Ted Cruz Says SCOTUS 'Clearly Wrong' to Legalize Gay Marriage

You don't think the 14th Amendment is a part of the US Constitution? ...
quote from the 14th where it mentions gay marriage or abortion, show me those words in the 14th amendment and I will concede that you are right.
n 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 Paul lists some sinful lifestyles that give evidence that a person is not saved: “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men . . . will inherit the kingdom of God.” In other words, a practicing, unrepentant idolater, adulterer, or homosexual is fooling himself if he thinks he is going to heaven. Christians are saved from such sins.
Here I thought God was all forgiving.
You thought wrong. His forgiveness extends ONLY to those who repent of their sin and accept Christ as Lord and Master.
14th Amendment equal protection under the law

The State does not get to judge what type of relationship you have or what makes a “real” marriage

Same as they couldn’t tell white people they couldn’t marry black people

Yes they do ... Oregon's constitution requires marriage to be "one man, one woman" ... and we've established Civil Union laws for the "equal but separate" solution ... all of which SCOTUS overruled ...

These are individual rights ... and Ted Cruz wants to give these rights to the government ... the government tells us who we can and cannot marry, the government tells us if we should be pregnant or not, the government tells us who are friends should be ...

I agree this is all good for Texas ... lord knows those people can't decide themselves ... all the more reason to let Mexico have her back ... Texas thrives under totalitarianism ... individual liberties is wasted on these folks ...
You thought wrong. His forgiveness extends ONLY to those who repent of their sin and accept Christ as Lord and Master.

Wrong ... God forgives all ... it is only Man who refuses to forgive ... first himself, then all others ...

I just knew it would come up soon.

Sen. Cruz is correctomundo. Nothing in the Constitution about Gay Marriage (which was unheard of only a few decades ago) and nothing in the Constitution gives the Supremes the authority to create new social institutions.

Marriage is a relationship between one dude and one broad, and was established by Almighty God when He placed Adam and Eve in the garden. Not Adam and Steve, as claimed by libs, and for which there is no biblical basis.
He actually believe this stuff.

Marriage: As Solicitor General, Ted Cruz led the charge to deny Texas couples marriage equality. In the Senate, he has supported a constitutional amendment that would prevent the federal government from recognizing marriage equality and an amendment placing members of the Supreme Court up for election. He even said that Justice Anthony Kennedy should resign and that the Obergefell ruling threw the Supreme Court’s “very legitimacy into question.” He has said a ruling in favor of marriage equality was “fundamentally illegitimate.” Cruz has promised to campaign “front and center” on his opposition to marriage equality.

Oh he is so religious he probably cheats on his wife and incest his children, we don't know whatever he does.
See, this exactly what I mean.....The mean-spirited dems are paying attention now.

The dems are grasping at any straw they can find in a vane effort to stave off what is going to happen to them in November and dumb-shit Ted Cruz just handed them one. Damn I dislike that man with the fire of a thousand suns.

WTF was he thinking? I guess he thought it would be red meat pandering for the 5% of far right nutjobs in TX or some shit....Instead he stirs up the dem nut-jobs.

Blah, never underestimate the ability for the likes of Cruz to give the dems something to run on.

Damn it to hell we have the dems where we want them so the fuzzy-faced cocksucker needs to STFU.

I swear, I wish TX would reform their old republic and take Ted Cruz with them.....Nothing of redeeming value comes from TX....Nothing.
Sen. Cruz is correctomundo. Nothing in the Constitution about Gay Marriage (which was unheard of only a few decades ago) and nothing in the Constitution gives the Supremes the authority to create new social institutions.

Marriage is a relationship between one dude and one broad, and was established by Almighty God when He placed Adam and Eve in the garden. Not Adam and Steve, as claimed by libs, and for which there is no biblical basis.
Read the 14th Amendment
was established by Almighty God when He placed Adam and Eve in the garden. Not Adam and Steve, as claimed by libs, and for which there is no biblical basis.

God created gay people
Are you saying he was wrong?
When you wish to have sex everyone knows you don't turn to a lifelong partner of the same sex, you get yourself a pool boy or a porn star on the side.

Though I am not sure what you do when you have an ugly wife like someone once told Ted.
God created gay people
Are you saying he was wrong?

Almighty God created all people, and some have chosen to commit the sin of sodomy- most notably in the ancient city of Sodom- where they loved takng it in the caboose so much they named their city after the act.
Almighty God created all people, and some have chosen to commit the sin of sodomy- most notably in the ancient city of Sodom- where they loved takng it in the caboose so much they named their city after the act.

Only they are born that way
Did God make a mistake?

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