Ted Cruz Says SCOTUS 'Clearly Wrong' to Legalize Gay Marriage

the constitution guarantees freedom of religion and prohibits any state sponsored religion. you libs are trying to make something out of nothing.
“The Establishment Clause, Thomas concludes, was actually intended to protect these State-established churches against a uniform law of Congress; it thereby expressed the fundamental structural constitutional principle of federalism (and the Tenth Amendment), thus leaving religious issues to the States. (By contrast, the free exercise clause, he argues, does apply to the States .)”

And by leaving religious issues to the states, allow the states to discriminate against religious minorities and compel state authorized religious indoctrination such as Christian prayer in public schools.

Thomas is wrong, of course. And like other rightwing jurists, Thomas is an enemy of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate as well as being an inconsistent hypocrite.
ISIS is a muslim organizationl, based on their interpretation of the Koran, which happens to agree with the laws of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and others. Have you read any of the Koran? if not, STFU about that which you know nothing.


You are so ignorant. ISIS was born in Camp Bucca prison in 2004. It has NOTHING in common with Islam in Saudi Arabia. If a Saudi goes to fight with ISIS they better not return to Arabia. It's a long prison sentence.

Have you ever lived in Saudi Arabia? How about Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Kuwait or Libya? Have you even visited?
as usual you libtardians misquote and take words out of context. What he said was that the issue of gay marriage is NOT a federal constitutional issue and as such should be decided by the voters in each state. That is all he said, that is all justice Thomas said on this.

If you libs would stop lying we might be able to get something done in this country.

And then a married couple moves from one state to another and BOOM they are no longer married. That would be a fine solution is Fed benefits did not rely on marriage.
Well, they're going full federalist. Leave everything possible to the states.

Okay. I understand the reasoning, but we're going to see big, big differences going from state to state. The country will no longer be purple, it will be dark red OR dark blue.

E Pluribus Unum is dead. I think that's what they want. It beats trying to secede.
Perhaps all these divisive arguments will be less on a national basis and help to get Congress to concentrate on bigger common questions.
once again, why are you libs so scared of letting the voters in each state decide these issues? There is no doubt that Cal, NY and others will vote your way. What exactly are you so scared of?
And it’s not just substantive due process that’s in jeopardy.

This activist Court is going to pander to the hatred of the right by attacking procedural due process as applied to the states.

Mapp, Gideon v. Wainwright, and Miranda will likewise be overturned – residents of the states will no longer be entitled to Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment protections, allowing for invasive searches, indeterminate detentions, and lack of legal representation.

Again, a dream come true for the neo-fascist authoritarian right at liberty to create actual police states.
my state is much like yours, geographical generalizations are generally wrong.

There's daily riots in front of the ICE buildings in your state in order to prevent illegal Mexicans from being deported? ... pray tell ... which state would that be? ...

You posted "Big Easy" ... New Orleans? ... folks too stupid to charge enough tolls on the river to afford your own levees? ... or government too corrupt to be trusted with that money? ... yeah, sounds just like Oregon ...

Jefferson's State Constitution doesn't allow the legislature to meet ... ever ... there's a well marked detour around Redding ... if you get voted in, you gotta drive around ... NO NEW TAXES ...
once again, why are you libs so scared of letting the voters in each state decide these issues? There is no doubt that Cal, NY and others will vote your way. What exactly are you so scared of?
Because you should not be able to vote on what rights others are allowed to have
It is too bad that America has divided itself so. Given that it has, having the central government constantly tied up in dualistic, repetitive debate over every issue would be better avoided. It may be a sacrifice necessary to be made for unity.
The TRUMPCourt does not care

They swore to respect precidence and case law and have substituted their far right ideology

Actually, the hearings for confirmation of conservative justices focused on alleged Gang Rape parties in Montgomery County and alleged public hairs on coke cans. Not on legal issues at all. You wouldn't be so misinformed if you liberal heroes asked pertinent questions, instead of just ones with a prurient interest.
Because you should not be able to vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Everyone has a right to get married already- to a broad.

Even if someone is extremely light in the loafers, that doesn't change their right to get married if they want.
I'd love to see Sleepy Joe mend the fences and engage in Bipartisanship, instead of continuing with the divisiveness. But I just don't see it happening

Funny how you all only want the Dems to engage in Bipartisanship and then attack your beloved Repubs when they do it.
n 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 Paul lists some sinful lifestyles that give evidence that a person is not saved: “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men . . . will inherit the kingdom of God.” In other words, a practicing, unrepentant idolater, adulterer, or homosexual is fooling himself if he thinks he is going to heaven. Christians are saved from such sins.
Here I thought God was all forgiving.
Interesting quote. What we're working w/ here is a lot of different translators say different things (some say "effeminate" others "homosexual" etc.) and our choice is to say which translation is correct and just what it's supposed to mean.

Mean while, the original question of so called "same sex marriage" comes back to bite us. Two years earlier the Supreme Court said that only the states can decide what a marriage is when they struck down the defense of marriage act, and then they turned right around by ruling soon afterward that the states had no jurisdiction w/ regard to so called "same sex-marriage".

Clearly the Supreme Court can do anything it damn well feels like and we can just lump it.
More gaslighting, I see. :heehee:

Sleepy Joe went to Israel and Saudi Arabia to mend fences, why can't he go to Mar a Lago and try to find common ground with the nation's 74 million Little Trumpsters?

Isn't that a smart idea if he wants to be a successful President? Seeking enmity with a huge segment of America seems like a sure ticket for failure.

Biden has the power, now he needs to use it for good by reaching across the aisle.
equal PROTEC TION, does not say right to abort or right to marry same sex. nice try, but others have also tried that and lost in court.

Personally I have no issue with giving same sex committed couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. I think the majority in most states would vote for that. The issue here is whether it is a federal constitutional issue. the SC says it is not. so let the voters in each state decide, why are you scared of the will of the people?

It is written law that speaks to marriage ... any protections given by these laws must be applied equally to all ... if Utah allows inter-racial marriage, must Kentucky recognize this union as marriage? ...

It would be helpful if you would actually read and study the laws ... the protections we're discussing actually come at the end of the marriage ... who gets what when the sheets split ... if you think this sounds like contract law, you'd be right ...

Same sex contracts doesn't sound so un-Bibley ...

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