Ted Cruz hometown newspaper takes BACK it's "endorsement".

whoa, stop the presses

who cares, he was elected by the people he represents... he will just have to chap your all's asses until the next election

what was it you all wailed when with Obama, he won get over it

here's the difference you knew what obama was about ... Cruz lied to his voters saying what he was about ... now he's trying to do damage control ... and thanks to the media, he's doing not so good .... hell they might put a democrat in his place, for all we know... the have said Texan's are starting to see the light and start voting blue ...
Ted Cruz hometown newspaper takes BACK it's "endorsement".


The ONLY reason the Houston Chronicle endorsed Senator Cruz is because he is Hispanic.

While the paper is located in Houston , its editorial board staff is located in Boston Massachusetts.

They are nothing more than a fish-wrap government supremacist rag. I stopped my subscription over 13 years ago.

so that's why you're dead between the ears .... nothing but silly putty between them... I've always said its not the liberal press about republicans, its the bad press you don't like about the republicans ....

Excuse me?

Is there any other kind?
I think Cruz does a great job representing the opinions of the great state of Texas
But now the Newspaper is stepping back from its "unendorcement."

Did we un-endorse Ted Cruz? No. | ChronOpinion | a Chron.com blog

Houston newspaper says it didn't 'un-endorse' Ted Cruz

Sadly, this is just another example of the shame that now exists in the GOP. They have cost the US economy an estimated 22 BILLION DOLLARS, according to the latest estimate that I heard. What a sad day for a once great political party. One which I once supported with my votes.

The Party of Reagan has now become The Party of Cruz...The Dems will use him as the face of the GOP in 2014.

Wow, impressive. And so wrong.

What has happened to our national debt since the Dems took back Congress in 2007?

Do you even have a clue?

And you actually think this shutdown is all the Republicans' idea?

It must be so wonderful living in a vacuum, that way you can't feel reality when it hits home.

well we continually hear from the right that our budget defict keeps getting higher... betweeb september 2011 and 2012 the budget deficit was 1.3 trillion dollars ... republican said we were running up a huge budget deficit ... between september 2012 and september 2013 the budget deficit was 700 billion dollars ... I'm no mathematician ... you said "What has happened to our national debt since the Dems took back Congress in 2007?" you implied that we ran it up ... seems we dropped the budget deficit

hers what happen ... nothing happen no bills were passed that caused any significant debt ... until the market crashed all done by the republican party

then you said"it must be wonderful living in a vacuum... well, is it??? lets usw know how good it feels ...
Last edited:
Wow, impressive. And so wrong.

What has happened to our national debt since the Dems took back Congress in 2007?

Do you even have a clue?

And you actually think this shutdown is all the Republicans' idea?

It must be so wonderful living in a vacuum, that way you can't feel reality when it hits home.

Two words.... RONALD REAGAN

He started the Big Deficit train rolling and it has not even slowed since his two terms. Do we need Entitlement reform...Yes Do we need to revisit the Sequester? Yes

But you cannot do any of these things with a gun pointed at your head. I hope the Dems and Repubs can get together in the coming months and resolve these issues before we have a repeat of this fiasco.

Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

Glad you admitted the deficit was under control during the Clinton years and that it began to spiral out of control during the Bush years. Glad you see that!
Wow, impressive. And so wrong.

What has happened to our national debt since the Dems took back Congress in 2007?

Do you even have a clue?

And you actually think this shutdown is all the Republicans' idea?

It must be so wonderful living in a vacuum, that way you can't feel reality when it hits home.

Two words.... RONALD REAGAN

He started the Big Deficit train rolling and it has not even slowed since his two terms. Do we need Entitlement reform...Yes Do we need to revisit the Sequester? Yes
thats why he spent 3 trillion dollars in debt them big trains rolling

But you cannot do any of these things with a gun pointed at your head. I hope the Dems and Repubs can get together in the coming months and resolve these issues before we have a repeat of this fiasco.

Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

this is the typical uneducated repub-lie-tards ... never gets anything right ...

in 1992 Bill Clinton won the presidency ...along with that presidency the dems won control of the congress for the first two years in office ... in that the first years in office clinton and the democrats raise the taxes on the rich 2 % and the middle class ... did ya forget that mudwhistle ???? I guess you did ...

one of the 1994 campaign BS from the right was the dems raised your taxes ...they are out of control with spending ... the republicans ran on we need to kick them out of control of the congress ... which the republicans convinced the voter they need to vote them out of the majority ... bad decision on their part...

that's how the republicans got back the congress ...How ??? they lie about it ... what happen during the time in control of the house ??? nothing ... just like now ... what the republicans did during that time in office, that was passed, that the democrats didn't like was the banking regulations ... if clinton didn't like it, clinton would veto it ... which he did on some of their bills... everything that Reagan passed during his time in office Clinton removed it in the first two years in office ... everything except the banking regulations along with the insurers regulations ... For some reason he didn't listen to Brooksley Born ... neither did the senate or the fed... they should have ...


Brooksley Born said, she predicts, if we don't get in control of the banking and over the counter derivatives regulations, in ten years this country is going to go into another great depression ... she said that in Congress in 1998 senate hearings... guess what ??? 10 years later, 2008 well, you all saw it she was right... any way all the tax increases were in affect all the way through his term... those tax increases are the reason the budget balanced and you can't show us differently ... nothing Reagan did in office help the national debt ... nothing !!! except put three trillion dollars more in debt ...
Last edited:
The ONLY reason the Houston Chronicle endorsed Senator Cruz is because he is Hispanic.

While the paper is located in Houston , its editorial board staff is located in Boston Massachusetts.

They are nothing more than a fish-wrap government supremacist rag. I stopped my subscription over 13 years ago.

so that's why you're dead between the ears .... nothing but silly putty between them... I've always said its not the liberal press about republicans, its the bad press you don't like about the republicans ....

Excuse me?

Is there any other kind?

as we have all ready establish ...there's no excuse for you ... dead between the ears ... thats a reason not a excuse...
Two words.... RONALD REAGAN

He started the Big Deficit train rolling and it has not even slowed since his two terms. Do we need Entitlement reform...Yes Do we need to revisit the Sequester? Yes

But you cannot do any of these things with a gun pointed at your head. I hope the Dems and Repubs can get together in the coming months and resolve these issues before we have a repeat of this fiasco.

Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

Glad you admitted the deficit was under control during the Clinton years and that it began to spiral out of control during the Bush years. Glad you see that!

he'll tell you it was because we dems took control of the house in 2007 ... never mind between 2007 and 2013 the dems never passed any bill that would cost us 5 trillion's of dollars of deb either... he can't show you one bill that was passed...
Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

Glad you admitted the deficit was under control during the Clinton years and that it began to spiral out of control during the Bush years. Glad you see that!

he'll tell you it was because we dems took control of the house in 2007 ... never mind between 2007 and 2013 the dems never passed any bill that would cost us 5 trillion's of dollars of deb either... he can't show you one bill that was passed...

Your math sucks. What is the difference between $17 trillion and $8 trillion?
so that's why you're dead between the ears .... nothing but silly putty between them... I've always said its not the liberal press about republicans, its the bad press you don't like about the republicans ....

Excuse me?

Is there any other kind?

as we have all ready establish ...there's no excuse for you ... dead between the ears ... thats a reason not a excuse...

Pot meet kettle.
Two words.... RONALD REAGAN

He started the Big Deficit train rolling and it has not even slowed since his two terms. Do we need Entitlement reform...Yes Do we need to revisit the Sequester? Yes
thats why he spent 3 trillion dollars in debt them big trains rolling

But you cannot do any of these things with a gun pointed at your head. I hope the Dems and Repubs can get together in the coming months and resolve these issues before we have a repeat of this fiasco.

Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

this is the typical uneducated repub-lie-tards ... never gets anything right ...

in 1992 Bill Clinton won the presidency ...along with that presidency the dems won control of the congress for the first two years in office ... in that the first years in office clinton and the democrats raise the taxes on the rich 2 % and the middle class ... did ya forget that mudwhistle ???? I guess you did ...

one of the 1994 campaign BS from the right was the dems raised your taxes ...they are out of control with spending ... the republicans ran on we need to kick them out of control of the congress ... which the republicans convinced the voter they need to vote them out of the majority ... bad decision on their part...

that's how the republicans got back the congress ...How ??? they lie about it ... what happen during the time in control of the house ??? nothing ... just like now ... what the republicans did during that time in office, that was passed, that the democrats didn't like was the banking regulations ... if clinton didn't like it, clinton would veto it ... which he did on some of their bills... everything that Reagan passed during his time in office Clinton removed it in the first two years in office ... everything except the banking regulations along with the insurers regulations ... For some reason he didn't listen to Brooksley Born ... neither did the senate or the fed... they should have ...


Brooksley Born said, she predicts, if we don't get in control of the banking and over the counter derivatives regulations, in ten years this country is going to go into another great depression ... she said that in Congress in 1998 senate hearings... guess what ??? 10 years later, 2008 well, you all saw it she was right... any way all the tax increases were in affect all the way through his term... those tax increases are the reason the budget balanced and you can't show us differently ... nothing Reagan did in office help the national debt ... nothing !!! except put three trillion dollars more in debt ...


What happens when you raise taxes and then cut spending?

I'll wait for the answer.
Two words.... RONALD REAGAN

He started the Big Deficit train rolling and it has not even slowed since his two terms. Do we need Entitlement reform...Yes Do we need to revisit the Sequester? Yes

But you cannot do any of these things with a gun pointed at your head. I hope the Dems and Repubs can get together in the coming months and resolve these issues before we have a repeat of this fiasco.

Bull shit.

We had reversed the trend during the 90s.

They started paying down the debt in the Republican Congress in the mid-90s and that reversed during the Bush years. The debt was $8 trillion when the Dems took back Congress. What is it now?

You see, you don't know what you're talking about.

Glad you admitted the deficit was under control during the Clinton years and that it began to spiral out of control during the Bush years. Glad you see that!

Who had the majorities in congress during this?
Ted Cruz hometown newspaper takes BACK it's "endorsement".


The ONLY reason the Houston Chronicle endorsed Senator Cruz is because he is Hispanic.

While the paper is located in Houston , its editorial board staff is located in Boston Massachusetts.

They are nothing more than a fish-wrap government supremacist rag. I stopped my subscription over 13 years ago.


Case in point:

This is the supposed endorsement.

"Ted Cruz, the Republican candidate to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison in the U.S. Senate, is one of the shooting stars of the 2012 election season. Cruz came from obscurity less than a year ago to defeat the heavy favorite, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in the Republican primary runoff in July. From there, he was thrust instantly into the national limelight as a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in August. No great surprise: He is young, smart, telegenic and Hispanic."

"We endorse Ted Cruz to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchison and join Sen. John Cornyn in the U.S. Senate. We do so in the expectation that Cruz will be schooled by the examples of previous senators from Texas, beginning with Hutchison and continuing with Lloyd Bentsen and Lyndon B. Johnson. In Cornyn, he will have a someone to emulate at his side. We expect Cruz as the senator from the Lone Star State to spend his energies standing up for Texans of every background and economic station, representing their best interests from health care and education to energy, space and medicine. "

Cruz for Senate - Houston Chronicle

My guess is they felt because of his ethnicity that he would be another closet liberal in the GOP.

Soooo..... a Hispanic is biologically incapable of holding any political philosophy except liberal or "closet liberal", whatever that is?

If the Chron was looking to plug "liberals", why the endorsement for Cornyn and the good words for Hutchinson?

Your theory called. It said "I've fallen and I can't get up".
The ONLY reason the Houston Chronicle endorsed Senator Cruz is because he is Hispanic.

While the paper is located in Houston , its editorial board staff is located in Boston Massachusetts.

They are nothing more than a fish-wrap government supremacist rag. I stopped my subscription over 13 years ago.


Case in point:

This is the supposed endorsement.

"Ted Cruz, the Republican candidate to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison in the U.S. Senate, is one of the shooting stars of the 2012 election season. Cruz came from obscurity less than a year ago to defeat the heavy favorite, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in the Republican primary runoff in July. From there, he was thrust instantly into the national limelight as a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in August. No great surprise: He is young, smart, telegenic and Hispanic."

"We endorse Ted Cruz to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchison and join Sen. John Cornyn in the U.S. Senate. We do so in the expectation that Cruz will be schooled by the examples of previous senators from Texas, beginning with Hutchison and continuing with Lloyd Bentsen and Lyndon B. Johnson. In Cornyn, he will have a someone to emulate at his side. We expect Cruz as the senator from the Lone Star State to spend his energies standing up for Texans of every background and economic station, representing their best interests from health care and education to energy, space and medicine. "

Cruz for Senate - Houston Chronicle

My guess is they felt because of his ethnicity that he would be another closet liberal in the GOP.

Soooo..... a Hispanic is biologically incapable of holding any political philosophy except liberal or "closet liberal", whatever that is?

If the Chron was looking to plug "liberals", why the endorsement for Cornyn and the good words for Hutchinson?

Your theory called. It said "I've fallen and I can't get up".

Cornyn is a RINO.

Some Repugs are liberal.

Your response is noted and discarded.
Was that the Calgary Sun or the Calgary Herald? We don't get those down here in Houston. Just the Chronicle!
But now the Newspaper is stepping back from its "unendorcement."

Did we un-endorse Ted Cruz? No. | ChronOpinion | a Chron.com blog

Houston newspaper says it didn't 'un-endorse' Ted Cruz

Sadly, this is just another example of the shame that now exists in the GOP. They have cost the US economy an estimated 22 BILLION DOLLARS, according to the latest estimate that I heard. What a sad day for a once great political party. One which I once supported with my votes.

The Party of Reagan has now become The Party of Cruz...The Dems will use him as the face of the GOP in 2014.

Wow, impressive. And so wrong.

What has happened to our national debt since the Dems took back Congress in 2007?

Do you even have a clue?

And you actually think this shutdown is all the Republicans' idea?

It must be so wonderful living in a vacuum, that way you can't feel reality when it hits home.

I don't think it. I know it. We all know it. Anyone who has been following the news knows it. Ted Cruz has been pushing this on the House for the last two months. Even though he's a "senator".
Case in point:

This is the supposed endorsement.

"Ted Cruz, the Republican candidate to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison in the U.S. Senate, is one of the shooting stars of the 2012 election season. Cruz came from obscurity less than a year ago to defeat the heavy favorite, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in the Republican primary runoff in July. From there, he was thrust instantly into the national limelight as a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in August. No great surprise: He is young, smart, telegenic and Hispanic."

"We endorse Ted Cruz to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchison and join Sen. John Cornyn in the U.S. Senate. We do so in the expectation that Cruz will be schooled by the examples of previous senators from Texas, beginning with Hutchison and continuing with Lloyd Bentsen and Lyndon B. Johnson. In Cornyn, he will have a someone to emulate at his side. We expect Cruz as the senator from the Lone Star State to spend his energies standing up for Texans of every background and economic station, representing their best interests from health care and education to energy, space and medicine. "

Cruz for Senate - Houston Chronicle

My guess is they felt because of his ethnicity that he would be another closet liberal in the GOP.

Soooo..... a Hispanic is biologically incapable of holding any political philosophy except liberal or "closet liberal", whatever that is?

If the Chron was looking to plug "liberals", why the endorsement for Cornyn and the good words for Hutchinson?

Your theory called. It said "I've fallen and I can't get up".

Cornyn is a RINO.

Some Repugs are liberal.

Your response is noted and discarded.

No Republicans are "liberal". They don't exist in the Republican Party. You can't prove that any Republicans are liberal because they aren't welcome. Look how little Republicans tolerate the gays and Muslims. They certainly don't want any liberals.
Case in point:

This is the supposed endorsement.

"Ted Cruz, the Republican candidate to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison in the U.S. Senate, is one of the shooting stars of the 2012 election season. Cruz came from obscurity less than a year ago to defeat the heavy favorite, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in the Republican primary runoff in July. From there, he was thrust instantly into the national limelight as a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in August. No great surprise: He is young, smart, telegenic and Hispanic."

"We endorse Ted Cruz to succeed Kay Bailey Hutchison and join Sen. John Cornyn in the U.S. Senate. We do so in the expectation that Cruz will be schooled by the examples of previous senators from Texas, beginning with Hutchison and continuing with Lloyd Bentsen and Lyndon B. Johnson. In Cornyn, he will have a someone to emulate at his side. We expect Cruz as the senator from the Lone Star State to spend his energies standing up for Texans of every background and economic station, representing their best interests from health care and education to energy, space and medicine. "

Cruz for Senate - Houston Chronicle

My guess is they felt because of his ethnicity that he would be another closet liberal in the GOP.

Soooo..... a Hispanic is biologically incapable of holding any political philosophy except liberal or "closet liberal", whatever that is?

If the Chron was looking to plug "liberals", why the endorsement for Cornyn and the good words for Hutchinson?

Your theory called. It said "I've fallen and I can't get up".

Cornyn is a RINO.

Some Repugs are liberal.

Your response is noted and discarded.

RINO... RINO... oh yeah, that term y'all made up to describe what you think are Congresscritters elected to serve the party rather than constituents. :rofl:

Absolutistan must be a weird place.
In slap, Ted Cruz's hometown newspaper rethinks its endorsement

“Does anyone else miss Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison?” asked the Houston Chronicle editorial board, citing the three-term U.S. senator whom Cruz replaced. “We're not sure how much difference one person could make in the toxic, chaotic, hyperpartisan atmosphere in Washington, but if we could choose just one it would be Hutchison, whose years of service in the Senate were marked by two things sorely lacking in her successor, Ted Cruz.”



I thought he was from Canada. You people need to get your stories straight.

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