Ted Cruz Must Show Proof He Renounced His Cuban Citizenship Obtained From His Father

Who the fuck cares? He has no chances of becoming president either way.
Look, retard, his mother is a United States Citizen. That means he's a United States Citizen. Kids are born abroad all over the world on US military Kasernes and installations, and off, and they are automatically declared Americans.
Apparently you are too stupid for reading comprehension. I don't give a shit about his legality as a candidate. My point is he will NEVER become president whether he is eligible to run or not.
Who the fuck cares? He has no chances of becoming president either way.
You hope.
Oh please. He has zero democratic support. The fact that you people buy into this is just laughable. I do know how emotional you people are though. You probably see this as some cute underdog story where your hero wins the hearts and minds all over America over the heavy weight moderate candidate but you are in fantasy land. Cruz is a complete joke. He won't even come close to being the front runner.
I never claimed he had a chance. I just mentioned it because people like you hate America and would hate to see any conservative patriot, who lives this country, make it to the Oval Office.
Who the fuck cares? He has no chances of becoming president either way.
You hope.
Oh please. He has zero democratic support. The fact that you people buy into this is just laughable. I do know how emotional you people are though. You probably see this as some cute underdog story where your hero wins the hearts and minds all over America over the heavy weight moderate candidate but you are in fantasy land. Cruz is a complete joke. He won't even come close to being the front runner.
I never claimed he had a chance. I just mentioned it because people like you hate America and would hate to see any conservative patriot, who lives this country, make it to the Oval Office.
So because I hate Ted Cruz, the epitome of the obstructive politician, I hate America as well?
Who the fuck cares? He has no chances of becoming president either way.
Look, retard, his mother is a United States Citizen. That means he's a United States Citizen. Kids are born abroad all over the world on US military Kasernes and installations, and off, and they are automatically declared Americans.
Apparently you are too stupid for reading comprehension. I don't give a shit about his legality as a candidate. My point is he will NEVER become president whether he is eligible to run or not.
As if that was up to a tussbucket like you.


If he gets elected I hope you move to Canada......
Who the fuck cares? He has no chances of becoming president either way.
Look, retard, his mother is a United States Citizen. That means he's a United States Citizen. Kids are born abroad all over the world on US military Kasernes and installations, and off, and they are automatically declared Americans.
Apparently you are too stupid for reading comprehension. I don't give a shit about his legality as a candidate. My point is he will NEVER become president whether he is eligible to run or not.
As if that was up to a tussbucket like you.


If he gets elected I hope you move to Canada......
Well that certainly would be a better country to live in if he did become president.
Aren't you embarrassed to demonstrate how ignorant you are on a public forum? You should be. No President has ever had to prove citizenship or prove anything else for that matter. That's because every Presidential candidate is subjected to full background investigations by the Secret Service and the FBI. Anyone who claims they don't is either completely dishonest or completely stupid.
Nice try but you're full of shit. Obama has never verified his citizenship.

Obama is the only President who actually has.
You mean with that fake birth certificate the photoshopped for him? Try again.

You say its fake. The State of Hawaii affirms that the information on it matches their original records and is 100% accurate.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter what you ignore.
No, a hospital employee (and Obama supporter) affirms. So why don't they release it instead of "affirm" it?

Stupidity or dishonesty, which motivates birther delusions more?
Nice try but you're full of shit. Obama has never verified his citizenship.

Obama is the only President who actually has.
You mean with that fake birth certificate the photoshopped for him? Try again.

You say its fake. The State of Hawaii affirms that the information on it matches their original records and is 100% accurate.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter what you ignore.
No, a hospital employee (and Obama supporter) affirms. So why don't they release it instead of "affirm" it?

Stupidity or dishonesty, which motivates birther delusions more?
Have you ever posted anything with information in it? So far, the only thing I've seen you post is name calling.
Obama is the only President who actually has.
You mean with that fake birth certificate the photoshopped for him? Try again.

You say its fake. The State of Hawaii affirms that the information on it matches their original records and is 100% accurate.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter what you ignore.
No, a hospital employee (and Obama supporter) affirms. So why don't they release it instead of "affirm" it?

Stupidity or dishonesty, which motivates birther delusions more?
Have you ever posted anything with information in it? So far, the only thing I've seen you post is name calling.

Have you? The Registrar of Hawaii is not a 'hospital employee'. You're just making shit up to cling to a silly conspiracy. One that has been debunked and discredited so often that your ilk have become a punchline. And rightly so.

The State of Hawaii confirmed that the information was 100% accurate. Secretary of State Ken Bennett made a formal request of Hawaii and the Registrar officially answered. The document you dismiss as a 'forgery' is 100% accurate per the State of Hawaii.

So your story is a 100% accurate 'forgery'? That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
"Officially answered". That's your proof? How about producing the fucking document and let the experts look at it? Can't do that, huh? Why? Maybe because it doesn't exist? You can repeat your talking points as many times as you want but that doesn't put the issue to rest. This president is a fraud.
Obama is the only President who actually has.
You mean with that fake birth certificate the photoshopped for him? Try again.

President Obama is the only President who has actually proven his eligibility

  • The only President to show show a copy of his official certified birth certificate (2008)
  • The only President to have his place of birth confirmed by a Director of Health(2009)
  • The only President to request a certified photo copy of his original birth certificate from his state of Birth- and to show those certified copies to reporters(2011)
  • The only President to have Secretaries of States from several states ask for confirmation of the information on his birth certificate- and to receive it.
We have lots of evidence that Barack Obama is eligible- we have inference that Cruz is eligible- because we infer that his
  • Birth certificate is legitimate and
  • that his mother was a U.S. citizen.
We have no evidence that either is correct- but I assume he is eligible.
These were ALL proven to be fakes by experts. No one has ever been allowed to look at his original certificate of live birth, the one the hospital issues when someone is born. You constantly repeating that he has provided proof does not make it true. And a hospital employee saying they have seen it is not proof. Your argument does not hold water.

What experts? LOL

Which of them have been anything other than Birthers?

I haven't quoted a single hospital employee- I have been quoting the Director's of Health for the Hawaiian Department of Health- the State department that is responsible for the retention of all birth certificates in Hawaii.

Two Director's of Health of Hawaii- and the Registrar of Records of Hawaii have all confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Reporters saw the original certified copies of the birth certificate that the State of Hawaii issued.

You just confirmed what former Director of Health Dr. Fukino said:

No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."

As the top Hawaiian official in charge of state health records in 2008, when the issue of Obama's birth first arose, Fukino said she thought she had put the matter to rest. Contacted by NBC, Fukino expanded on previous public statements and made two key points when asked about Trump's recent comments.

The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice.

The first time was in late October 2008, during the closing days of the presidential campaign, when the communications director for the state's then Republican governor, Linda Lingle (who appointed Fukino) asked if she could make a public statement in response to claims then circulating on the Internet that Obama was actually born in Kenya.

Before she would do so, Fukino said, she wanted to inspect the files — and did so, taking with her the state official in charge of vital records. She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files. She then put out a public statement asserting to the document's validity. She later put out another public statement in July 2009 — after reviewing the original birth record a second time.

"It is real, and no amount of saying it is not, is going to change that," Fukino said. Moreover, she added, her boss at the time, Lingle — who was backing John McCain for president — would presumably have to be in on any cover up since Fukino made her public comment at the governor's office's request. "Why would a Republican governor — who was stumping for the other guy — hold out on a big secret?" she asked.

Her second point — one she made repeatedly in the interview — is that the shorter, computer generated "certification of live birth" that was obtained by the Obama campaign in 2007 and has since been publicly released is the standard document that anybody requesting their birth certificate from the state of Hawaii would receive from the health department.

The document was distributed to the Obama campaign in 2007 after Obama, at the request of a campaign official, personally signed a Hawaii birth certificate request form downloaded on the Internet, according to a former campaign official who asked for anonymity. (Obama was "testy" when asked to sign the form but did so anyway to put the issue to rest, the former campaign official said. The White House has dismissed all questions about the president's birth as "fictional nonsense.")

The certification that the campaign received back —which shows that Obama was born in Honolulu at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961 — was based on the content of the original document in state files, Fukino said
Lingles toady Fukino can say all she wants but all of her statements have now been contradicted by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office findings the birth document is forged..........after she made all of those statements.

Nope. No such thing ever happened. First, the Maricopa County Sheriff's department has released no official report backing anything youv'e said. Oh, they've been promising a report for 3 years now. But they've never delivered. So you're not quoting the Marcopa County Sheriff's department. They've conducted no such investigation.

Second, the Cold Case Posse is a private non-profit lead by Mike Zullo. A man that has been taking bribes from birthers for years and lying about. Bribes to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - WFSB 3 Connecticut

My favorite was the indignation with which Zullo denied the accusation before he was presented with evidence proving Zullo was a lying piece of shit:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!"

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - WFSB 3 Connecticut

And yet one day later, cornered by the evidence, Zullo admits he's a lying piece of shit:

One day later, after faced with evidence provided by CBS 5 Investigates, Zullo sent another email.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Wolf had supplied the Cold Case Posse with a dossier of information about alleged problems with the President's birth certificate. The dossier became a major source of information for Zullo's investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - WFSB 3 Connecticut

And this corrupt fuck is your source? The only reason that Zullo isn't behind bars right now is that he's not a cop and he's not conducting an official investigation. He's just some schmuck getting paid under the table by birthers to ape their conspiracy. If a cop did the same thing, they'd be head down, ass up in a prison cell in a matter of hours.

And you expect us to ignore Dr. Chiyome Fukino Director of Health of Hawaii on the official documents held by Hawaii and instead believe a lying, corrupt sack of bribe taking shit like Mike Zullo......who has NEVER even seen the original records held by Hawaii?

Laughing.......I didn't know you were funny, Stephen.

Third, no one at the Cold Case Posse contradicts Chiyome Fukino.
As Fukino inspected the original records. And none of your 'experts' ever have. Nor do any of them claim that the original records held by the state of Hawaii are 'forged'..

That's just you citing you. And you're fucking clueless. So......astonishingly, you're wrong 3 times in just one sentence. Even for a birther, that has has to be a new record for stupid.

After the document was exposed as 100% fraudulent on March 1, 2012, by Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, Fukino has not said a word on their findings, nothing.

The State of Hawaii already affirmed that the image of Obama's LFBC on the White House website matched their original records and was 100% accurate. This for Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett who made a formal request for verification to the State of Hawaii. Hawaii verified.

And shocker......little Birther Stephen ignores Ken Bennett and the Registrar of Hawaii just like he did the Director of Health of Hawaii.

In case you're curious why your ilk are a national laughing stock.....here's why.

She went underground.

More accurately, she's not the Director of Health of Hawaii anymore. She left office in 2011. Your hapless fantasy that she 'went underground' is more blithering idiocy you can't possibly back up.

You see, the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office utilized the ethical services of Reed Hayes, a professional well known Hawaiian court recognized forensic handwriting & computer-document expert with impeccable credentials in the field of attestations. He detected problems from the start of his investigation and ended up making a 40 page report of all things wrong with the document that was turned over to the investigative team to be kept confidential until Sheriff Arpaio concludes his criminal 2nd investigation stemming from the 1st Cold Case Posse investigation. Computer Adobe expert Mara Zabest and countless other computer experts from acoss the country all confirm from their investigations that what was released on April 27, 2011 was/is a 100% forgery. Also the Israel Science And Technology Website, Israels national data base science and technology portal, did their own independent investigation on the same day that boy's cotton pickin document was released and came to the same conclusion, the long form was plagued with problems. Again, the original 53 year old birth record needs to be released along with the microfilm.

And the State of Hawaii absolutely destroyed your experts by confirming that the image of the LFBC matched the original records. TWICE. Demonstrating elegantly that Mara Zabest (who was a birther long before she 'investigated' the PDF image) didn't know what she was talking about.

In any court of law the Registrar of Hawaii wins on any question of the original vital documents of Hawaii. As the Registrar has access to the original vital documents. And birther Mara Zabest has never even seen them.

Try again, birther.
"Officially answered". That's your proof?

The 20 seconds it would have taken you to verify that Ken Bennett had confirmed Obama's Hawaii birth was too much for you to do, huh? Thank you for demonstrating yet again that Birthers don't want to know the truth. But are desperate to remain hopelessly, willfully ignorant.

Its okay, Birther....I'm interested in the truth. And I've already done the research you could never be bothered to do yourself. Open your little maw and let momma bird spit the pre-chewed intellectual cud down your gullet:

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.”

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

Which you could have found in a matter of seconds....if you actually wanted to know the truth. But you don't. You want to cling to your little turd of a conspiracy. And true to national laughing stock birthers everywhere, you'll ignore anything, from any source, if it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

How about producing the fucking document and let the experts look at it?

And exactly as I predicted, you ignore both the Registrar of Hawaii, official verification from the State of Hawaii and Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett......

......and just keep polishing your little conspiracy turd. But tell us again how the Registrar of Hawaii is a 'hospital worker'. The desperate lies birthers tell themselves always amuse me.
"Officially answered". That's your proof?

The 20 seconds it would have taken you to verify that Ken Bennett had confirmed Obama's Hawaii birth was too much for you to do, huh? Thank you for demonstrating yet again that Birthers don't want to know the truth. But are desperate to remain hopelessly, willfully ignorant.

Its okay, Birther....I'm interested in the truth. And I've already done the research you could never be bothered to do yourself. Open your little maw and let momma bird spit the pre-chewed intellectual cud down your gullet:

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.”

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

Which you could have found in a matter of seconds....if you actually wanted to know the truth. But you don't. You want to cling to your little turd of a conspiracy. And true to national laughing stock birthers everywhere, you'll ignore anything, from any source, if it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

How about producing the fucking document and let the experts look at it?

And exactly as I predicted, you ignore both the Registrar of Hawaii, official verification from the State of Hawaii and Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett......

......and just keep polishing your little conspiracy turd. But tell us again how the Registrar of Hawaii is a 'hospital worker'. The desperate lies birthers tell themselves always amuse me.
Bottom line: The original certificate of live birth has never been seen by anyone. You keep saying it's been "confirmed" but no one has been allowed to actually see it. Why won't they allow the media to examine it? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!
Bottom line: The original certificate of live birth has never been seen by anyone.

Bottom line, the State of Hawaii has affirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you've got jack shit that says otherwise.

All you've got is innuendo, speculation and a lovely little turd of a conspiracy that you can't possibly back up.

I've got the Vital Documents of the State of Hawaii as confrmed by both the Director Health of Hawaii and the State Registrar of Hawaii.

I win.

You keep saying it's been "confirmed" but no one has been allowed to actually see it. Why won't they allow the media to examine it? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Me? You seem so terribly confused. I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the Secretary of State of Arizona:

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.”

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

And what excuse do you give to ignore both republican Secretary of State of Arizona Ken Bennet AND the Registar of Hawaii?

Why yet another little batshit conspiracy. You claim no original birth certificate exists. The Director of Health of Hawaii and the Registrar of Hawaii contradict you. Both experts. Both eye witnesses to the original documents.

Prove them wrong. As the burden of proof is ALL on you. Or you could offer another dipshit rendition of how the Registrar of Hawaii is nothing but a 'hospital worker'.

That's always cute.
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We all know he was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen at birth BUT........his father was a Cuban national and like it or not according to Cuban law, he obtained Cuban citizenship too making him not a dual citizen but a tri-citizen. Cruz has gone public last summer renouncing his Canadian citizenship but what about his Cuban citizenship? Read the Cuban Citizenship Law below.

Cuba Citizenship Law - Law Firms lawyers Attorney Solicitor Injury of Cuba

I'm confused. I qualify for dual citizenship. Well, I qualify for dual citizenship dependent on how the wind blows in the government of my other alleged nation-state. That has no bearing here. Perhaps in part because I have a side that has been here prior to this countries inception. Perhaps it is because the US does not recognize dual citizenship

Maybe you can walk me through this.

Unless there is some reason that you find yourself incapable of nailing this bastard for what he is.
We all know he was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen at birth BUT........his father was a Cuban national and like it or not according to Cuban law, he obtained Cuban citizenship too making him not a dual citizen but a tri-citizen. Cruz has gone public last summer renouncing his Canadian citizenship but what about his Cuban citizenship? Read the Cuban Citizenship Law below.

Cuba Citizenship Law - Law Firms lawyers Attorney Solicitor Injury of Cuba

I'm confused. I qualify for dual citizenship. Well, I qualify for dual citizenship dependent on how the wind blows in the government of my other alleged nation-state. That has no bearing here. Perhaps in part because I have a side that has been here prior to this countries inception. Perhaps it is because the US does not recognize dual citizenshippj

and that's the folly of Stephens entire line of reasoning. He insists that US law is defined by foreign law. That if a foreign country recognizes you a citizen, that somehow ties the hands of the constitution.

Its nonsense.

Or nation doesn't recognize dual citizenship. Thus, any 'dual citizen' is only a US citizen under US law. And only US citizenship is taken into account when determining natural born status.
Bottom line: The original certificate of live birth has never been seen by anyone.

Bottom line, the State of Hawaii has affirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you've got jack shit that says otherwise.

All you've got is innuendo, speculation and a lovely little turd of a conspiracy that you can't possibly back up.

I've got the Vital Documents of the State of Hawaii as confrmed by both the Director Health of Hawaii and the State Registrar of Hawaii.

I win.

You keep saying it's been "confirmed" but no one has been allowed to actually see it. Why won't they allow the media to examine it? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Me? You seem so terribly confused. I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the Secretary of State of Arizona:

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.”

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

And what excuse do you give to ignore both republican Secretary of State of Arizona Ken Bennet AND the Registar of Hawaii?

Why yet another little batshit conspiracy. You claim no original birth certificate exists. The Director of Health of Hawaii and the Registrar of Hawaii contradict you. Both experts. Both eye witnesses to the original documents.

Prove them wrong. As the burden of proof is ALL on you. Or you could offer another dipshit rendition of how the Registrar of Hawaii is nothing but a 'hospital worker'.

That's always cute.
Bottom line, retard, is that Obama refuses to release the original so everyone can see it. Until he does that, no one has proven jack shit. I don't give a fuck what somebody SAYS, I want to see the fucking original b.c. What does Obama have to hide?
We all know he was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen at birth BUT........his father was a Cuban national and like it or not according to Cuban law, he obtained Cuban citizenship too making him not a dual citizen but a tri-citizen. Cruz has gone public last summer renouncing his Canadian citizenship but what about his Cuban citizenship? Read the Cuban Citizenship Law below.

Cuba Citizenship Law - Law Firms lawyers Attorney Solicitor Injury of Cuba

I'm confused. I qualify for dual citizenship. Well, I qualify for dual citizenship dependent on how the wind blows in the government of my other alleged nation-state. That has no bearing here. Perhaps in part because I have a side that has been here prior to this countries inception. Perhaps it is because the US does not recognize dual citizenship

and that's the folly of Stephens entire line of reasoning. He insists that US law is defined by foreign law. That if a foreign country recognizes you a citizen, that somehow ties the hands of the constitution.

Its nonsense.

Or nation doesn't recognize dual citizenship. Thus, any 'dual citizen' is only a US citizen under US law. And only US citizenship is taken into account when determining natural born status.

This is where I am at. Otherwise it's a bunch of made up ruckuss. A distraction. He fails because of what he stands for. It isn't necessary to make it up.
Another stupid thread!!!

Every time the man took public office, he swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution - the exact same oath aliens take when they swear in for naturalization.

He long ago disavowed citizenship WITH EVERY AND ALL foreign governments!!!!!

What a jerk the OP is.

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