Ted Cruz; Mr. No-Show In The Senate

oh brother. they scheduled the vote for when he couldn't get back there or when his vote wasn't going to be able to CHANGE ANYTHING anyway

so now here is their own made up version...He cares more for THE SPOTLIGHT

the propaganda that makes up our media today

How many times has someone missed a vote and you don't see a front page 1000 word article on it

AND now they are "worried" about wasting our monies....how cute

OMG OMG frincken whinin libs, !!!!
Ah, but would he make an effort to save a US ambassador if they were attacked?

And you think that our Pres., Pres. Obama, did not? Really? Are you really that daft?
Teaperism...it is more of a handicap/ disorder than a political movement.

It was trailer-trash logic before they created the smaller government/ less tax narrative that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for teaper gate politics.

It was our Founders that created the smaller government/ less tax, not the Tea Party.
Ah, but would he make an effort to save a US ambassador if they were attacked?

And you think that our Pres., Pres. Obama, did not? Really? Are you really that daft?
Teaperism...it is more of a handicap/ disorder than a political movement.

It was trailer-trash logic before they created the smaller government/ less tax narrative that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for teaper gate politics.

It was our Founders that created the smaller government/ less tax, not the Tea Party.
Exactly...the teapers have nothing to do with such principles. When have you ever heard a lousy teaper talk about such prinicples. It is very rare...usually their narrative is about hate...hating liberals, blacks, Mexicans and anyone else that does not favor vitriol and hate politics.
oh brother. they scheduled the vote for when he couldn't get back there or when his vote wasn't going to be able to CHANGE ANYTHING anyway

Wow, you sound like a whiny little child. If I have to go to work on Monday morning and as of late Wed. night I'm still not there for a meeting, it's not the manager's fault for scheduling a meeting at an inconvenient time for me. But hey, we're all entitled to do whatever the fuck we want and be paid well over $100,000 a year on the taxpayer dole.
Ah, but would he make an effort to save a US ambassador if they were attacked?

And you think that our Pres., Pres. Obama, did not? Really? Are you really that daft?
Teaperism...it is more of a handicap/ disorder than a political movement.

It was trailer-trash logic before they created the smaller government/ less tax narrative that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for teaper gate politics.

It was our Founders that created the smaller government/ less tax, not the Tea Party.
Exactly...the teapers have nothing to do with such principles. When have you ever heard a lousy teaper talk about such prinicples. It is very rare...usually their narrative is about hate...hating liberals, blacks, Mexicans and anyone else that does not favor vitriol and hate politics.

Taxed Enough Already Party
oh brother. they scheduled the vote for when he couldn't get back there or when his vote wasn't going to be able to CHANGE ANYTHING anyway

so now here is their own made up version...He cares more for THE SPOTLIGHT

the propaganda that makes up our media today

How many times has someone missed a vote and you don't see a front page 1000 word article on it

AND now they are "worried" about wasting our monies....how cute

You are right. Missing a vote or two is not a big deal. It happens to all of them. However, Cruz misses votes 7 times more often than the median. That's not just an unfortunate event. That is dereliction of the duties he was hired for.
Ah, but would he make an effort to save a US ambassador if they were attacked?

And you think that our Pres., Pres. Obama, did not? Really? Are you really that daft?
Teaperism...it is more of a handicap/ disorder than a political movement.

It was trailer-trash logic before they created the smaller government/ less tax narrative that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for teaper gate politics.

It was our Founders that created the smaller government/ less tax, not the Tea Party.
Exactly...the teapers have nothing to do with such principles. When have you ever heard a lousy teaper talk about such prinicples. It is very rare...usually their narrative is about hate...hating liberals, blacks, Mexicans and anyone else that does not favor vitriol and hate politics.

Taxed Enough Already Party
Yeah...what's in a name? Sort of like NK calling itself the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...name doesn't mean shit.
I have to be honest. Given the choice between luxury travel and collecting tens of millions of dollars while getting wined and dined by billionaires or attending boring meetings at my job, I would go with the big bucks and fun too.
Ah, but would he make an effort to save a US ambassador if they were attacked?

And you think that our Pres., Pres. Obama, did not? Really? Are you really that daft?
Teaperism...it is more of a handicap/ disorder than a political movement.

It was trailer-trash logic before they created the smaller government/ less tax narrative that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for teaper gate politics.

It was our Founders that created the smaller government/ less tax, not the Tea Party.

Don't confuse the clowns from ruining another thread . they are on a roll
It seems Cruz is more interested in the spot light than he is doing the job he was elected to do.
Absentee ballot: Ted Cruz a no-show at most committee meetings, floor votes
On one side of the spectrum in the Senate there is Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has not missed a vote since taking office in 1997. At the opposite end are Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida.
The two Republican presidential candidates' attendance records when it comes to Senate votes and attending hearings are some of lowest in the chamber, with Cruz being especially negligent as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Cruz has missed the majority of committee hearings and now ranks 97th in the first three months of this year in showing up for roll call votes on the floor.
According to a report from Politico late last month, Cruz missed out on discussions about Afghanistan, the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay, spending cuts, military readiness and the appropriate level of compensation for the troops.
Cruz was also the only senator absent on Wednesday when the Senate voted 99-0 to pass a compromise human trafficking bill that ended a contentious fight over federal abortion funding restrictions that had stalled the confirmation vote on attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch.
Cruz's campaign spokesman, Rick Tyler, told Fox News Latino that the senator missed the vote because he arrived in Washington, D.C., late in the evening on Wednesday.
Absentee ballot Ted Cruz a no-show at most committee meetings floor votes Fox News Latino

This is a perfect example of wasting taxpayer dollars.
Cruz spends alot his time criticizing Washington, when he is the part of Washington that is more concerned about getting in front of the camera and raising Big Money, than doing the job he was elected to do.
I let people go when they keep on missing work, because they aren't doing their job they were hired to do. I sure don't promote them.
And he's running for president? And people want to promote him?

Thanks, this is both informative and a sharp stick in the eye of the echo chamber, it exposed their hypocrisy and dishonesty for all to see. Cruz us a demagoue first class, and as President Lincoln famously noted, Cruz is able to fool some of the people all of the time. Are there any bigger fools than Stephanie?
but but, according to Fox Latino. Cruz's voting record is more important
all of it and a video at the site. and notice how they are all INTO fox news now? hummmm
Mitt Romney on the Clinton Foundation Uranium Payments: “It Looks Like Bribery” (VIDEO)

Former Governor Mitt Romney weighed in on the latest Clinton scandal yesterday with radio host Hugh Hewitt.

Romney said he was “stunned” when he read the New York Times report documenting cash flowing from the Russians amid a uranium deal.

Governor Romney told Hugh Hewitt: ” I was stunned… It looks like bribery.”

all of it here:
Mitt Romney on the Clinton Foundation Uranium Payments It Looks Like Bribery VIDEO The Gateway Pundit
but but, lets all take Polutico and fox LATINO worrying over Cruz's voting record as more IMPORANT...both are garbage sites in my book


Kasparov: Clinton’s Putin Nuclear Scandal “Would End the Career of Anyone Else”
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 23, 2015, 7:52 PM

Putin critic and former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov weighed in on the latest Clinton Foundation scandal today.

Kasparov says the nuke scandal “would end the career of anyone else.”
Via Twitchy:
A New York Times report revealed today that when Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation accepted over $2 million in donations from Russian-owned Uranium One in exchange for one-fifth of the United States’ uranium production capacity.

ALL of it here

Kasparov Clinton s Putin Nuclear Scandal Would End the Career of Anyone Else The Gateway Pundit
with the Right having only infidels, protestants, and renegades in their allegedly honest Injeun contingents; is it Any wonder (at all) that the Right has no Thing but repeal, instead of better solutions at lower cost.
Ted Cruz should have voted. All talk, no action. Any excuse for him not voting s teaper/ canadian logic.

He has very little chance of landing the GOP nomination for 2016. But we can only hope....

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