Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

That's why we must keep asking the question, What id the Democrats and Obama do with the more than $56 billion Congress allotted to the Secure Fence Act of 2006? Obama claimed more than 600 miles of wall was built. In truth less than 50 miles of the double wall was built. Both the president and the People cannot trust the Democrats. The shutdown must continue and so should the ban on Democrat Junkets and use of taxpayer money.

Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
The report acknowledges progress on the fences, as well as hundreds more miles deemed to be under "operational control," but "DHS reports that the southwest border continues to be vulnerable to … This statement was rated Barely True when it was published. On July 27, 2011, we changed the name for the rating to Mostly False.
Congress did not alot 56 billion dollars in that act. The bill was amended so that not all had to be double fenced.

This is another example of how stupid the Trumpettes really are.

"That's not enough for some opponent of illegal immigration. "They are interpreting the requirements of the Secure Fence Act in a way that is clearly contrary to what Congress intended," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors tougher enforcement against illegal immigration.... There may be a role for the vehicle barriers, but "your grandmother could hop over them," he said, and "that's not what Congress thought it was voting for."... Krikorian said, "The president's claim that the job is done is misleading."
"DHS (Janet Napolitano) reports that there is now fencing for 649 of the 652 miles described in the Secure Fence Act of 2006. But the vast majority of the requirement was met with vehicle barriers and single-layer pedestrian fence. The original act specifically called for double-layer fencing, and only 36.3 miles of double-layered fencing currently exist. However, the act was later amended to allow Border Security the discretion to determine which type of fencing was appropriate for different areas."
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
Obama supported border security you God damn asshole.

You want to 3asdyytte 5.7 billion on a 200 mile wall that can be climbed over, dug undser & just plain gone around.

yep - & it just happened a couple days ago.

CBP: Group of 376 migrants dug under border wall near Yuma
Posted: 8:24 AM, Jan 18, 2019
Updated: 2019-01-18 23:17:28Z
By: Matt Gutman, ABC News
CBP: Group of 376 migrants dug under border wall
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
Obama supported border security you God damn asshole.

You want to 3asdyytte 5.7 billion on a 200 mile wall that can be climbed over, dug undser & just plain gone around.

You watch too many cartoons. You can't just dig under or climb over a wall. Digging under a wall requires a lot of time, work, and costly construction equipment. As for climbing over, simple motion detectors could tell our agents when people are approaching the wall. Walk around a 200 mile wall. Do you have any idea how far 200 miles is?

You people on the left thing you are geniuses; that none of these possibilities have been considered by our agencies and engineers.
When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.
More lies. Is that all you got?

We don't want a 40' concrete wall. Quit lying. We have fences. Democrats supported fences under Bush. Trump wants a God damn worthless overt priced wall. Why can't you people get that?

Why can't you people follow a subject?

Trump already said border patrol would prefer metal strips so they can see what's happening on the other side of the barrier.
Ted Cruz is a spineless jellyfish for defending a man that talked the worst kind of trash in the primaries. Seriously, how the hell can he just forgive all that shit when Trump has never made a move to apologize?

The same way Christ forgave the romans nailing Him to the cross when they made no effort to apologize. Not forgiving those who hurt us creates bitterness and pain in ourselves regardless of how the other person acts. It’s only by forgiving others that the pains inflicted upon ourselves can be completely healed.

And the President is right in this issue. We need to secure the border. A wall is an important tool for national security

Trump made a campaign promise of a 30-40' concrete wall. He made this in ignorance as he knew nothing about border security.

Now you want us to spend 5.7 billiion so he can keep a promise? A promise he made in ignorance.

And he is a lying fuck about it. He lied about terrorists crosing the border. He lied about the caravan. He lied about the drugs. He stole children.

And yet stupid fuck you want to give him this wall? Really?

We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

I understand a wall makes it harder for you to import foreigners for votes and hire sex slaves but we need one nonetheless
Conservatives are thick skinned.

Nice new word for pussies!
No, those were Democrats wearing the pussy hats, not conservatives.
And who got all upset over pussy hats again?

Absolutely no one. Many of us did laugh at the stupidity of them
Did you laugh too at the 20 women who have accused him of sexual assault? Did you laugh when he talked about just groping women? Did you laugh when the young girl accused Trump of multiple cases of child rape?
Or did you cheer about it.

I don’t recall them wearing genitals on their head so no.
They're strange little creatures. They hate Cruz and Trump, but they're always sniffing for a "victim". It's their nature.
Who's more victimy than the poor downtroddden white american male?

The unborn child having its brains sucked out

Not this crap.

I’m sorry you think the killing of unborn children is unimportant crap
You assfucks using it as an excuse while you support scum like Trump. is crap.

Hell, you even support stealing children from people seeking asylum so shove your fake concern up your fat ass.

I was concerned about the issue during the Obama administration. I was for building the wall to stop it then.

But then you don’t actually care about these people. Your just using them for your trump hate
No, those were Democrats wearing the pussy hats, not conservatives.
And who got all upset over pussy hats again?

Absolutely no one. Many of us did laugh at the stupidity of them
Did you laugh too at the 20 women who have accused him of sexual assault? Did you laugh when he talked about just groping women? Did you laugh when the young girl accused Trump of multiple cases of child rape?
Or did you cheer about it.

At least he wasn't schtupping interns ala Lewinsky in the Oval office like Bubba or sneaking women into the white house like JFK.What Trump did ten years before he became president has no bearing on what he is doing today. How many females or males were you schtupping ten years ago. Oh I forget you were just born then.....

Only a Trumpette moron would compare consensual sex with abuse.

Then Why are you comparing consensual sex with abuse?
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.
Then why haven't they?

Because he is lying
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
Obama supported border security you God damn asshole.

You want to 3asdyytte 5.7 billion on a 200 mile wall that can be climbed over, dug undser & just plain gone around.

Yes. I’d like them to have to dig under or climb over. Something a little more difficult than walking for someone to enter our nation illegally.

Democrats oppose the wall because it will work
When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.
More lies. Is that all you got?

We don't want a 40' concrete wall. Quit lying. We have fences. Democrats supported fences under Bush. Trump wants a God damn worthless overt priced wall. Why can't you people get that?
You don't care about cost so cut the crap.
Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.
More lies. Is that all you got?

We don't want a 40' concrete wall. Quit lying. We have fences. Democrats supported fences under Bush. Trump wants a God damn worthless overt priced wall. Why can't you people get that?
You don't care about cost so cut the crap.
I care about wasting money to masturbate Trump's feeble minded base.
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
Obama supported border security you God damn asshole.

You want to 3asdyytte 5.7 billion on a 200 mile wall that can be climbed over, dug undser & just plain gone around.

Yes. I’d like them to have to dig under or climb over. Something a little more difficult than walking for someone to enter our nation illegally.

Democrats oppose the wall because it will work

There you go again.Being such a stupid fuck to think Democrats want illegal immigration. If that were the case, why did Obama increase the border patrol. According to assfuck you, he would have fired them all.

You are so fucking stupid that you don't even know how stupid you sound.

The mere ideas you claim thatg proves wbat aficking idiopt you are.
And who got all upset over pussy hats again?

Absolutely no one. Many of us did laugh at the stupidity of them
Did you laugh too at the 20 women who have accused him of sexual assault? Did you laugh when he talked about just groping women? Did you laugh when the young girl accused Trump of multiple cases of child rape?
Or did you cheer about it.

At least he wasn't schtupping interns ala Lewinsky in the Oval office like Bubba or sneaking women into the white house like JFK.What Trump did ten years before he became president has no bearing on what he is doing today. How many females or males were you schtupping ten years ago. Oh I forget you were just born then.....

Only a Trumpette moron would compare consensual sex with abuse.

Then Why are you comparing consensual sex with abuse?

Funny chit but Monica & Bill was consensual sex. 20 women claim Trump had no consent. His first wife even accused hiom of spousal rape.
Trump dislikes hotels that aren’t his—he thinks they’re “dirty,”, according to The Atlantic.

Pelosi needs to take advantage of that and spite him right back!
Who's more victimy than the poor downtroddden white american male?

The unborn child having its brains sucked out

Not this crap.

I’m sorry you think the killing of unborn children is unimportant crap
You assfucks using it as an excuse while you support scum like Trump. is crap.

Hell, you even support stealing children from people seeking asylum so shove your fake concern up your fat ass.

I was concerned about the issue during the Obama administration. I was for building the wall to stop it then.

But then you don’t actually care about these people. Your just using them for your trump hate

Me exposing Trump hate is not me not caring about those coming here as refugees or to get a better life.

You wasting 5.7 billion on an ineffective wall is you caring about Trump, not anyone else..
Nice new word for pussies!
No, those were Democrats wearing the pussy hats, not conservatives.
And who got all upset over pussy hats again?

Absolutely no one. Many of us did laugh at the stupidity of them
Did you laugh too at the 20 women who have accused him of sexual assault? Did you laugh when he talked about just groping women? Did you laugh when the young girl accused Trump of multiple cases of child rape?
Or did you cheer about it.

I don’t recall them wearing genitals on their head so no.

I do recall you mocking womrn protesting your orange buddy's attitude towards women which a piss ant like you must share.
Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

That's why we must keep asking the question, What id the Democrats and Obama do with the more than $56 billion Congress allotted to the Secure Fence Act of 2006? Obama claimed more than 600 miles of wall was built. In truth less than 50 miles of the double wall was built. Both the president and the People cannot trust the Democrats. The shutdown must continue and so should the ban on Democrat Junkets and use of taxpayer money.

Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
The report acknowledges progress on the fences, as well as hundreds more miles deemed to be under "operational control," but "DHS reports that the southwest border continues to be vulnerable to … This statement was rated Barely True when it was published. On July 27, 2011, we changed the name for the rating to Mostly False.
Congress did not alot 56 billion dollars in that act. The bill was amended so that not all had to be double fenced.

This is another example of how stupid the Trumpettes really are.

"That's not enough for some opponent of illegal immigration. "They are interpreting the requirements of the Secure Fence Act in a way that is clearly contrary to what Congress intended," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors tougher enforcement against illegal immigration.... There may be a role for the vehicle barriers, but "your grandmother could hop over them," he said, and "that's not what Congress thought it was voting for."... Krikorian said, "The president's claim that the job is done is misleading."
"DHS (Janet Napolitano) reports that there is now fencing for 649 of the 652 miles described in the Secure Fence Act of 2006. But the vast majority of the requirement was met with vehicle barriers and single-layer pedestrian fence. The original act specifically called for double-layer fencing, and only 36.3 miles of double-layered fencing currently exist. However, the act was later amended to allow Border Security the discretion to determine which type of fencing was appropriate for different areas."
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
First you l;ied about how much money was authoriezed.

Now you are so fucking stupid that you don't know the 2006 act was amended in 2007.

You are either lying or dumber than shit.
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
Obama supported border security you God damn asshole.

You want to 3asdyytte 5.7 billion on a 200 mile wall that can be climbed over, dug undser & just plain gone around.

You watch too many cartoons. You can't just dig under or climb over a wall. Digging under a wall requires a lot of time, work, and costly construction equipment. As for climbing over, simple motion detectors could tell our agents when people are approaching the wall. Walk around a 200 mile wall. Do you have any idea how far 200 miles is?

You people on the left thing you are geniuses; that none of these possibilities have been considered by our agencies and engineers.

So why not just use the motion detectors?

Changing your route From Guatemala to avoid the part with Trump's magnificent wall is not a big deal.

The French built a wall to keep the Nazi;s out. How did that work out?
Trump should demand that this work be completed plus his additional demands

Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

That's why we must keep asking the question, What id the Democrats and Obama do with the more than $56 billion Congress allotted to the Secure Fence Act of 2006? Obama claimed more than 600 miles of wall was built. In truth less than 50 miles of the double wall was built. Both the president and the People cannot trust the Democrats. The shutdown must continue and so should the ban on Democrat Junkets and use of taxpayer money.

Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'
The report acknowledges progress on the fences, as well as hundreds more miles deemed to be under "operational control," but "DHS reports that the southwest border continues to be vulnerable to … This statement was rated Barely True when it was published. On July 27, 2011, we changed the name for the rating to Mostly False.
Congress did not alot 56 billion dollars in that act. The bill was amended so that not all had to be double fenced.

This is another example of how stupid the Trumpettes really are.

"That's not enough for some opponent of illegal immigration. "They are interpreting the requirements of the Secure Fence Act in a way that is clearly contrary to what Congress intended," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors tougher enforcement against illegal immigration.... There may be a role for the vehicle barriers, but "your grandmother could hop over them," he said, and "that's not what Congress thought it was voting for."... Krikorian said, "The president's claim that the job is done is misleading."
"DHS (Janet Napolitano) reports that there is now fencing for 649 of the 652 miles described in the Secure Fence Act of 2006. But the vast majority of the requirement was met with vehicle barriers and single-layer pedestrian fence. The original act specifically called for double-layer fencing, and only 36.3 miles of double-layered fencing currently exist. However, the act was later amended to allow Border Security the discretion to determine which type of fencing was appropriate for different areas."
Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'

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