Ted Cruz poised to make life miserable for Mitch McConnell

Is this what the liberal agenda has come down to, hoping for a feud between McConnell and Cruz? The radical left has become redundant and pathetic.
McConnell has already isolated Cruz, and Lee has deserted him. Rubio and Paul are going to track him, trap him, and cage him. A cypher, nothing else.

McConnell gave the best and nicest victory speech I've ever heard. He admitted that race was mean and nasty and his opponent withstood a lot. He isn't going to let the likes of Cruz get the best of him. He's the majority leader now and isn't about to give the reins over to Ted Cruz.

Good GOD, a pussy, pansy!... That was a speech the LOSER should have given, NOT THE FUCKING WINNER... Damn, I can just FEEL that with the MODERATE these RINI'S are going to stick us with for 2016, and a LOSS to the Hildebeasty, that MILLIONS of us, as SEEN LAST NIGHT, with the repudiation of the Communist Party of America, will ABSOLUTELY NEED to have a THIRD PARTY... THE TEA PARTY for a PATRIOTIC AMERICA... You people disgust me ALMOST as much as the pond scum, subversives!

And YES, we will have a HARD TIME winning the presidency as the TEA PARTY, BUT you fucking moderates, and RINO Republicans will NEVER be in power again, and we are PREPARED to watch this country IMPLODE with Communist rule.... There WILL BE a SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION!

We again HELD OUR NOSES and voted for some CHICKENSHIT RINO'S last night, giving you a last chance to prove yourselves... we will wait and watch, but be advised, there is movement afoot to DO WHAT I HAVE THREATENED, and people WITH MONEY to back us up!
If Obama takes immigration off the board with an EO today, McConnell is the big winner and Cruz is put in the closet.

Look at how happy this scumbag is, to see a man of PRINCIPLES, UNLIKE That BITCH MITCH, stand up for what the BASE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WANTS.... Think about that people, you've seen the morals, principles, and ethics of America DECAY to almost nothing, and the ELITISTS in the party want to LEAVE THAT ALONE! Are we for taking this country back, STOP the world from laughing at our leaders, who are feckless, give a speech, and believe all is fine after that, or do we need men of character as MY FATHER , and Grandfather was. Fakey, you truly are garbage, and I can smell you along with De Blasio, all the way here in N.Y.!
Ted Cruz embodies what the vast majority of conservatives want. Voting in RINO's like McConnell is simply voting for the lessor of two evils, but when people vote for the likes of Ted Cruz, or Jeff Sessions, or Mike Lee, or Trey Gowdy, and the list goes on, they're voting FOR something. If Ted becomes a huge pain in the ass for turtle face, that's because turtle NEEDS SOMEONE to be a pain in the ass, so he doesn't fold up like the democrat lite he is. Cruz will become more and more popular now with true conservatives, and will be VERY well positioned for a presidential run. He is EXACTLY what conservatives have been waiting for.
Sure, split those partyline votes in the Senate. Cruz will just be adding to the do nothingness that generally surrounds the takeover.

Republicans are not near ready for this.

They're more ready to lead than Democrats ever were.

This is going to be a war against elitism and a war against a hostile press.

I figure many media outlets will go belly up because they chose to hitch their wagons to the Democrats.
Which media outlets specifically?

Many. I wasn't specific for a reason. Exactly which ones would be foolish to predict, which is why you asked the question.
Well you sounded pretty confident. That's a Repub for you, always spouting off about things you know nothing about.

I know enough listening and reading about it.

You expect me to predict which ones will go belly up, and that's foolish. I know CNN and MSNBC are hurting, but some of the lessor known online sources are set to collapse if something doesn't change. I won't stick my neck out and predict which papers will be under new management by 2016....

But you think cuz I can't be specific you got me, and that's pure horse shit. Only insiders know what's on their balance sheets.
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We need a volunteer to break the news to hazlnut that the Dimocrat party is now officially in friggin' shambles after 6 years of following Barry down the yellow brick road.

I just wonder if the low information dopes even know what's happened to them yet? It'll probably take them a while to figure out all that pain they're feeling in their nuts is from the electorate and dims who stayed home kicking at them yesterday.
Their will be a war against the hard left and the hard left.

The media ain't going anywhere.
Democrats just can't seem to get the message out. They can learn some lessons here.
Can they? Liberal misogynist and racist memes hit hard.
Ya... "can't seem to get the message out," and that's controlling 90% of the known media... these excuses the progtards come up with are just mind numbing STUPIDITY. They got their message out alright, and yesterday it was roundly REJECTED. They're just in EXCUSE mode now, and their first excuses are just DUMB.
McConnell has already isolated Cruz, and Lee has deserted him. Rubio and Paul are going to track him, trap him, and cage him. A cypher, nothing else.

The subversive SPY in the RINO ranks has spoken.... You left wingers NEVER give up...even when we all know what you're doing!:rolleyes-41:

Keeping in mind I am not a lefty and you are not a patriot, what did I say above that is not true?
Cruz lights up the far right, not the base of the GOP, who like Paul and Rubio far more.
Sure, split those partyline votes in the Senate. Cruz will just be adding to the do nothingness that generally surrounds the takeover.

Republicans are not near ready for this.

They're more ready to lead than Democrats ever were.

This is going to be a war against elitism and a war against a hostile press.

I figure many media outlets will go belly up because they chose to hitch their wagons to the Democrats.
Which media outlets specifically?

Many. I wasn't specific for a reason. Exactly which ones would be foolish to predict, which is why you asked the question.
Well you sounded pretty confident. That's a Repub for you, always spouting off about things you know nothing about.

I know enough listening and reading about it.

You expect me to predict which ones will go belly up, and that's foolish. I know CNN and MSNBC are hurting, but some of the lessor known online sources are set to collapse if something doesn't change. I won't stick my neck out and predict which papers will be under new management by 2016....

But you think cuz I can't be specific you got me, and that's pure horse shit. Only insiders know what's on their balance sheets.
If you can't be specific, you have no idea what that talking point means. So don't say it if you can't follow up.

Yea Mitch, BOO Mitch, Cruz, RINO yada yada yada what the American people want SLOBBER SLOBBER SLOBBER ..

TFF ...
They're more ready to lead than Democrats ever were.

This is going to be a war against elitism and a war against a hostile press.

I figure many media outlets will go belly up because they chose to hitch their wagons to the Democrats.
Which media outlets specifically?

Many. I wasn't specific for a reason. Exactly which ones would be foolish to predict, which is why you asked the question.
Well you sounded pretty confident. That's a Repub for you, always spouting off about things you know nothing about.

I know enough listening and reading about it.

You expect me to predict which ones will go belly up, and that's foolish. I know CNN and MSNBC are hurting, but some of the lessor known online sources are set to collapse if something doesn't change. I won't stick my neck out and predict which papers will be under new management by 2016....

But you think cuz I can't be specific you got me, and that's pure horse shit. Only insiders know what's on their balance sheets.
If you can't be specific, you have no idea what that talking point means. So don't say it if you can't follow up.

Nonsense. Attempting to be specific would make me more foolish than you are.

I suppose you want me to predict which businesses will go belly up in the next two years, or which banks.
Be realistic. If I could do that I'd be too busy in Vegas or making cash in the stockmarket. Just wait. When Obama starts talking about bailing out media outlets again you'll know they're sweating bullets.
Their will be a war against the hard left and the hard left.

The media ain't going anywhere.
Democrats just can't seem to get the message out. They can learn some lessons here.
Can they? Liberal misogynist and racist memes hit hard.
It only hits hard if you're a racist. Truth hurts.
Um...hit as in destroyed. The lies you buy into were rejected, big time.

So I doubt any lessons will be learned if we can use your reply as an example.
Which media outlets specifically?

Many. I wasn't specific for a reason. Exactly which ones would be foolish to predict, which is why you asked the question.
Well you sounded pretty confident. That's a Repub for you, always spouting off about things you know nothing about.

I know enough listening and reading about it.

You expect me to predict which ones will go belly up, and that's foolish. I know CNN and MSNBC are hurting, but some of the lessor known online sources are set to collapse if something doesn't change. I won't stick my neck out and predict which papers will be under new management by 2016....

But you think cuz I can't be specific you got me, and that's pure horse shit. Only insiders know what's on their balance sheets.
If you can't be specific, you have no idea what that talking point means. So don't say it if you can't follow up.

Nonsense. Attempting to be specific would make me more foolish than you are.

I suppose you want me to predict which businesses will go belly up in the next two years, or which banks.
Be realistic.

it doesn't matter, it wont be the Republicans fault, they wanted Cruz.

The GOP mainstream wants nothing to do with Cruz since the deficit and budget battles. He is bad for America, and the mainstream knows it. The far right and TPM love him, but they don't have the power now.

Watch watch what happens with marriage equality, ACA, and immigration. The far right can't lie anymore because the whole country is aware they hide their nefarious agenda behind supposedly a small government lower tax platform.

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