Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.

First of all, Dole isn't a conservative, never was. Second, Cruz wasn't targeting him, that's a flat out lie. He was making a valid point about how moderate Republicans who cave to Democrats don't win elections. Dole, McCain, and Romney were 3 examples he gave and he was right.
The last one who did win was Bush, just barely at that, and the democrats hated him anyways.

The far left hates anything that is not far left, we even watched them destroy their own in the late 70's.

and the far right hates anything not far right.....we see them destroying some of their own too.....hence the Far Right and Left are keeping this Country divided with their bullshit....
Yeah McCain was too Right wing, too Conservative; we need to run a Moderate like Bernie Sanders

I'm afraid he would get the votes from the Democrat base of voters today, they re-elected a man of no experience in anything but community agitating and with his record of over 7% unemployment for all his first term, should tell us a lot

damn we are doomed

The best presidents know how to organize people. You would think that would be obvious.

The worst, try to rip people off and crush the middle class. We call those "Republicans".
we havent had one of those since last century....these last 2 have divided this Country like no one has before them.....
awwww, now the left is in LOVE with the Republican, Bob Dole....I'm sorry but is he still alive and kicking?
and now has turned him into a conservative ICON....
how touching

you people will bring the dead up for your dirty politics


Cruz was the guy who brought up Dole and McCain as "not conservative enough" (translation- they lost!)

These two men were war heroes who served their country.

And where did Ted serve? Oh, yeah, he didn't.
awwww, now the left is in LOVE with the Republican, Bob Dole....I'm sorry but is he still alive and kicking?
and now has turned him into a conservative ICON....
how touching

you people will bring the dead up for your dirty politics


Cruz was the guy who brought up Dole and McCain as "not conservative enough" (translation- they lost!)

These two men were war heroes who served their country.

And where did Ted serve? Oh, yeah, he didn't.

Where did Obama or Biden serve? Where did you server, for that matter?

How is service relevant to whether McCain and Dole were bonafide conservatives?
deflection, OK, and you know that is all you have

your folks got their asses kicked last Tuesday :lol:

Not really, dislodging an incumbent is never easy, I make it a practice to never vote for an incumbent because I don't believe in professional politicians, the two words should never be used in the same sentence. I do however recognize reality, which you seem to have lost the handle on, ain't it a bitch getting old? Senile much! :lol::lol::lol:

The fox and the sour grapes routine, huh?

The reality is the TeaPs numbers are going to be at least in the state and national offices

A bitch losing any cred and political power, ain't it>


Understand that the far right reactionaries and the TeaPs and the libertarians crusades in the GOP have floundered.

You are done.

Better than losing your mind to Alzheimer's, eh Fakey?
Says the addle-pated self-proclaimed anarchist.

How am I "addle pated?" BTW, your forehead is your "pate." it's nonsensical to call someone "addle pated."

However, the evidence that you're a commie is irrefutable.

Not at all, as we know anarchists lie as naturally as breathing

OK, you can be adle-pated if you so wish, our own minimus

How do you know anarchists lie? It's generally the establishment types like you who lie.
If we in the GOP want to keep losing, we listen and follow the leader of the party of stupid, Ted Cruz

Bob Dole ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Cruz’s comments draw fire from Dole, McCain

Posted by
CNN Senior Producer Kevin Bohn

Washington (CNN) – Former Republican presidential nominees Bob Dole and John McCain are pushing back against Sen. Ted Cruz for comments he made Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

As Cruz was talking about how the Republican Party had not been successful in recent campaigns and what it needed to do to win, he said if “you want to lose elections, stand for nothing.”
Ya know Fake, you're the only one here on the board that's a liberal attempting to play himself off as a conservative.

Ya know why you're the only one? Because you're not fooling anyone and you look like a buffoon.

No one else is stupid enough to try it.

Conservatives will only vote for conservatives, period. If you're a moderate, you will not get the conservative vote. If you don't get the conservative vote, you will not win elections. That was Ted Cruz' point, and history proves him to be correct.
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If we in the GOP want to keep losing, we listen and follow the leader of the party of stupid, Ted Cruz

Bob Dole ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Cruz’s comments draw fire from Dole, McCain

Posted by
CNN Senior Producer Kevin Bohn

Washington (CNN) – Former Republican presidential nominees Bob Dole and John McCain are pushing back against Sen. Ted Cruz for comments he made Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

As Cruz was talking about how the Republican Party had not been successful in recent campaigns and what it needed to do to win, he said if “you want to lose elections, stand for nothing.”
Ya know Fake, you're the only one here on the board that's a liberal attempting to play himself off as a conservative.

Ya know why you're the only one? Because you're not fooling anyone and you look like a fool.

No one else is stupid enough to try it.

Conservatives will only vote for conservatives, period. If you're a moderate, you will not get the conservative vote. If you don't get the conservative vote, you will not win elections. That was Ted Cruz' point, and history proves him to be correct.

I am not a liberal, and you are only a flake, an anarchist.

Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush got the moderates.

Dole, McCain, and Romney did not get the moderates because they caved into the far, far right and the libertarian freaks.
If we in the GOP want to keep losing, we listen and follow the leader of the party of stupid, Ted Cruz

Bob Dole ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Cruz’s comments draw fire from Dole, McCain

Posted by
CNN Senior Producer Kevin Bohn

Washington (CNN) – Former Republican presidential nominees Bob Dole and John McCain are pushing back against Sen. Ted Cruz for comments he made Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

As Cruz was talking about how the Republican Party had not been successful in recent campaigns and what it needed to do to win, he said if “you want to lose elections, stand for nothing.”
Ya know Fake, you're the only one here on the board that's a liberal attempting to play himself off as a conservative.

Ya know why you're the only one? Because you're not fooling anyone and you look like a fool.

No one else is stupid enough to try it.

Conservatives will only vote for conservatives, period. If you're a moderate, you will not get the conservative vote. If you don't get the conservative vote, you will not win elections. That was Ted Cruz' point, and history proves him to be correct.

I am not a liberal, and you are only a flake, an anarchist.

Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush got the moderates.

Dole, McCain, and Romney did not get the moderates because they caved into the far, far right and the libertarian freaks.
Unlike you, I'm a PATRIOT and a believer in the CONSTITUTION.

You are here to spread disinformation and lies, and I believe you do it in an attempt to confuse conservatives so they'll lose elections. You are a leftist operative and everyone here knows it.

Please take your pathetic act else where. You look like a complete nitwit.
Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.

Dole isn't a conservative, and thus, he isn't a conservative icon.


Like so many other of rdean's topics, this one fails before the ink on the 1st post is dry.
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If only she could have done it on her own instead of as her husbands patsy. She has been standing on other people her whole life, just a weak, pathetic, abused, woman.

Project much?
What's to project when the facts are there?

Hillary was removed from the Nixon investigation because she was corrupt. She gained only when her husband she latched onto was moving up and rode that train to the top. Never changing her ways of course just a clinger. Name recognition took over from there.

Name me one thing she did as a first lady, senator or SoD? I'm willing to look at anything remotely successful.

Well, she was Secretary of State, not Defense first of all.

The most comprehensive list can be found on line. I'll pick some of them out here:

Early years to First Lady to Senator:

1. Her first cause was children, fighting abuse, and chairing the Children's Defense Fund.

7. She was the First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992, and was active in a number of organizations concerned with the welfare of children, and was on the board of Wal-Mart and several other corporate boards.

8. Bill Clinton appointed her chair of the Rural Health Advisory Committee where she successfully obtained federal funds to expand medical facilities in Arkansas' poorest areas without affecting doctors' fees.

9. One of the most important initiatives of the entire Clinton governorship, she fought a prolonged but ultimately successful battle against the Arkansas Education Association to put mandatory teacher testing as well as state standards for curriculum and classroom size in place.

10. She introduced Arkansas' Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth in 1985, a program that helps parents work with their children in preschool preparedness and literacy.

11. As First Lady of the United States she took a very prominent role in public policy.

27. She has lead the fight for the expanded use of information technology in the health care system to decrease administrative costs, lower premiums, and reduce medical errors.

28. Clinton has successfully worked to ensure the safety of prescription drugs for children, with legislation now included in the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act.

29. She has also proposed expanding access to child care.

30. She has passed legislation that will bring more qualified teachers into classrooms and more outstanding principals to lead our schools.

31. Hillary is one of the original cosponsors of the Prevention First Act to increase access to family planning.

32. She fought with the Bush Administration and ensured that Plan B, an emergency contraceptive, will be available to millions of American women and will reduce the need for abortions.

33. She introduced the Count Every Vote Act of 2005 to ensure better protection of votes and to ensure that every vote is counted.

As Secretary of State:

During the transition period, Clinton sought to build a more powerful State Department. She began a push for a larger international affairs budget and an expanded role in global economic issues. She cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq where the U.S. Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates agreed with her, and also advocated larger State Department budgets. In the Obama administration's proposed 2010 United States federal budget of February 2009, there was a proposed 9.5 percent budget increase for the State Department and other international programs, from $47.2 billion in fiscal year 2009 to $51.7 billion in fiscal year 2010. By the time of Clinton's May 2009 testimony before the United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, numbers had been restated following rounds of general federal budget cuts, and the proposed fiscal year 2010 budget request for the State Department and USAID was $48.6 billion, a 7 percent increase.

Clinton also brought a message of departmental reform to the position, especially in regarding foreign aid programs as something that deserves the same status and level of scrutiny as diplomatic initiatives.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives at the State Department on her first day greeted by a standing room only crowd of Department employees.

Clinton spent her initial days as Secretary of State telephoning dozens of world leaders. She said the world was eager to see a new American foreign policy and that, "There is a great exhalation of breath going on around the world. We've got a lot of damage to repair." She did indicate that not every past policy would be repudiated, and specifically said it was essential that the six-party talks over the North Korean nuclear weapons program continue. Clinton re-emphasized her views during her first speech to State Department employees when she said, "There are three legs to the stool of American foreign policy: defense, diplomacy, and development. And we are responsible for two of the three legs. And we will make clear, as we go forward, that diplomacy and development are essential tools in achieving the long-term objectives of the United States. And I will do all that I can, working with you, to make it abundantly clear that robust diplomacy and effective development are the best long-term tools for securing America's future." Clinton also soon visited the United States Agency for International Development, where she met employees and said they would be getting extra funds and attention during the new administration.

She kept a low profile when diplomatic necessity or Obama's involvement required it, but maintained an influential relationship with the president and in foreign policy decisions. Her first 100 days found her travelling over 70,000 miles (110,000 km), having no trouble adapting to being a team player subordinate to Obama, and gaining skills as an executive. Nevertheless, she remained an international celebrity with a much higher profile than most Secretaries of State. Her background as an elected official gave her insight into the needs and fears of elected officials of other countries.

By the summer of 2009, there was considerable analysis and speculation in the media of what kind of role and level of influence Clinton had within the Obama administration, with a variety of assessments being produced. A prominent mid-July speech to the Council on Foreign Relations reasserted her role; she said, "We cannot be afraid or unwilling to engage. Our focus on diplomacy and development is not an alternative to our national security arsenal."

In July 2009, Clinton announced a new State Department initiative, the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, to establish specific objectives for the State Department's diplomatic missions abroad. The most ambitious of Clinton's departmental reforms, it is modeled after the Defense Department's Quadrennial Defense Review, which Clinton was familiar with from her days on the Senate Armed Services Committee. The first such Review came out in December 2010. Entitled Leading Through Civilian Power, its 220 pages centered around the notion of elevating "civilian power" as a cost-effective way of responding to international challenges and defusing crises. It also sought the elevation of U.S. ambassadors in coordinating work of all abroad-tasked U.S. agencies. Clinton said of the underlying message, "Leading with civilians saves lives and money." She also resolved to get Congress to approve the QDDR as a required part of the State Department planning process, saying, "I am determined that this report will not merely gather dust, like so many others." Another theme of the report was the goal of empowering the female population in developing countries around the world; the QDDR mentioned women and girls some 133 times. By attempting to institutionalize her goals in this area, Clinton – along with Anne-Marie Slaughter and Melanne Verveer, who also worked heavily in these efforts – were hoping that her initiatives and concerns towards the empowerment of women would persist past her time in office as well as break a past pattern of chauvinism in the department.

In September, Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative at the annual meeting of her husband's Clinton Global Initiative. The goal of the new initiative is to battle hunger worldwide on a strategic basis as a key part of U.S. foreign policy, rather than just react to food shortage emergencies as they occur. The secretary said that "Food security is not just about food. But it is all about security: economic security, environmental security, even national security. Massive hunger poses a threat to the stability of governments, societies and borders." The initiative seeks to develop agricultural economies, counter malnourishment, increase productivity, expand trade, and spur innovation in developing nations. Clinton said that women would be placed at the center of the effort, as they constitute a majority of the world's farmers. The next month, to mark World Food Day, Clinton said, "Fighting hunger and poverty through sustainable agricultural development, making sure that enough food is available and that people have the resources to purchase it, is a key foreign policy objective of the Obama administration."

During October 2009, Clinton said, "this is a great job. It is a 24/7 job" and "this job is incredibly all-encompassing." She said she never thought about if she were making the same foreign policy decisions as president, and had no intention of ever running for that office again. While some friends and former advisers thought she was primarily saying that to focus attention on her current role and that she might change her mind about running for president in the future, others felt that she was genuinely content with the direction her career and life had taken and no longer had presidential ambitions.

By the close of 2009 there were 25 female ambassadors posted by other nations to Washington; this was the highest number ever. This was dubbed the "Hillary effect" by some observers: "Hillary Clinton is so visible" as secretary of state, said Amelia Matos Sumbana, the Mozambique Ambassador to the United States, "she makes it easier for presidents to pick a woman for Washington." An added fact, of course, was that two other recent U.S. Secretaries of State were women, but Clinton's international fame from her days as First Lady of the United States made her impact in this respect the greatest of the group.

Clinton also included in the State Department budget for the first time a breakdown of programs that specifically concerned themselves with the well-being of women and girls around the world. By fiscal 2012, the department's budget request for such work was $1.2 billion, of which $832 million was for global health programs. Additionally, she initiated the Women in Public Service Project, a joint venture between the State Department and the Seven Sisters colleges. The goal was to entice more women into entering public service, such that within four decades an equal number of men and women would be working in the field.

One specific cause Clinton advocated almost from the start of her tenure was the adoption of cookstoves in the developing world, to foster cleaner and more environmentally sound food preparation and reduce smoke dangers to women. In September 2010, she announced a partnership with the United Nations Foundation to provide some 100 million such stoves around the world within the next ten years, and in subsequent travels she urged foreign leaders to adopt policies encouraging their use.

In February 2010 testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Secretary Clinton complained about the slow pace of Senate confirmations of Obama's nominations to diplomatic positions, a number of which were delayed for political reasons and had been subject to holds by individual Republican senators. Clinton said the problem damaged America's image abroad: "It became harder and harder to explain to countries, particularly countries of significance, why we had nobody in position for them to interact with."

In 2009, and again in 2010 and 2011, Clinton stated that she was committed to serving out her full term as secretary, but would not commit to serving a second term should Obama be re-elected.

She later used U.S. allies and what she called "convening power" to help keep the Libyan rebels unified as they eventually overthrew the Gaddafi regime.

Throughout her tenure, Clinton has looked towards "smart power" as the strategy for asserting U.S. leadership and values, combining military strength with U.S. capacities in global economics, development aid, and technology. In late 2011 she said, "All power has limits. In a much more networked and multipolar world we can't wave a magic wand and say to China or Brazil or India, 'Quit growing. Quit using your economies to assert power' ... It's up to us to figure out how we position ourselves to be as effective as possible at different times in the face of different threats and opportunities."

Clinton has also greatly expanded the State Department's use of social media, including Facebook and Twitter, both to get its message out and to help empower people vis à via their rulers. Clinton said, "We are in the age of participation, and the challenge ... is to figure out how to be responsive, to help catalyze, unleash, channel the kind of participatory eagerness that is there." She has tried to institutionalize this change, by making social media a focus for foreign service officers and up to the ambassadorial level.

Senator Clinton has been fighting for causes for 35 yrs. Her accomplishments are staggering. Those who are questioning her accomplishments, and the things she has fought for, should take a history lesson.


Hillary Clinton's accomplishments (Some of them)

And of course you'll try to discredit every one of them...it's your nature to never give credit to anyone whom you disagree with politically. That's fine too. The world knows better.
If we in the GOP want to keep losing, we listen and follow the leader of the party of stupid, Ted Cruz

Bob Dole ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Cruz’s comments draw fire from Dole, McCain

Posted by
CNN Senior Producer Kevin Bohn

Washington (CNN) – Former Republican presidential nominees Bob Dole and John McCain are pushing back against Sen. Ted Cruz for comments he made Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

As Cruz was talking about how the Republican Party had not been successful in recent campaigns and what it needed to do to win, he said if “you want to lose elections, stand for nothing.”
Ya know Fake, you're the only one here on the board that's a liberal attempting to play himself off as a conservative.

Ya know why you're the only one? Because you're not fooling anyone and you look like a fool.

No one else is stupid enough to try it.

Conservatives will only vote for conservatives, period. If you're a moderate, you will not get the conservative vote. If you don't get the conservative vote, you will not win elections. That was Ted Cruz' point, and history proves him to be correct.

I am not a liberal, and you are only a flake, an anarchist.

Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush got the moderates.

Dole, McCain, and Romney did not get the moderates because they caved into the far, far right and the libertarian freaks.

Dole, McCain, and Romney were and are wishy-washy moderates with few (if any) core beliefs.

You are lying, or you are dumb as a turd. Which is it?
Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.
Cons are so hateful, they even disrespect their own heroes. Sure hope the cons nominate Cruz for 2016. No wonder they voted down aid to wounded vets.
Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.
Cons are so hateful, they even disrespect their own heroes. Sure hope the cons nominate Cruz for 2016. No wonder they voted down aid to wounded vets.

1) No one has disrespected Bob Dole.
2) Bob Dole is not a conservative and thereby cannot be a conservative hero.

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time with this. It's not complicated.
BTW what's more disrespectful, saying he isn't conservative while respecting his service, or thinking a draft dodging woman abuser is more fit to be President than him while pretending to be outraged over him being "disrespect."
Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.
Cons are so hateful, they even disrespect their own heroes. Sure hope the cons nominate Cruz for 2016. No wonder they voted down aid to wounded vets.

1) No one has disrespected Bob Dole.
2) Bob Dole is not a conservative and thereby cannot be a conservative hero.

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time with this. It's not complicated.
Liberal whackos, such as those we see posting here, refuse to understand that "conservative" and "Republican" do not mean the same thing.


Bob Dole.did more to serve his country -before- he was elected than The Obama ever will -- and for that, he is a great man, among a great number of great men.
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Ya know Fake, you're the only one here on the board that's a liberal attempting to play himself off as a conservative.

Ya know why you're the only one? Because you're not fooling anyone and you look like a fool.

No one else is stupid enough to try it.

Conservatives will only vote for conservatives, period. If you're a moderate, you will not get the conservative vote. If you don't get the conservative vote, you will not win elections. That was Ted Cruz' point, and history proves him to be correct.

I am not a liberal, and you are only a flake, an anarchist.

Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush got the moderates.

Dole, McCain, and Romney did not get the moderates because they caved into the far, far right and the libertarian freaks.
Unlike you, I'm a PATRIOT and a believer in the CONSTITUTION.

You are here to spread disinformation and lies, and I believe you do it in an attempt to confuse conservatives so they'll lose elections. You are a leftist operative and everyone here knows it.

Please take your pathetic act else where. You look like a complete nitwit.

You are a fucking birfer fake American fool.

Step off.

We in the GOP mainstream will keep flushing you guys out of the system.

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