Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense

"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

He's a humanitarian. He wishes to stop you Democrats from fulfilling your desires for the genocide of the Black community through Planned Parenthood.
Nothing better than voluntary genocide...

Yeah. Give'em an Obamaphone to keep them happy and voting Democrat while you are busy annihilating them. Great plan by the Democrats. You are busily replacing the Blacks with illegal aliens all the while.
When did I do that?
Folks, I don't think Hillary's combat experience alone will get her elected. Now, being the fair and balanced individual that I am, I would invite any of you Democrats to post Hillary's own tax plan up here so we can pit Hilary's tax plan against Ted Cruz's tax plan. That seems fair.
Well, as President, he would have control of the Department of Justice under which all other law enforcement agencies are lumped. ICE, the Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, DEA, ATF, all would fall under his attorney general or other appointments. I think at least existing laws would be better enforced. He may have problems getting any new laws through Congress but those on the books would be his to enforce. The problem we now have is that Obama will not enforce our existing laws.

I think a lot of republicrats and all the democrooks are terrified at the possibility of a Cruz presidency, because Cruz just might purge the LEO agencies of statists who protect criminal political whores in both parties. The only democrook that doesn't belong in prison is Bernie Sanders, but he belongs in an asylum. I would say %90 of the republicrats belong in prison. The federal government is completely corrupt.Tens of thousands of unelected bureaucrooks should be expelled for either abuse of authority or failure to report their superiors. "Journalists" who are little more than apparatchiks of the democrook party should be tried for treason and jailed or expatriated to Sweden where islamic radicals can rape them without repercussion.

There are lots of existing laws that should prevent low level corruption, but it is rarely enforced. The laws that are supposed to prevent high crimes, felonies and treason by elected officials have been enforced only when politically expedient. Ted Kennedy allowed a woman to DIE in the back of his car. He waddled home and fell asleep. He called his lawyers when he got home, then called police. The fact that he was never held accountable for that proves the depth of political corruption that has only gotten worse in the 40 years since then.

Ted Cruz believes in the rule of law and will purge the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths from our midst.

Once again I have asked for you Liberals to come forward with Hillary's tax plan for comparison. Once again, silence. Do you folks have anything at all to put up here besides just attacks on those who have put forth a platform?
"Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense"

Actually not.

In fact, Cruz is completely devoid of sense, common or otherwise.

Cruz' positions on the issues is comprehensively wrong, ridiculous, and often detached from reality:

"On the economic front, a President Cruz would abolish the IRS, institute a 10 percent flat tax across the board and retie the value of the dollar to the gold standard. The U.S. stopped trading gold for dollars in 1933 and while the supply of gold has grown, there isn't enough gold in the world to match the $18 trillion U.S GDP. The money supply, the availability of credit and the nation's economy would likely have to contract to match the supply of bullion. Nevertheless, Cruz says returning to the gold standard deserves serious consideration.

If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud. The Texas senator doesn't believe in climate change science and would veto any legislation that would raise taxes or fees to inhibit global warming. He would like to institute term limits for U.S. Supreme Court justices. He opposes any minimum wage increase. And he would deport the millions of unauthorized immigrants in this country, all of them."

As His Moderate Rivals Are 'Ripping Each Other Apart,' Ted Cruz Sees An In

This is pure, unmitigated idiocy – a reckless, irresponsible, reactionary agenda hostile to sound governance and public policy; it's the stuff of a clueless rightwing extremist adhering blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

The last thing America needs is this sort of fear, ignorance, and hate advocated by Cruz and his misguided supporters.

I just heard, "I can't argue against the points made, so I must go grab a straw man from an unrelated, unreliable source and try to make THAT the basis for argument."

The last thing this message board needs is to pretend you're a real person.
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Once again I have asked for you Liberals to come forward with Hillary's tax plan for comparison. Once again, silence. Do you folks have anything at all to put up here besides just attacks on those who have put forth a platform?

They're much too busy deflecting and trying to reset the sources and parameters for that.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

The only thing petty, small-minded, vindictive, and partisan here is your attempt to hijack the thread and avoid having to address the OP.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

He's a humanitarian. He wishes to stop you Democrats from fulfilling your desires for the genocide of the Black community through Planned Parenthood.
Nothing better than voluntary genocide...

Yeah. Give'em an Obamaphone to keep them happy and voting Democrat while you are busy annihilating them. Great plan by the Democrats. You are busily replacing the Blacks with illegal aliens all the while.

Well, it works if you've systematically degraded the public education system in urban areas to little more than badly-run zoos, then made certain that black children can't possibly escape from them, so that generation after generation of blacks become little more than ignorant, parasitic drones too incapable of thought to realize they're being coerced into self-destruction.

It's always hilarious to listen to leftists screeching about how non-millionaires who vote Republican are "going against their best interests", considering how monolithically the black community votes for the Democrats whose every policy is guaranteed to destroy and enslave them. The irony of it all.
So we must conclude that you Liberals have absolutely nothing to contribute as pertaining to your own candidates' tax plans since you refuse to put forth anything at all. Is it all you can actually put forward are attacks upon candidates who actually do have something to offer the American people? You are really looking lame on this issue.
Senator Cruz is fighting for the Ten Commandments, the Second Amendment, and the Pledge of Allegiance...& winning.
Gun Raffle | Cruz for President

I used to think Cruz liked the COTUS until he supported Kim Davis and her shredding of it..
I used to think Cruz liked the COTUS until he supported Kim Davis and her shredding of it..

Kim Davis shredded it? I never saw the words, gay, marriage or anything of the sort in the COTUS before obozo started tearing it up.

I think you're upset he supported her for not doing her job, and that's fair enough. She should have resigned, not made an ass out of herself. It's is such an insignificant issue to me though, that I don't care if Cruz supported her.

I used to think Cruz liked the COTUS until he supported Kim Davis and her shredding of it..

Kim Davis shredded it? I never saw the words, gay, marriage or anything of the sort in the COTUS before obozo started tearing it up.

I think you're upset he supported her for not doing her job, and that's fair enough. She should have resigned, not made an ass out of herself. It's is such an insignificant issue to me though, that I don't care if Cruz supported her.

It wasn't, but the federal govt got involved with marriage. That made the COTUS apply to it, IMO. Well, and the Supreme courts lol.
Members of the judicial branch don't have first amendment rights while they are on the job.
Yes, she should have resigned.

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