Ted Cruz is a Nasty Bible Nutter Owned By Goldman Sachs

The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Scared of God are you? If Cruz quotes the Bible that is his RIGHT under the Constitution. I am a believer and far from brain dead like you libtards.
Cruz is a social conservative who is wrong on the issues – he represents the fear, hate, and bigotry common most on the social right, the contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; he consequently has no business being president.
Cruz is a social conservative who is wrong on the issues – he represents the fear, hate, and bigotry common most on the social right, the contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; he consequently has no business being president.
I just get delighted seeing the rabid moonbats foam at the mouth over the rise of my favorite candidate.

Ted Cruz is the only choice for a nominee if you want the regressive insanity of the past 8 years or more undone and rolled back. If you want the feds to be once again restrained by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will fight to get it done. If you want sniveling bed wetting libturds to lose their bureaucrook power in the federal agencies then vote for Ted Cruz.

Odd, isn't it pete, that those are the very reasons I would NOT vote for Cruz. I don't want equal pay, or the ACA, or credit card regs, diplomacy vs. military invasion, et al, rolled back. I do NOT believe Ted would return America to a 'restrained Constitution', and I believe he would also prefer a Sanhedrin over a SCOTUS. I also do not believe bureaucracy would end or that Fed lands would be given to States. And as a personal note, I don't know at what age I was potty-trained, but the last time I wet the bed is back before my memory began.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Scared of God are you? If Cruz quotes the Bible that is his RIGHT under the Constitution. I am a believer and far from brain dead like you libtards.

So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?

The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Scared of God are you? If Cruz quotes the Bible that is his RIGHT under the Constitution. I am a believer and far from brain dead like you libtards.

So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?

Good for Cruz. Truth still hurts idiots on the left. Gay is sin.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Scared of God are you? If Cruz quotes the Bible that is his RIGHT under the Constitution. I am a believer and far from brain dead like you libtards.

So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?

Good for Cruz. Truth still hurts idiots on the left. Gay is sin.

So is murder, which is what the pastor was calling for when it comes to gays.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
Scared of God are you? If Cruz quotes the Bible that is his RIGHT under the Constitution. I am a believer and far from brain dead like you libtards.

So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?

Good for Cruz. Truth still hurts idiots on the left. Gay is sin.

Not what/ or how Jesus taught what so ever... He is a crazy is probably a closet Lesbian...:lmao:
So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?
If Reverend Wright didn't bother you, you have no room to talk.

I don't like any politician using religion in anyway..Most of the time when they do then they are scamming the bible belt to get their votes.
Like obuthole scammed the left to get their votes.

Never even paid attention because remember the lefts aren't christian , like the Tea's claim they are the only christian party?
So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?
If Reverend Wright didn't bother you, you have no room to talk.

I don't like any politician using religion in anyway..Most of the time when they do then they are scamming the bible belt to get their votes.
It's how obama got started and why he picked that church in Chicago.
So then it is ok with you if Ted Cruz supports and is on stage with such a hateful pastor?
If Reverend Wright didn't bother you, you have no room to talk.

I don't like any politician using religion in anyway..Most of the time when they do then they are scamming the bible belt to get their votes.
Like obuthole scammed the left to get their votes.

Never even paid attention because remember the lefts aren't christian , like the Tea's claim they are the only christian party?
Do you have a source for that? Never heard it before. It isn't even a religious party. It isn't even a political party. It's a ground roots movement last I heard.
Cruz is not who he pretends to be. If personal character doesn't matter to you, vote for him on the issues. He may do all he promises if he is elected. But he is not an honest man or a moral one. Listen to the old lady; I was equally sure about Nixon and Bill Clinton way before they were elected and proved me right. Has nothing to do with politics; just judgement of character. You take your chances with him.
The Donald is exposing that kook lately. The Donald was kind enough to appear at some sort of "tea party" and the limp wristed, nutters, probably Bernie Sanders supporters, wearing Revolutionary War costumes defended the Goldman Sachs owned hypocrite Ted Cruz. Anyone who quotes the jewish/christian bible in interviews like Cruz to appeal to brain dead "believers" cannot be trusted.
The federal government is owned by career politicians, who are owned by puppet masters, who happen to be big pharma, the "green" energy lobby, insurance companies, union bosses, socialists, anti-gun nutters, so called climate scientists...
Sadly all along the naive, gullible bleeding heart Obama supporters are thinking "hope and change" came in the form of, a young black man who's past is foggy at best. A career politician that was a "community organizer" in Chicago of all places. Growing up his peers, mentors, teachers and friends all seem to be socialists and/or career politicians, both being the lowest of life forms.
...Manchurian candidate comes to mind
Odd, isn't it pete, that those are the very reasons I would NOT vote for Cruz. I don't want equal pay, or the ACA, or credit card regs, diplomacy vs. military invasion, et al, rolled back. I do NOT believe Ted would return America to a 'restrained Constitution', and I believe he would also prefer a Sanhedrin over a SCOTUS. I also do not believe bureaucracy would end or that Fed lands would be given to States. And as a personal note, I don't know at what age I was potty-trained, but the last time I wet the bed is back before my memory began.

Not all liberals are bed wetters, but all bedwetters over the age of 12 are liberals.

I want regressive policy rolled back. It is detrimental to our culture and society.

BTW, diplomacy is not a moonbat virture. However America gets the shit end of the stick when assholes like the meat puppet queer and Lurch are involved with diplomacy.

Cruz is not who he pretends to be. If personal character doesn't matter to you, vote for him on the issues. He may do all he promises if he is elected. But he is not an honest man or a moral one. Listen to the old lady; I was equally sure about Nixon and Bill Clinton way before they were elected and proved me right. Has nothing to do with politics; just judgement of character. You take your chances with him.
Does obutholes personal character matter? Doesn't seem so.

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