Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship...


So just saying "wrong" is all that is needed?.....

All that's needed is any semi-competent immigration lawyer. Your 'stories' reek of bullshit.

You know... I don't really care what you think anymore. Believe whatever you want. Live in your glass fantasy world.

You care, or you wouldn't be responding. And any semi-competent immigration lawyer is all that would be required for your fictional scenarios.

Yeah, true. And she went to see a lawyer. The quote was $10,000.

She has 2 kids that can't work, because they don't have any legal standing to do so.
The 3rd kid, is only 8. So he's a citizen, but of course can't work because he's 8.
She herself can't work. So she's screwed.
And her husband is 100% disabled, and can't get a job. Even if he wanted to get a job, the moment he got one, he'd lose the little benefits he has.

Now, in that situation... how do you propose they raise $10,000 to get this fixed?

I suggested she hunt for a lawyer that might take a charity case, but only because I can't think of another possibility.

Her daughter (17), started a go-fund-me thing, but most Americans have the attitude that you, and those like you, have displayed on this thread. They have only raised $5.

Obviously they can't get a loan, who'd lend them money with zero documented income, no assets, and a disability income they can't garnish?

Oh, and just fyi, he's not disabled because he was shot up in combat or something. He's disabled because he had a heart attack. He was feeling ill for 3 days, and the military doctors told him he was just dehydrated and having stress..... for three days..... Brilliant. Never checked him for anything. Gave him aspirin and water. He had a massive heart attack, and now his heart is working at only 37%.

Score one for government health care.
Look at how the story changes as needed... :rolleyes:

Back to Creative Writing 101.
Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.
WOW! That's truly twisted Andy!

A No borders America....dreamers like you will dream I suppose....

Why not invite all the poor people of India, and all of the poor people of China and all of the poor people of Africa and all of the poor people of South America and all of the poor people of Mexico to live and work in America, as you say.....?

Just think for a minute and you should have your answer....

AndytheLoon is a troll and nothing more. Asking him to think might make hims weat.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.

Well, another greedy sack of poop speaks up for the pirates of the economic world. These were the same kinds of people that defended slavery, indentured servitude and genocide all because it saved the elites a few bucks.

Patheitc, SMH

So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?

"So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?" said the lying sack of shit troll.

Slavery for everyone is not improving anything for anybody, but then you already know that, liar.
Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.

Well, another greedy sack of poop speaks up for the pirates of the economic world. These were the same kinds of people that defended slavery, indentured servitude and genocide all because it saved the elites a few bucks.

Patheitc, SMH

So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?

"So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?" said the lying sack of shit troll.

Slavery for everyone is not improving anything for anybody, but then you already know that, liar.

So you don't want poor people from another country to have a better life? Why? Why should you hold them back?
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.

Well, another greedy sack of poop speaks up for the pirates of the economic world. These were the same kinds of people that defended slavery, indentured servitude and genocide all because it saved the elites a few bucks.

Patheitc, SMH

So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?

"So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?" said the lying sack of shit troll.

Slavery for everyone is not improving anything for anybody, but then you already know that, liar.

So you don't want poor people from another country to have a better life? Why? Why should you hold them back?

Are there any doors or windows on your home?
Andy, Back to where we started. This will be the last round before wasting more of your brain cells.
There is reason why we have immigration laws. How do you feel if I replace you with a foreign workers just because of greediness? Think about that. There is no way any Americans will accept that . Not even you. Think again of what you are saying.
Unless Unkotare want to waste more of his or others time.
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.
WOW! That's truly twisted Andy!

A No borders America....dreamers like you will dream I suppose....

Why not invite all the poor people of India, and all of the poor people of China and all of the poor people of Africa and all of the poor people of South America and all of the poor people of Mexico to live and work in America, as you say.....?

Just think for a minute and you should have your answer....

AndytheLoon is a troll and nothing more. Asking him to think might make hims weat.
That's not true, Andy is not a troll.....he's been here for a while... he just has a different way of thinking than you or I..... a Globalist could be the label I would give, and /or, maybe a (Ayn) Rand-ian, or Libertarian with the large and small "L" before it....He also takes the stance of eliminating the Minimum Wage altogether.

I do disagree with his way of thinking, no question on that, but truly, he is not a troll....he's real and he believes totally in what he says...
Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.
WOW! That's truly twisted Andy!

A No borders America....dreamers like you will dream I suppose....

Why not invite all the poor people of India, and all of the poor people of China and all of the poor people of Africa and all of the poor people of South America and all of the poor people of Mexico to live and work in America, as you say.....?

Just think for a minute and you should have your answer....

AndytheLoon is a troll and nothing more. Asking him to think might make hims weat.
That's not true, Andy is not a troll.....he's been here for a while... he just has a different way of thinking than you or I..... a Globalist could be the label I would give, and /or, maybe a (Ayn) Rand-ian, or Libertarian with the large and small "L" before it....He also takes the stance of eliminating the Minimum Wage altogether.

I do disagree with his way of thinking, no question on that, but truly, he is not a troll....he's real and he believes totally in what he says...

Well, I cant comment on how long he has been here, but when he argues that the USA has some obligation to let in all the worlds poor by implication, then he is either an idiot or a troll, take your pick.

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