Ted Cruz is a Nasty Bible Nutter Owned By Goldman Sachs


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Snouter, I wouldn't even consider voting for Cruz, nor would I vote for the guy who has his arm around Cruz' shoulders in friendship while he digs a hole under his standing with his other hand. But this accusation of Cruz owned by Goldman Sachs is sheer and utter bullcrap, and I think you know it. I respect your choice of vote even if I oppose it, but if people have to lie and slander to justify their choice of a different candidate, well then their rationale just plain sucks!
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Snouter, I wouldn't even consider voting for Cruz, nor would I vote for the guy who has his arm around Cruz' shoulders in friendship while he digs a hole under his standing with his other hand. But this accusation of Cruz owned by Goldman Sachs is sheer and utter bullcrap, and I think you know it. I respect your choice of vote even if I oppose it, but if people have to lie and slander to justify their choice of a different candidate, well then their rationale just plain sucks!
His wife works for Goldman Sachs, so you know she owns Ted's sach....
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Snouter, I wouldn't even consider voting for Cruz, nor would I vote for the guy who has his arm around Cruz' shoulders in friendship while he digs a hole under his standing with his other hand. But this accusation of Cruz owned by Goldman Sachs is sheer and utter bullcrap, and I think you know it. I respect your choice of vote even if I oppose it, but if people have to lie and slander to justify their choice of a different candidate, well then their rationale just plain sucks!
His wife works for Goldman Sachs, so you know she owns Ted's sach....

She gets a salary, Hillary gets 10 times that in campaign contributions. Who owns who?
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.

YOU are a nut bag douche.

Taking a loan, whether from the Bank of America, chase, or Goldman Sachs is not even remotely the same thing as being "owned" by the institution that provides the loan (it's a horribly empty stupid thing to even say, in fact).

For example, I have a mortgage loan. The bank, on that basis, does not "own" me.

You probably still don't have the first hint of what a major leaky douchebag you are.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
OP is just TOO stupid.

Yeah, we can smell ya'.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
OP is just TOO stupid.

Yeah, we can smell ya'.

it's what is called a: useless tool. If I had those nut jobs out campaigning for a party. it's NO THANKS
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Does that mean you are not voting for him?
the same DNC talking points spewed over and over. what a bore these people are. it's either talking points or hate. but that's become the Progressive/dem party of today and their rabit hard left nut jobs followers. nothing but ugly
I heard there's a Democrat "debate" tonight. That's going to really hurt the NFL.
I heard there's a Democrat "debate" tonight. That's going to really hurt the NFL.
It is almost like they scheduled this on purpose to get the lowest ratings possible just so Hillary would have fewer viewers to lie too.
I just get delighted seeing the rabid moonbats foam at the mouth over the rise of my favorite candidate.

Ted Cruz is the only choice for a nominee if you want the regressive insanity of the past 8 years or more undone and rolled back. If you want the feds to be once again restrained by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will fight to get it done. If you want sniveling bed wetting libturds to lose their bureaucrook power in the federal agencies then vote for Ted Cruz.

So, the person who takes out a loan is owned by the person or institution who provided that loan.
In other words 90 percent of Americans are owned by somebody.

Democrats should rejoice: Slavery has been resurrected!
Finally the Ted Cruz that I felt was under all of that Bullshit and lies is coming out.
I am sure there is much more to come out...

He reminds me of this dog when he laughs...lol...sneaky


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