Ted Cruz says policy change by UPS left employees’ spouses “without health insurance”


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is employed at a different company that offers health insurance, the spouse will no longer be eligible for the UPS plan and must purchase insurance from their own employer.

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is not employed by a company that offers health insurance (or isn’t employed at all, or is on a government plan such as Medicare), then the spouse will remain on the UPS plan.

• The company estimates that of the 77,000 UPS employees who are enrolled in UPS health insurance, about 33,000 currently have spouses enrolled in the plan. Of those, the company estimates that 15,000 current UPS spousal enrollees may have to take their employer’s coverage -- roughly one in five of all enrollees.

• Spouses whose employers offer medical insurance but do not offer prescription drug coverage or behavioral health benefits will not be allowed to remain on the UPS plan.

• After the change, if a spouse shifts from being unemployed (and thus eligible for the UPS plan) to a job with insurance coverage, they must drop the UPS coverage and take their new employer’s coverage.

• Children may remain on the UPS plan. If both parents have plans from different companies, the parents can choose which plan will cover their children. Stepchildren who are children of a spouse being removed from the UPS plan may remain on the UPS plan.

• The UPS memo specifically cited Obamacare as a factor in its decision: "Limiting plan eligibility is one way to manage ongoing health care costs. … This change is consistent with the way many large employers are responding to the costs associated with the health care reform legislation."

So UPS did change its policy on insuring spouses of employees, a change that will affect an estimated 15,000 people. But Cruz is wrong that the UPS spouses would be "without health insurance" and would have to "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

In reality, the only spouses that would be removed from the UPS plan would be those that already had an option of purchasing employer coverage. They wouldn’t be without health insurance. They wouldn’t have to go on an Obamacare exchange. And their employer would be paying part of their premiums.

Our ruling

Cruz said that by dropping spousal health insurance for 15,000 employees, UPS left employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

But Cruz ignores that the only spouses being kicked off the UPS plan would be the ones who already had access to an employer-sponsored plan in their own job. This means they wouldn’t be "without health insurance" and wouldn’t have to find coverage on an Obamacare marketplace. We rate the claim False.

Stories told just the way Repubs like 'em good and falsey

I wonder if there are any Americans who don't yet realize that these narcissistic thugs bullshit them regularly.

Here's another GOP myth busted.

Claims Obamacare is causing employers to cut back workers' hours are myth, employers and experts say | cleveland.com

Conservative and liberal experts agree that reports of employers cutting back hours to avoid paying for health coverage is more anecdote than fact.

"My read of the data is that while part-time employment has certainly gone up, you can't tie it to the health care law," said James Sherk, a labor policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. "We have had a very weak recovery."
PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says policy change by UPS left employees? spouses ?without health insurance?

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is employed at a different company that offers health insurance, the spouse will no longer be eligible for the UPS plan and must purchase insurance from their own employer.

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is not employed by a company that offers health insurance (or isn’t employed at all, or is on a government plan such as Medicare), then the spouse will remain on the UPS plan.

• The company estimates that of the 77,000 UPS employees who are enrolled in UPS health insurance, about 33,000 currently have spouses enrolled in the plan. Of those, the company estimates that 15,000 current UPS spousal enrollees may have to take their employer’s coverage -- roughly one in five of all enrollees.

• Spouses whose employers offer medical insurance but do not offer prescription drug coverage or behavioral health benefits will not be allowed to remain on the UPS plan.

• After the change, if a spouse shifts from being unemployed (and thus eligible for the UPS plan) to a job with insurance coverage, they must drop the UPS coverage and take their new employer’s coverage.

• Children may remain on the UPS plan. If both parents have plans from different companies, the parents can choose which plan will cover their children. Stepchildren who are children of a spouse being removed from the UPS plan may remain on the UPS plan.

• The UPS memo specifically cited Obamacare as a factor in its decision: "Limiting plan eligibility is one way to manage ongoing health care costs. … This change is consistent with the way many large employers are responding to the costs associated with the health care reform legislation."

So UPS did change its policy on insuring spouses of employees, a change that will affect an estimated 15,000 people. But Cruz is wrong that the UPS spouses would be "without health insurance" and would have to "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

In reality, the only spouses that would be removed from the UPS plan would be those that already had an option of purchasing employer coverage. They wouldn’t be without health insurance. They wouldn’t have to go on an Obamacare exchange. And their employer would be paying part of their premiums.

Our ruling

Cruz said that by dropping spousal health insurance for 15,000 employees, UPS left employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

But Cruz ignores that the only spouses being kicked off the UPS plan would be the ones who already had access to an employer-sponsored plan in their own job. This means they wouldn’t be "without health insurance" and wouldn’t have to find coverage on an Obamacare marketplace. We rate the claim False.

Stories told just the way Repubs like 'em good and falsey

I live in Florida and Politifact.org is OWNED by the St Pete times also known as Pravda West!
And I've written them asking them to prove there ever were 46 million "uninsured" and they will NOT refute these FACTS!
18 million people under 34 don't WANT health insurance as they pay out of their OWN pocket!
Subtract those that DON"T WANT from your 40 million leaves 26 million!!!

Now EVEN YOU have said we will not cover the 10 million illegals that the Census says is counted as part of Obama's 40 million!
10 million ARE NOT citizens!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So that leave from 26 million Obama 16 million!

NOW why as the head of the government are you totally ignorant that 14 million people that told the Census they were uninsured,
ARE at the poverty level they qualify for Medicaid!!!
WHY are you not subtracting those 14 million that all your grossly inefficient CMS has to do is enroll them!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!

That leaves less then 2 million from the 40 million Obama above said!

WHAT are we doing in this country if Obama can't even subtract and see there is LESS THEN 2 million truly that want and need ...
NOT 40 million!! NOT 46 Million!!!!

AND YET Politifact.org HAS YET to address this GIGANTIC ERROR because they are the house organ for the democrat party!
PLUS these idiots that own Politifact.org PAY NO TAXES! They suck off the other for profit companies in the USA and are basically socialists !
SO i don't believe for ONE minute their "FACTS"! Pack of liars!
"Obamacare is really happening. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll, 42% of Americans in general are unaware that the law is being implemented, while 51% of Americans ages 18-29 are unaware that the bill was signed into law in March 2010."



Just wait until they get their bill for not having health insurance.

Is your aim to keep them uninformed? How much is the "bill" for not having health insurance?

I'll help you: $______________

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is employed at a different company that offers health insurance, the spouse will no longer be eligible for the UPS plan and must purchase insurance from their own employer.

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is not employed by a company that offers health insurance (or isn’t employed at all, or is on a government plan such as Medicare), then the spouse will remain on the UPS plan.

• The company estimates that of the 77,000 UPS employees who are enrolled in UPS health insurance, about 33,000 currently have spouses enrolled in the plan. Of those, the company estimates that 15,000 current UPS spousal enrollees may have to take their employer’s coverage -- roughly one in five of all enrollees.

• Spouses whose employers offer medical insurance but do not offer prescription drug coverage or behavioral health benefits will not be allowed to remain on the UPS plan.

• After the change, if a spouse shifts from being unemployed (and thus eligible for the UPS plan) to a job with insurance coverage, they must drop the UPS coverage and take their new employer’s coverage.

• Children may remain on the UPS plan. If both parents have plans from different companies, the parents can choose which plan will cover their children. Stepchildren who are children of a spouse being removed from the UPS plan may remain on the UPS plan.

• The UPS memo specifically cited Obamacare as a factor in its decision: "Limiting plan eligibility is one way to manage ongoing health care costs. … This change is consistent with the way many large employers are responding to the costs associated with the health care reform legislation."

So UPS did change its policy on insuring spouses of employees, a change that will affect an estimated 15,000 people. But Cruz is wrong that the UPS spouses would be "without health insurance" and would have to "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

In reality, the only spouses that would be removed from the UPS plan would be those that already had an option of purchasing employer coverage. They wouldn’t be without health insurance. They wouldn’t have to go on an Obamacare exchange. And their employer would be paying part of their premiums.

Our ruling

Cruz said that by dropping spousal health insurance for 15,000 employees, UPS left employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

But Cruz ignores that the only spouses being kicked off the UPS plan would be the ones who already had access to an employer-sponsored plan in their own job. This means they wouldn’t be "without health insurance" and wouldn’t have to find coverage on an Obamacare marketplace. We rate the claim False.

Stories told just the way Repubs like 'em good and falsey

And you think that's acceptable? So now these people are going to have to change insurers, potentially have to change doctors, potentially pay more money if their spouses insurance benefits were more economical, perhaps even not have as good of coverage as they had under their spouses plan, and you think that's just fine? So now husband and kids or wife and kids are under one plan, and the other spouse is with another with completely different covereages and costs. This is going to affect millions of people across the country if other companies follow in UPS's footsteps, and cut into the budgets of all of those families affected. I waive insurance since I'm covered under my husband's and get reimbursed by my company because I do not use their benefits. So I would stand to lose that reimbursement on top of having to pay more for my insurance here than what it costs to have our whole family covered under my husbands. We're talking a potential loss of thousands per year, but you don't think that's any big deal? I sincerely hope that this same scenario happens to thousands of people that supported this bullshit, once they're personally affected, they'll be singing a different tune. Idiots.
Cruz may have overstated the situation, but considering what is happening I guess the line:

"If you like your current healthcare, you keep your current healthcare, If you like your current doctor, you keep your current doctor" doesnt apply here.

So Obama is a liar as well.
PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says policy change by UPS left employees? spouses ?without health insurance?

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is employed at a different company that offers health insurance, the spouse will no longer be eligible for the UPS plan and must purchase insurance from their own employer.

• If a UPS employee is on the company’s plan and their spouse is not employed by a company that offers health insurance (or isn’t employed at all, or is on a government plan such as Medicare), then the spouse will remain on the UPS plan.

• The company estimates that of the 77,000 UPS employees who are enrolled in UPS health insurance, about 33,000 currently have spouses enrolled in the plan. Of those, the company estimates that 15,000 current UPS spousal enrollees may have to take their employer’s coverage -- roughly one in five of all enrollees.

• Spouses whose employers offer medical insurance but do not offer prescription drug coverage or behavioral health benefits will not be allowed to remain on the UPS plan.

• After the change, if a spouse shifts from being unemployed (and thus eligible for the UPS plan) to a job with insurance coverage, they must drop the UPS coverage and take their new employer’s coverage.

• Children may remain on the UPS plan. If both parents have plans from different companies, the parents can choose which plan will cover their children. Stepchildren who are children of a spouse being removed from the UPS plan may remain on the UPS plan.

• The UPS memo specifically cited Obamacare as a factor in its decision: "Limiting plan eligibility is one way to manage ongoing health care costs. … This change is consistent with the way many large employers are responding to the costs associated with the health care reform legislation."

So UPS did change its policy on insuring spouses of employees, a change that will affect an estimated 15,000 people. But Cruz is wrong that the UPS spouses would be "without health insurance" and would have to "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

In reality, the only spouses that would be removed from the UPS plan would be those that already had an option of purchasing employer coverage. They wouldn’t be without health insurance. They wouldn’t have to go on an Obamacare exchange. And their employer would be paying part of their premiums.

Our ruling

Cruz said that by dropping spousal health insurance for 15,000 employees, UPS left employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

But Cruz ignores that the only spouses being kicked off the UPS plan would be the ones who already had access to an employer-sponsored plan in their own job. This means they wouldn’t be "without health insurance" and wouldn’t have to find coverage on an Obamacare marketplace. We rate the claim False.

Stories told just the way Repubs like 'em good and falsey

I live in Florida and Politifact.org is OWNED by the St Pete times also known as Pravda West!
And I've written them asking them to prove there ever were 46 million "uninsured" and they will NOT refute these FACTS!
18 million people under 34 don't WANT health insurance as they pay out of their OWN pocket!
Subtract those that DON"T WANT from your 40 million leaves 26 million!!!

Now EVEN YOU have said we will not cover the 10 million illegals that the Census says is counted as part of Obama's 40 million!
10 million ARE NOT citizens!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So that leave from 26 million Obama 16 million!

NOW why as the head of the government are you totally ignorant that 14 million people that told the Census they were uninsured,
ARE at the poverty level they qualify for Medicaid!!!
WHY are you not subtracting those 14 million that all your grossly inefficient CMS has to do is enroll them!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!

That leaves less then 2 million from the 40 million Obama above said!

WHAT are we doing in this country if Obama can't even subtract and see there is LESS THEN 2 million truly that want and need ...
NOT 40 million!! NOT 46 Million!!!!

AND YET Politifact.org HAS YET to address this GIGANTIC ERROR because they are the house organ for the democrat party!
PLUS these idiots that own Politifact.org PAY NO TAXES! They suck off the other for profit companies in the USA and are basically socialists !
SO i don't believe for ONE minute their "FACTS"! Pack of liars!

Interestingly, according to the Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2004 report, 46.1 million were uninsured. How dare Bush claim that there were over 46 million Americans who didn't have healthcare coverage! I guess he didn't check the data closely enough. I wonder why Politifact didn't call him on it? :confused:
Cruz may have overstated the situation, but considering what is happening I guess the line:

"If you like your current healthcare, you keep your current healthcare, If you like your current doctor, you keep your current doctor" doesnt apply here.

So Obama is a liar as well.

Cruz DID NOT overstate the situation.

If this crap a.k.a. obamacare is not flushed down the toilet - in 5 years there won't be ANY company-provided insurance plans - everybody will have to get it through this crap.
and that what it was aimed at - at YOU, a private citizen, make YOU pay, and to let the corporations dump your medical benefits and save money.

As usual, major dimocrap legislative farts ALWAYS serve big corporations, not we, the people.

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