Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

The idea that laws don't apply to "really, really nice" people is obviously irrational. Protectionist fear of legal competition is un-American, pussy bullshit.
That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

Dude.... YOU are the greedy American. The abuse of greediness, is you telling other people they can't come here and have a better life, because you don't want them to, for YOUR benefits.

YOU are the greedy abusive American.

This "I only care about me, myself, and *I*, and that's not greedy" is a joke. You want to hold other people down... for your benefit. There is no possible rational way to justify that, except self-centered greed.

Don't you have some slaves to go round up, ass hole?

Not normally, but for you I'll make an exception.
I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. ...

And? Which laws does that negate? Why don't you go drive 90 MPH on the highway and when you get pulled over tell the officer that you are an honest, decent person. See how that goes.

I have never once suggested, in any post, in this thread, or any other, that people should be allowed to break the law. Nor does that affect anything I've said in this thread.
Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

I hope this is tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise you're a moron.

We were bond to disagree on something. This is it perhaps. I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. And I have come to figure that it is inconsistent with my beliefs in equality as human beings, to say that I should have special privilege over people from other countries looking for a better life.

And honestly, I've met people who have lived in the states for 20 years, and have worked honest jobs for 20 years, and still don't have citizenship.... for what? I'm talking to a lady right now, from Germany. Can't get citizenship. For what? Why? Educated, skilled, honest, law abiding, a decent woman. Why?

A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship, and has to get a work permit renewed every 2 years. She is the highest educated, hourly cashier in the bank.... why? Because they won't promote her when her ability to work is in constant flux. Wouldn't want to train someone up a year for a management position, only to have them work one year, and then not be able to get a work permit.

Why? She is an asset to the country. Why are we holding her back? Just so you can have a higher paying job? Just so you don't have to compete with people who work?

Seriously. Why are you more important than her? Or me? Or anyone? My great grandparents crossed on a boat. Kick me out, so you can earn more?
1. That is not the topic............it is about increasing the number of h1b's...........not the ones already working under visa under the old laws.

2. There is a legal path to citizenship in this country................which is directly related to your case and others...........one I'm very
familiar with...............What is it????????????????

In one case, an American man married the women, who had a child. They came to America. After coming here, the man abused her, and divorced. The man refused to sign the paperwork required to get her citizenship as a married women. In the process the daughter, who live here for since she was 8 years old, has not been able to get her legal citizenship.

She is the one, who has lived in the US for nearly her entire life, and has no ability to fix the situation. Abandoned by her American father, disowned by her Bolivian relatives, and stuck in permanent limbo.

What would you suggest she do? She's contacted Senators, and Representatives, and filed every bit of paperwork she can. What do you suggest?

The other lady was married to a US military service personnel. They were required by the INS to file paperwork, which was done through he US military, and the paper work was "lost". The immigration judge says they must have a letter from the INS, which say she is legal, and yet the INS says she must have the paperwork from the judge.

She is screwed either way. No way out. No way forward. Her husband, due to his service in the military had a heart attack, which left him 100% disabled. They have no money to afford the legal fees required to straighten out the problem. And yet the only person who can work, has no ability to do so, because of these idiotic laws.

What would you suggest she do? She's contacted Senators, and judges, and more. No one is willing to budge.

Yes, I am well aware of what the topic is. I'm not debating whether we should increase or decrease the number of H1Bs. I'm saying there should be ZERO H1Bs. We should simply allow people to immigrant, and allow them to work. Period.

Let people come, and work. In essence, allow unlimited H1Bs.

I think more people here, making America great, is good. Not bad.
hint.....................Affidavit of Support USCIS

Are you real or memorex.............

She can't get that. Her American father has refused. Her Bolivian relatives have disowned her. Her mother isn't a US citizen herself.

Again... what would you suggest she do? Go back to bolivia, where she has no one? How would she survive with no real money, and without any education recognized in Bolivia?
Look, I don't really understand what you people are arguing with me about.

If you had asked me just 10 years ago, I would have said we need to cut this out, ship these people back, and kick people out of the country that don't need to be here.

I was as much an anti-immigration person as you can get.

The reason I hold the view that I have now, is exactly for the reasons I have given, and for the stories, and many others, that I have told on here.

I have no reason to make this stuff up. Why would I just "make up" that these people stuck in immigration limbo exist? It was meeting these people, and hearing about their life and their troubles, that I have come to the position I now hold.

I would never have changed my view, if these stories were not true. Why do that? I'm going to change my fundamental view, because I made up a false story? That's not even logical.

I've met these people. They exist. They are real. And there are tons of them. Many more than I had ever imagined.

You want to destroy people's lives? Why? If that lady is shipped back to Bolivia, you will have torn her away from the only home she has ever really known, and torn apart the only family that she has ever known.... For what?? So some snot American can get a job at a bank?

That lady with the American solider.... They can't move back to Germany, even if they wanted to. And her son, born in America, can't go with them. You are going to tear apart her whole family, because you don't want a German immigrant taking a H1B job?

How cruel, and selfish, can you people possibly be??


And these are just two people I know. Just two... out of about a dozen. And these people, know of dozens more.

"Well I only care about Americans"... if you are a right wingers, make sure you understand, you sound like the selfish, greedy left-wingers when you say that.
In one case, an American man married the women, who had a child. They came to America. After coming here, the man abused her, and divorced. The man refused to sign the paperwork required to get her citizenship as a married women. In the process the daughter, who live here for since she was 8 years old, has not been able to get her legal citizenship.

She is the one, who has lived in the US for nearly her entire life, and has no ability to fix the situation. Abandoned by her American father, disowned by her Bolivian relatives, and stuck in permanent limbo.

What would you suggest she do? She's contacted Senators, and Representatives, and filed every bit of paperwork she can. What do you suggest?
First off, that was not the topic of discussion..............The discussion is H1B law and how many we allow into the country............and my point stands that we have No obligation to cut the throats of American Workers to be replaced by foreign ones................Those immigration laws are part of the law of virtually every nation on earth............my opinion on that hasn't changed one iota...............

Now, you are arguing a situation that is NOT THE SAME AS THE TOPIC DISCUSSED..............It is an entirely different topic and is open to debate with me...................My first question is why did her own family disown here to begin with........................Why would they ditch her for coming to America...........................Second question is..................is she off the grid are getting work visa's to remain in this country under our laws............................If so.............after 40 quarters of legally being here under work visa's SHE CAN APPLY to become a citizen under the law as I posted..................Secondly, her daughter wasn't born here so that side of the equation is out...........yet I would point out that Birth Rite Citizenship is virtually illegal in almost all the countries of the world..................Yet........she can become a citizen after living and working here for a straight 10 years...................or remarry and hopefully not marry another scum bag..............at that point........if the new husband is above the poverty rates for INS he can apply the paperwork for citizenship..............a path that would take a few years after that point.................AS IT WAS FOR MY SON N LAW...............WHO I SPONSORED..............AS MY DAUGHTERS INCOME WAS INSUFFICIENT.................AND WAS ABOUT TO BE DEPORTED WHEN I SPONSORED HIM......................

He is now a U.S. citizen...................and my daughter is still happily married to him...............He is in the IT trade job field with a MASTER'S DEGREE in Computer Science and rights Security Programming for some major players in the industry..............he did not come over on a H!B but on a Student Visa later turned to a Work Visa..............

I'm aware of the problems to the path of citizenship..................as I have been involved directly...............

The other lady was married to a US military service personnel. They were required by the INS to file paperwork, which was done through he US military, and the paper work was "lost". The immigration judge says they must have a letter from the INS, which say she is legal, and yet the INS says she must have the paperwork from the judge.

She is screwed either way. No way out. No way forward. Her husband, due to his service in the military had a heart attack, which left him 100% disabled. They have no money to afford the legal fees required to straighten out the problem. And yet the only person who can work, has no ability to do so, because of these idiotic laws.

What would you suggest she do? She's contacted Senators, and judges, and more. No one is willing to budge.
Sounds somewhat fishy to me......................not unbelievable.......................but if paperwork was done before a Judge then it should be available at that districts court house.......unless they lost it as well..............

Given the situation they must get the documents unless lost.................and if not go to the embassy of the country she was from and attempt to get a Green Card so she can go to work legally here..................Also they need to get FREE COUNCIL through the VA...........although they are another Red Tape Machine...........they have avenues and support groups for disabled Veterans................and they need to apply through that avenue..................................

Either way................the topic is allowing more in this country WHO ARE NOT ALREADY HERE...........that DISPLACES AMERICAN WORKERS VIA H1B.........................and that dog doesn't hunt.
That lady with the American solider.... They can't move back to Germany, even if they wanted to. And her son, born in America, can't go with them. You are going to tear apart her whole family, because you don't want a German immigrant taking a H1B job?
Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Birthright citizenship in the United States refers to a person's acquisition of United States citizenship by virtue of the circumstances of his or her birth. It contrasts with citizenship acquired in other ways, for example bynaturalization later in life. Birthright citizenship may be conferred by jus soli or jus sanguinis. Under United Stateslaw, U.S. citizenship is automatically granted any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. This includes the territories of Puerto Rico, the Marianas (Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands) and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and also applies to children born elsewhere in the world to U.S. citizens (with certain exceptions).[1][2]

If he was born in the United States then that son is ALREADY A U.S. CITIZEN.............If he was born on a U.S. military base then that is an EXTENSION of the United States and therefore a U.S. CITIZEN....................all that is needed is a birth certificate to prove citizenship...........and that son is can receive a social security number.................and a passport to go anywhere he wants to............

The husband, even though disabled, can still apply for sponsorship.................as a veteran he can receive FREE COUNCIL VIA THE VA..................and LEGAL AID AS WELL................

Why didn't you mention this in the first post.....................as it still sounds fishy to me.......................

Either way it is a different topic..............and not about H1B'S......................
You want to destroy people's lives? Why? If that lady is shipped back to Bolivia, you will have torn her away from the only home she has ever really known, and torn apart the only family that she has ever known.... For what?? So some snot American can get a job at a bank?

That lady with the American solider.... They can't move back to Germany, even if they wanted to. And her son, born in America, can't go with them. You are going to tear apart her whole family, because you don't want a German immigrant taking a H1B job?

How cruel, and selfish, can you people possibly be??

Apple's to oranges debate here.........................as they are already on the grid.................and it sounds fishy to me...............to say their son can't go with them is FISHY AS HELL..................as if he was born here he is a CITIZEN UNDER OUR CURRENT LAWS..........
You do not understand what we arguing about???? You brought up the subject about immigration. Remember? Your telling us that this person has been here 20 years or 2 years should automatically become citizens. Because they are nice decent hardworking. That's bullshit is not going to happen. Person that has been in U.S. for 20 years cannot get a citizenship that means this person has a problem that your not aware. Or this person is retarded. Lady from Bolivia is sad story but in both cases. Do you want us to tell you YES we agree they should get US citizenship automatically? That's not going to happen. If you remember we are talking about H1 people not immigration of mercy.
I'm saying there should be ZERO H1Bs. We should simply allow people to immigrant, and allow them to work. Period.....

If you can't see how impractical that is - in many ways - you really are an idiot. Being an idiot doesn't make you compassionate, it just makes you an idiot.
I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. ...

And? Which laws does that negate? Why don't you go drive 90 MPH on the highway and when you get pulled over tell the officer that you are an honest, decent person. See how that goes.

I have never once suggested, in any post, in this thread, or any other, that people should be allowed to break the law. Nor does that affect anything I've said in this thread.

Of course you have. You have suggested that people who are here illegally should be allowed to stay and even become citizens.
That lady with the American solider.... They can't move back to Germany, even if they wanted to. And her son, born in America, can't go with them. You are going to tear apart her whole family, because you don't want a German immigrant taking a H1B job?
Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Birthright citizenship in the United States refers to a person's acquisition of United States citizenship by virtue of the circumstances of his or her birth. It contrasts with citizenship acquired in other ways, for example bynaturalization later in life. Birthright citizenship may be conferred by jus soli or jus sanguinis. Under United Stateslaw, U.S. citizenship is automatically granted any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. This includes the territories of Puerto Rico, the Marianas (Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands) and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and also applies to children born elsewhere in the world to U.S. citizens (with certain exceptions).[1][2]

If he was born in the United States then that son is ALREADY A U.S. CITIZEN.............If he was born on a U.S. military base then that is an EXTENSION of the United States and therefore a U.S. CITIZEN....................all that is needed is a birth certificate to prove citizenship...........and that son is can receive a social security number.................and a passport to go anywhere he wants to............

The husband, even though disabled, can still apply for sponsorship.................as a veteran he can receive FREE COUNCIL VIA THE VA..................and LEGAL AID AS WELL................

Why didn't you mention this in the first post.....................as it still sounds fishy to me.......................

Either way it is a different topic..............and not about H1B'S......................

This is so dumb.... you idiots just hear whatever you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

You scream about her son......

WHAT ABOUT HER!!!?!?!??!?! HUH!?!?!?


That's why I didn't point out her son being a US citizen already, because it wasn't relevant.

But you selfish, arrogant, cruel jerk don't care do you.... you just find something, and scream about it.

I'm glad I'm not like you people. Not at all. I care about people. You care about yourselves.
I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. ...

And? Which laws does that negate? Why don't you go drive 90 MPH on the highway and when you get pulled over tell the officer that you are an honest, decent person. See how that goes.

I have never once suggested, in any post, in this thread, or any other, that people should be allowed to break the law. Nor does that affect anything I've said in this thread.

Of course you have. You have suggested that people who are here illegally should be allowed to stay and even become citizens.

You have the right to be wrong. I'm arguing with selfish people anymore.
A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship...


So just saying "wrong" is all that is needed?.....

All that's needed is any semi-competent immigration lawyer. Your 'stories' reek of bullshit.

You know... I don't really care what you think anymore. Believe whatever you want. Live in your glass fantasy world.
A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship...


So just saying "wrong" is all that is needed?.....

All that's needed is any semi-competent immigration lawyer. Your 'stories' reek of bullshit.

You know... I don't really care what you think anymore. Believe whatever you want. Live in your glass fantasy world.

You care, or you wouldn't be responding. And any semi-competent immigration lawyer is all that would be required for your fictional scenarios.
AndyL.....We are glad that we are not like you living in fantasy world who doesn't have a clue about immigration and life. Of course I feel bad for your unfortunate friends. That doesn't mean they are still eligible to be a citizen. No one told you that life is going to be easy.
Aside from helping homeless centers. I also help wounded veterans that includes housing. Have you met wounded and disabled veterans? I'm talking by the hundreds if I can only help by the thousands I will. Just imagine these people that need help for the rest of their life. Your only worried about citizenship these people needed life. It is you who is being idiot and selfish.
AndyL.....We are glad that we are not like you living in fantasy world who doesn't have a clue about immigration and life. Of course I feel bad for your unfortunate friends. That doesn't mean they are still eligible to be a citizen. No one told you that life is going to be easy.
Aside from helping homeless centers. I also help wounded veterans that includes housing. Have you met wounded and disabled veterans? I'm talking by the hundreds if I can only help by the thousands I will. Just imagine these people that need help for the rest of their life. Your only worried about citizenship these people needed life. It is you who is being idiot and selfish.

As a matter of fact, I have met them. Dozens. My brother-in-law came back from Iraq. His father was in the military. My father was in the military. His brothers were in the military. My relatives were all in the military. My grandparents were both in the military. One of them died, we believe, because of what happened to him in the military.

And I'm all for helping those people. Maybe if we cut down on welfare and entitlements, and gave them vouchers for health care, or housing, we could help them out more.

That's not the point I was trying to make though. Bit of a side issue, not directly related to the topic. In fact, if I had 'made up' the story, I would not have explained all of those issues. I explained all of that, because that is what happened. If I was going to make up stuff, I would have made up a better cleaner story.

The main question is... Do we want more immigrants coming here, and able to work.

I say yes. Why are we harming these people? Why do we think we are so much more important, than they are? Why do we want to keep people in poverty, for our own benefit?

Because that really is what people on this thread are saying. I want to earn more money, and immigration keeps wages from rising. So all those poor people from other countries, need to be held down, for my benefit. I want to keep them under my foot, so that I can stand tall.

Now if you are self-centered pricks, that makes sense. I'm not. I want everyone to win, not just Americans.

And I don't buy this idea that if they win, we lose. Are you trying to tell me, that if we allow more foreign engineers, that magically Engineers are going to earn $30K a year? Come on. Gimme a break.

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