Ted Cruz targets Conservative Icon and War Hero Bob Dole.

speaking of Cruz, here he TARGETED this bloated overbearing abusive Government under the Obama REGIME....We should call for abolishing the EPA, NSA, and a few others...they are overstepping our congress and YOUR elected Representatives in government with brown shits and jackboots to step on our necks and our livelihood......as far as this thread about Cruz and Bob Dole...typical nonsense of the left for nothing more than their dirty politics
video and links at site

By David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor

PUBLISHED: 09:58 EST, 6 March 2014 | UPDATED: 14:16 EST, 6 March 2014

Cruz seemed to be tightening and road-testing a stump speech himself, advocating for the repeal of the Dodd-Frank banking law, safeguards to buttress the Second Amendment's gun rights, expanding school choice, permanently banning former members of Congress from lobbying their old colleagues, instituting term limits for federal legislators, and
auditing the Federal Reserve.

That line drew a rousing shout from acolytes of former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a one-time perennial presidential candidate whose libertarian following has picked up with Paul's son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, right where it left off.

Ted Cruz to CPAC: Let's abolish the IRS

Cruz knows that he must appeal to that subset of the Republican Party, which opposes government surveillance programs as well as centralized control of the U.S. money supply.

He asked everyone in the audience with a cell phone to 'please leave them on. I want to make sure President Obama hears everything I have to say.'

all of it here
'We need to abolish the IRS': Conservative firebrand Ted Cruz launches political convention with direct assault on U.S. tax authority | Mail Online

Cruz mouths the rantings of the Koch Brothers, no more, no less.
Try the Founders dipshit.

The Koch Brothers are our founders dipshit?
bripat is melting and 007 ran away. Nothing new there.

The TPM influence is fading fast, which upset many, like Cruz and bripat, who, for their own separate reasons, want America to fail.
bripat is melting and 007 ran away. Nothing new there.

The TPM influence is fading fast, which upset many, like Cruz and bripat, who, for their own separate reasons, want America to fail.

Delusions are one of the symptoms of Dimentia, Fakey. It's a fatal disease. I estimate you have less than a year to live at the rate your mind is deteriorating.
spelling error is going to be the least of the far right reactionaries' worries this primary season: you guys are going to get trashed :lol:

every generation you arise in the party and every time we smash you down; nothing new coming up, same ol same ol

Sure, Fakey.

As a liberal Democratic YOU smash down upstart conservatives in the Party to which you don't even belong.

Take the hint, Fakey, you pathetic ass-clown. NOBODY with a functioning brain cell believes you, you dishonest obvious poseur hack.

Fart off, Ilar, you fake :lol:

You are no conservative, just a fucked up wack job out on the far reactionary right and now the bill is due.

The first payment was the defeat of the TeaPs in the Tezas primaries of the creeps opposing Cornyn and Sessions, real conservatives

The real GOP laughs its ass off at you wack jobs :lol:

Wrong, as always. Or you are just lying again. Makes no difference. It's not like you have any cred anyway, my little bitch.

I happen to BE a conservative. You, by contrast, while falsely CLAIMING to be a Republican are not. You ARE just another poseur liberal Democrat and everyone knows it.

Indeed, you are a radical liberal piece of shit.

I don't know what a "wack [sic] job" is in your illiterate universe, Fakey. :lol:

But you aren't even a whack job. You are simply and fully dishonest. That's all.
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Try the Founders dipshit.

The Koch Brothers are our founders dipshit?

No, you're a dipshit.

You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

Wow, playing in the sandbox with you is so much fun. NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
The Koch Brothers are our founders dipshit?

No, you're a dipshit.

You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

Wow, playing in the sandbox with you is so much fun. NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

I dish out what I receive. Want better arguments? Then post some instead of this juvenile horse crap.
No, you're a dipshit.

You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

Wow, playing in the sandbox with you is so much fun. NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

I dish out what I receive. Want better arguments? Then post some instead of this juvenile horse crap.
Cons don't have arguments, they've only got sandbox banter. You know it, and I know it.
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

Wow, playing in the sandbox with you is so much fun. NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

I dish out what I receive. Want better arguments? Then post some instead of this juvenile horse crap.
Cons don't have arguments, they've only got sandbox banter. You know it, and I know it.

1) No one has disrespected Bob Dole.
2) Bob Dole is not a conservative and thereby cannot be a conservative hero.

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time with this. It's not complicated.
Liberal whackos, such as those we see posting here, refuse to understand that "conservative" and "Republican" do not mean the same thing.


Bob Dole.did more to serve his country -before- he was elected than The Obama ever will -- and for that, he is a great man, among a great number of great men.

...but unfortunately, the great man was a lousy presidential candidate. :(

i did not even consider him.....he was way to old....
Old war heroes are now passe, what is in now playing are young dynamic people that can fillibuster and...well all the other things that Cruz does.
Can someone help here, has Cruz done anything else but the big fillibuster?

I know one thing he hasn't done. Actually two. He hasn't done an advertisement for Viagra. And he's not great friends with Nancy Pelosi.

Makes him ok in my books!


Here ya go. Ted is a very busy person it seems. His resume is stellar by the way.

Committee assignments

Committee on Armed Services
Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities
Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support
Subcommittee on Sea power
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights (Ranking Member)
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
Subcommittee on Science and Space (Ranking Member)
Committee on Rules and Administration
Special Committee on Aging

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's on committee's? That's it? Do you have his attendance record? Legislation he's authored? Come on, Wikipedia????
if Cruz was a Democrat Dean you would have a whole different attitude about the guy.....
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!
You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! You are the dipshit! NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

Wow, playing in the sandbox with you is so much fun. NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!

I dish out what I receive. Want better arguments? Then post some instead of this juvenile horse crap.
Cons don't have arguments, they've only got sandbox banter. You know it, and I know it.

and your shit is any different?....geezus....you are hungover....
Cons are so hateful, they even disrespect their own heroes. Sure hope the cons nominate Cruz for 2016. No wonder they voted down aid to wounded vets.

1) No one has disrespected Bob Dole.
2) Bob Dole is not a conservative and thereby cannot be a conservative hero.

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time with this. It's not complicated.

Yo moron, most of the GOP says Cruz disrespected Dole. When you try to tell lies, when everyone already knows they are lies, it only serves to reveal your fucking stupidity.

"Most of the GOP" parroting something does not make it true, just annoying...Polly.
Cons are so hateful, they even disrespect their own heroes. Sure hope the cons nominate Cruz for 2016. No wonder they voted down aid to wounded vets.

1) No one has disrespected Bob Dole.
2) Bob Dole is not a conservative and thereby cannot be a conservative hero.

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time with this. It's not complicated.

Yo moron, most of the GOP says Cruz disrespected Dole. When you try to tell lies, when everyone already knows they are lies, it only serves to reveal your fucking stupidity.

Really? Can you find one GOP saying that? And Jake doesn't count.

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