whistle:
The Washington Post reports that Cruz also received chants of “you have health care, we should too!” from the hecklers.

If they worked hard and got a good paying job, they wouldn't be worried about govt. putting a bib on them.

As it is; I'd be fine with the government not paying for Cruz's health care either.
Ted Cruz Heckled At Obamacare Town Hall

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faced some unexpected guests at his Obamacare town hall on Tuesday night, enduring a pair of hecklers multiple times during his speech.

Video footage from NBC News shows Cruz' audience shouting "USA! USA! USA!" to compete with the protesters. The Washington Post reports that Cruz also received chants of “you have health care, we should too!” from the hecklers.

“Thank you for sharing your views," he said, according to the paper. "You know, part of the First Amendment is about respecting others.”

The line of "USA! USA!" chanters grew more vociferous, before Cruz interjected to make a "couple of observations" about the protesters.

"The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it." -- Terry Pratchett

Riddle me this................

The Enforcement Arm of the ACA is the IRS.....................

Their Union is requesting a Waiver to the ACA.

So we are going to get stuck with a Law, Enforced by those who pushed for it, and now don't want it for themselves..........................................

One more note.............Why should the Federal Gov't force me to put my PRIVATE MEDICAL RECORDS on a Federal database............................................

And those who pushed for it, aka Liberals, always say they are for the protection of individual rights. Why not now? I believe that my records are Private and should not be placed on the Federal Database. It's just that simple.
I'd put money on it being Hazienut and rdean doing the heckling



but remember how the Tea Party was put down for showing anger at them..

oh the life of two faced hypocrites must be hard to live
Last edited:
I'd put money on it being Hazienut and rdean doing the heckling



but remember how the Tea Party was put down for showing anger at them..

oh the life of two faced hypocrites must be hard to live

It's probably easy for them.

Imagine if you could go through life without even being able to think, let alone not having too.

Just mindlessly regurgitating talking points and going along with whatever your fellow bed wetters do.

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