Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up.

Your failing, loser.

It's spelled "you're," not "your," moron.

No it's not, MORON.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.
Yeah cause minimum wage is appropriate for professional engineers. Rabii you're a moron.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.

It's the free market.

That's freedom.
A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.

It's the free market.

That's freedom.

Open borders are not part of the free market, especially when residents are entitled to free schooling, healthcare, housing and food. It's "free" to them, not to us.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.

It's the free market.

That's freedom.

Open borders are not part of the free market, especially when residents are entitled to free schooling, healthcare, housing and food. It's "free" to them, not to us.

Of course it is.

You want the government to interfere in commerce by using government power to deny individuals the freedom to hire who they want.

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.

It's the free market.

That's freedom.

Open borders are not part of the free market, especially when residents are entitled to free schooling, healthcare, housing and food. It's "free" to them, not to us.

Of course it is.

You want the government to interfere in commerce by using government power to deny individuals the freedom to hire who they want.

They can hire whoever they want. That doesn't mean those people are entitled to emigrate to the United States.
Post #447 wasn't about H1-B visas but shows the underlying BS going on..............

U.S. Companies and Corps who haven't hauled ass already want more foreign workers because it drives down the cost of labor here............

That is all this is about.............because there isn't really a shortage of these skills here..............as I partially showed in another post already.

They are importing illegal aliens for cheap labor here, while moving the production lines to other countries...........and want Free Passage of their goods back to the markets here SAYING IT'S GOOD FOR US.......YOU GET CHEAPER PRODUCTS...........IT'S ECONOMICS 101..............and the standard horse shit they always say....................

But they ignore that it is destructive here on jobs...............and say..........look you are saving money..........WHERE WILL YOU SPEND IT..........................LOL.................Displaced workers from these policies don't have money anymore.............do to lost wages or no job at all...............But we should ignore that...................

Finally, on the trade deals...............They have courts to settle disputes............and foreign countries can dispute our laws and we can be..........AND HAVE BEEN TOLD that we are in violation of the articles of the WTO..........EVEN THOUGH it VIOLATES OUR LAWS ON THE BOOKS....................

It is rumored that the TPP will not only do this..............BUT WILL ALLOW COMPANIES TO CHALLENGE REGULATIONS AND LAWS OF MEMBER COUNTRIES AND SKIP the part that it HAD ALWAYS BEEN COUNTRY VERSUS COUNTRY in the disputes..............

So we are selling ourselves out TO RULE BY A FOREIGN ENTITY.
Angry California STEM workers train their H-1B replacements ahead of layoffs

Here’s an example from real life: IT employees slated for layoffs at Southern California Edison, the region’s biggest utility company, are winding down their final weeks at their jobs by training their foreign replacements, some of whom hold H-1B visas.

From a Thursday story at Computerworld:

Information technology workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) are being laid off and replaced by workers from India. Some employees are training the H-1B visa holding replacements, and many have already lost their jobs.

The employees are upset and say they can’t understand how H-1B guest workers can be used to replace them.

“They are bringing in people with a couple of years’ experience to replace us and then we have to train them,” said one longtime IT worker. “It’s demoralizing and in a way I kind of felt betrayed by the company.”

In all, about 500 people are being phased out at SCE, 400 of whom are being laid off. According to Computerworld, the H-1B visa-holding replacements are employees of two Indian companies — Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services — that have contracted with SCE.
...But to do that, jobs that were necessary in the past will disappear in the future. And jobs in the future will include those that no one knows about today.
Very nice, I'm sure, but that does nothing to feed and clothe and house families today. A balance is needed between macro economics and the needs of the day, and, when the needs of the day (more immediate needs and concerns) and the long-term welfare of The People are ignored, political conflict is sure to follow. Attention to both is indicated.

Agreed. Average GDP growth does not a successful economy make; only job growth for USA citizens proves a good economy and since 2000 AD it has been flat with immigrants getting ALL the job growth since.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That is presumptive and without ANY facts to back it up.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

Rabbi, that is simply NOT true. The vast majority of cases I have seen, some third party company brings in H1-B visa holders to get a specific job. They then write the H1-B's resume to exactly fit that job, even to specifying inessential skills like whether they wrote documentation with Word or Word Perfect, when they are hiring a software engineer. What editor you use for internal documentation or users guide is nonsense and the differences minor.

Then they post this elaborate highly specific set of criteria for the job expecting that no American will have that exact set of skills. And if an American walks in who does have that set of skills, they quickly close the job opening and re-open a new one with something that the American does not have and then revise the H1-B's resume to have it. I have seen this happen dozens of times.

For a little ejumakashun

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.

It's the free market.

That's freedom.

Yeah and that same argument was used to defend slavery.

By your reason why not hallow volunteer slavery or indentured servitude, Toroshyte?
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up.

Your failing, loser.

It's spelled "you're," not "your," moron.

Did you figure it out yet?

Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

Rabbi, that is simply NOT true. The vast majority of cases I have seen, some third party company brings in H1-B visa holders to get a specific job. They then write the H1-B's resume to exactly fit that job, even to specifying inessential skills like whether they wrote documentation with Word or Word Perfect, when they are hiring a software engineer. What editor you use for internal documentation or users guide is nonsense and the differences minor.

Then they post this elaborate highly specific set of criteria for the job expecting that no American will have that exact set of skills. And if an American walks in who does have that set of skills, they quickly close the job opening and re-open a new one with something that the American does not have and then revise the H1-B's resume to have it. I have seen this happen dozens of times.

For a little ejumakashun

Sounds like your beef is with people who break the law, not with the visa system. Focus your ire accordingly.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

Rabbi, that is simply NOT true. The vast majority of cases I have seen, some third party company brings in H1-B visa holders to get a specific job. They then write the H1-B's resume to exactly fit that job, even to specifying inessential skills like whether they wrote documentation with Word or Word Perfect, when they are hiring a software engineer. What editor you use for internal documentation or users guide is nonsense and the differences minor.

Then they post this elaborate highly specific set of criteria for the job expecting that no American will have that exact set of skills. And if an American walks in who does have that set of skills, they quickly close the job opening and re-open a new one with something that the American does not have and then revise the H1-B's resume to have it. I have seen this happen dozens of times.

For a little ejumakashun

For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.
Then explain why highly train IT American people cannot get a job. You still do not have a fucking clue.

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