Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.

And if the rest of us are smart we'll make that illegal.

Socialist dog
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.
Thats true. People cannot debae with ignorant fucktards like you either.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.

YOU support that.
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.

Which is why very few bother to respond to your posts.

(notice how you get back, what you spit out?)
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.

Which is why very few bother to respond to your posts.

(notice how you get back, what you spit out?)
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.

Which is why very few bother to respond to your posts.

(notice how you get back, what you spit out?)
Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
People cannot debate with sub human terrorist.

Which is why very few bother to respond to your posts.

(notice how you get back, what you spit out?)
Sessions Remarks On Tech Layoffs And How The H-1B Visa Displaces American Workers - News Releases - Senator Jeff Sessions

“Madam President, three of our greatest `masters of the universe'—as I like to refer to them—have joined in an op-ed in the New York Times just last week to share their wisdom from on high and to tell us in Congress how to do our business and to conduct immigration reform they think should be pleasing to them. I am sure other super billionaires would be glad to join with these three super billionaires and could agree on legislation that would be acceptable to them.

Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas casino magnate and Republican supporter; Warren Buffett, the master investor; and Bill Gates, the master founder of Microsoft computer systems, all super billionaires, apparently aren't happy. They don't have much respect for Congress and, by indirection, the people who elect people to Congress, it appears from the tone of their article—you know, American people, that great unwashed group; nativists, narrow-minded patriots, possessors of middle-class values. They just don't understand as we know, we great executives and entrepreneurs.

So they declare we need to import more foreign workers in computer science, technology, and engineering, because the country is ‘badly in need of their services.’ They say we are badly in need of importing large numbers of STEM graduates. That is something we have all heard and many of us have perhaps assumed is an accurate thing.

These three individuals, all generous men, have contributed to a lot of causes, and I am teasing them a little bit. They didn't mind sticking it to Congress, so I just tease them and push back a little bit.

They particularly praised the Senate for its elimination of any limits on the number of work visas that could be awarded to immigrants who have a degree in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and have a job offer.

What did we see in the newspaper today? News from Microsoft—was it that they are having to raise wages to try to get enough good, quality engineers to do the work? Are they expanding or are they hiring? No, that is not what the news was, unfortunately. Not at all.

This is the headline in USA Today: ‘Microsoft to cut up to 18,000 jobs over next year.’

‘Microsoft confirmed it will cut up to 18,000 jobs over the next year, part of the tech titan's efforts to streamline its business under a new CEO.’

That is a significant action. Indeed, Microsoft employs about 125,000 people, and they are laying off 18,000. The company laid off 5,000 in 2009. Yet their founder and former leader, Mr. Gates, says we have to have more and more people come into our country to take those kinds of jobs.

‘We estimate that during fiscal 2011, 372,516 high-skill guest workers were issued visas to enter the U.S. labor market, and, of these workers, between 134,000 and 228,000 were available for IT employment.’

That is information technology.

Today: ‘Microsoft To Cut Workforce By 18,000 This Year, ‘Moving Now’ To Cut First 13,000.’

How about this headline: ‘[Google-owned] Motorola To Cut 10% Of Workforce After Laying Off 20% Last Year.’

‘Panasonic To Cut 10K More Workers In The Next 5 Months.’

‘[Online media and advertising company] CityGrid Lays Off 15% Of Its Employees.’

‘Hewlett-Packard: 27,000 Job Cuts to Save Up To $3.5B By 2014.’

I would say things aren't going as well as some would suggest, and the demand out there for workers ought to be met from our current supply.

The so called need for foreign H1B workers is nothing more than a lie and will further displace American workers..................
But those with their hands in the pot don't give a fuck about jobs in America.............they only want to line their own pockets..............
they'd probably sell their own mother for a buck.............

Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.
Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.

Don't care.
Doesn't matter.
There is no reason to limit immigration. Why do you think other people shouldn't be allowed to succeed, but you should?
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
The so called need for foreign H1B workers is nothing more than a lie and will further displace American workers..................
But those with their hands in the pot don't give a fuck about jobs in America.............they only want to line their own pockets..............
they'd probably sell their own mother for a buck.............

Exactly...People like the terrorist here don't give a fuck with his fellow Americans. All he knows is fuck more Americans lives.
Only people that supports this program are the H1 people and business owners. Others that support this are just subhuman.
People complain about high unemployment ( millions unemployed) and yet others support the idea of bringing in more foreign workers. Like Ted Cruz so his rich buddies will get richer.
Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.

Don't care.
Doesn't matter.
There is no reason to limit immigration. Why do you think other people shouldn't be allowed to succeed, but you should?

Maybe because we shouldn't be bringing in millions of third world savages??? Ever thought of that?
Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.

Don't care.
Doesn't matter.
There is no reason to limit immigration. Why do you think other people shouldn't be allowed to succeed, but you should?

Maybe because we shouldn't be bringing in millions of third world savages??? Ever thought of that?

Why? What makes you so much better than them?
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

Dude.... YOU are the greedy American. The abuse of greediness, is you telling other people they can't come here and have a better life, because you don't want them to, for YOUR benefits.

YOU are the greedy abusive American.

This "I only care about me, myself, and *I*, and that's not greedy" is a joke. You want to hold other people down... for your benefit. There is no possible rational way to justify that, except self-centered greed.

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