Ted Cruz Is The Man!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm, Dare to make it known!
From From the hymn “Hold the Fort!” First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois.

Breaking the mold of what we have come to expect from professional politicians, and I mean that in the pejorative, Senator Cruz stood up for his, and my, beliefs.

Doing so doesn't bode well for his future as a member of our "deliberative" bodies.

Courage such as he has shown in both in short supply, and sorely missed.

His latest foray into that lonely realm:

1." Congratulations are in order to Senator Ted Cruz who, when he found himself facing an audience that was hostile to Israel, turned around and walked out.

2. ...speaking at a sold-out dinner gala for Middle East Christians...when he asserted, “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

3. ... “tonight, we are all united in defense of Christians. Tonight, we are all united in defense of Jews. Tonight, we are all united in defense of people of good faith, who are standing together against those who would persecute and murder those who dare disagree with their religious teachings.”

4. .... speaking extemporaneously, not from a teleprompter or notes, and went on to assert that “religious bigotry is a cancer with many manifiestations. ISIS, al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, state sponsors like Syria and Iran, are all engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East.

5. ..... we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so called nuances and differences. But we shouldn’t try to parse different manifestations of evil that are on a murderous rampage through the region. Hate is hate, and murder is murder.”

6. ... when Senator Cruz said “Christians have no greater ally than Israel” that at least some members of the audience began to boo him and yell “stop it.”

7. “”Cruz had already had enough.” He declared: “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Good night, and God bless.”

8. ... in a show of character that is rare among politicians, Mr. Cruz just turned around and walked out. It was a marvelous moment and, we’d like to think, a glimpse of how Mr. Cruz might perform as president in the world organizations — the United Nations and others — in which hostility to Jews and Israel is heard all the time."
Senator Cruz Walks Out - The New York Sun

9. In a lighter vein, this vein:

A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

10. And, in a related....but very different joke:

Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

"...we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so called nuances and differences."
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A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

You know that Groucho stole that line from George Bugs Moran....?

As far as the rest of the crap you posted, I could use it for toilet paper...The Israeli's are getting a little tired of missionaries, Mormons and baptism by proxy...
A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

You know that Groucho stole that line from George Bugs Moran....?

As far as the rest of the crap you posted, I could use it for toilet paper...The Israeli's are getting a little tired of missionaries, Mormons and baptism by proxy...

See....now, there's an opinion.

A stupid one, but an opinion.
A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

You know that Groucho stole that line from George Bugs Moran....?

As far as the rest of the crap you posted, I could use it for toilet paper...The Israeli's are getting a little tired of missionaries, Mormons and baptism by proxy...

See....now, there's an opinion.

A stupid one, but an opinion.

I can't help it if you guys are so annoying that even contracts are not honored in Israel when it involves a missionary...They hate the baptizing of their dead by Christian groups....Shall I go on, or do you need more to deny?
A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

You know that Groucho stole that line from George Bugs Moran....?

As far as the rest of the crap you posted, I could use it for toilet paper...The Israeli's are getting a little tired of missionaries, Mormons and baptism by proxy...

See....now, there's an opinion.

A stupid one, but an opinion.

I can't help it if you guys are so annoying that even contracts are not honored in Israel when it involves a missionary...They hate the baptizing of their dead by Christian groups....Shall I go on, or do you need more to deny?

As I thought....you didn't understand the OP, and merely needed a place to vent your hatred of Jewish folk.

Glad I could provide the opportunity.
Oh related note....

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.

The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.

The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar Al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.

One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

The Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon
A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

You know that Groucho stole that line from George Bugs Moran....?

As far as the rest of the crap you posted, I could use it for toilet paper...The Israeli's are getting a little tired of missionaries, Mormons and baptism by proxy...

See....now, there's an opinion.

A stupid one, but an opinion.

I can't help it if you guys are so annoying that even contracts are not honored in Israel when it involves a missionary...They hate the baptizing of their dead by Christian groups....Shall I go on, or do you need more to deny?

As I thought....you didn't understand the OP, and merely needed a place to vent your hatred of Jewish folk.

Glad I could provide the opportunity.
It's not my dislike of what the Christian's do to the Jews....that you need not address....
Oh related note....

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.

The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.

The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar Al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.

One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

The Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon

At least one, but we're not really sure, so just roll with the need to fill in the story with propaganda...
Oh related note....

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.

The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.

The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar Al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.

One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

The Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon

At least one, but we're not really sure, so just roll with the need to fill in the story with propaganda...

Well....let's bring it closer to home:

"...six people with Muslim Brotherhood ties either serving in the Obama administration or with close ties to the Obama White House. The Egyptian paper reported as follows (with bold print for emphasis provided):

Perhaps the most famous story the American media dealt with months ago was ‘Huma Abidin’ Clinton’s special adviser and her close friend,but what many people do not know is that there are 6 other personalities tied to the Brotherhood on the American political street… We survey in this investigation information which has not been published before about these six personalities in the entire Islamic world, but there remains a question we cannot answer yet, but we are on the way to it. Are these six personalities tantamount to a turning point for the Obama administration from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world as well?

The paper went on to name the six — whose ties to the Obama administration the paper listed — as:

Arif Alikhan — Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for DHS

Mohamed Elibiary — Homeland Security Adviser

Rashad Hussain Marayati — Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference

•Salam al-Marayati — Obama Adviser — founder, Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director

•Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s Sharia Czar — Islamic Society of North America

Eboo Patel — Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships" The Obama Six The American Spectator
DId he recite "Green Eggs and Ham" for them?

I seem to have misplaced my Rosetta Stone....would you mind deciphering your post so that I may consider your opinion.....if you have one.
Did he (Ted Cruz) recite (as in read outloud) "Green Eggs and Ham" (a popular Dr Seuss book) to them ( the audience he was addressing).
Oh related note....

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.

The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.

The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar Al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.

One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

The Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon

At least one, but we're not really sure, so just roll with the need to fill in the story with propaganda...

Well....let's bring it closer to home:

"...six people with Muslim Brotherhood ties either serving in the Obama administration or with close ties to the Obama White House. The Egyptian paper reported as follows (with bold print for emphasis provided):

Perhaps the most famous story the American media dealt with months ago was ‘Huma Abidin’ Clinton’s special adviser and her close friend,but what many people do not know is that there are 6 other personalities tied to the Brotherhood on the American political street… We survey in this investigation information which has not been published before about these six personalities in the entire Islamic world, but there remains a question we cannot answer yet, but we are on the way to it. Are these six personalities tantamount to a turning point for the Obama administration from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world as well?

The paper went on to name the six — whose ties to the Obama administration the paper listed — as:

Arif Alikhan — Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for DHS

Mohamed Elibiary — Homeland Security Adviser

Rashad Hussain Marayati — Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference

•Salam al-Marayati — Obama Adviser — founder, Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director

•Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s Sharia Czar — Islamic Society of North America

Eboo Patel — Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships" The Obama Six The American Spectator

We all know that all Muslims are evil and have only our death and destruction in mind...
DId he recite "Green Eggs and Ham" for them?

I seem to have misplaced my Rosetta Stone....would you mind deciphering your post so that I may consider your opinion.....if you have one.
Did he (Ted Cruz) recite (as in read outloud) "Green Eggs and Ham" (a popular Dr Seuss book) to them ( the audience he was addressing).

So, the actual purpose of your post was to say "I recognize his name!"

That's it?

How about responding to the OP....

...this in particular:

4. .... speaking extemporaneously, not from a teleprompter or notes, and went on to assert that “religious bigotry is a cancer with many manifestations. ISIS, al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, state sponsors like Syria and Iran, are all engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East.

Opinions are welcome, and move the conversation along.
DId he recite "Green Eggs and Ham" for them?

I seem to have misplaced my Rosetta Stone....would you mind deciphering your post so that I may consider your opinion.....if you have one.
I think I can help as I understand some Idiot:
You praised Cruz. Cruz is against the homosexual agenda. So even though Cruz committed an act of heroism by what he did I have to throw out something that denigrates him, even if it makes me look like a moron.
Oh related note....

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.

The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.

The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar Al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.

One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

The Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon

At least one, but we're not really sure, so just roll with the need to fill in the story with propaganda...

Well....let's bring it closer to home:

"...six people with Muslim Brotherhood ties either serving in the Obama administration or with close ties to the Obama White House. The Egyptian paper reported as follows (with bold print for emphasis provided):

Perhaps the most famous story the American media dealt with months ago was ‘Huma Abidin’ Clinton’s special adviser and her close friend,but what many people do not know is that there are 6 other personalities tied to the Brotherhood on the American political street… We survey in this investigation information which has not been published before about these six personalities in the entire Islamic world, but there remains a question we cannot answer yet, but we are on the way to it. Are these six personalities tantamount to a turning point for the Obama administration from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world as well?

The paper went on to name the six — whose ties to the Obama administration the paper listed — as:

Arif Alikhan — Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for DHS

Mohamed Elibiary — Homeland Security Adviser

Rashad Hussain Marayati — Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference

•Salam al-Marayati — Obama Adviser — founder, Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director

•Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s Sharia Czar — Islamic Society of North America

Eboo Patel — Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships" The Obama Six The American Spectator

We all know that all Muslims are evil and have only our death and destruction in mind...

I'm gonna alter your post to bring it closer to the truth....see if you object to this:
"We all know that all Muslims aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas, and ISIS, are evil and have only our death and destruction in mind."
Seems that ME Christains don't care much for Cruz's love of the Israelis either...

Your attempt to avoid the real subject speaks volumes.
And your subtext exposes your real motive.

You've picked the wrong side.
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