Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.

Well, another greedy sack of poop speaks up for the pirates of the economic world. These were the same kinds of people that defended slavery, indentured servitude and genocide all because it saved the elites a few bucks.

Patheitc, SMH
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

Dude.... YOU are the greedy American. The abuse of greediness, is you telling other people they can't come here and have a better life, because you don't want them to, for YOUR benefits.

YOU are the greedy abusive American.

This "I only care about me, myself, and *I*, and that's not greedy" is a joke. You want to hold other people down... for your benefit. There is no possible rational way to justify that, except self-centered greed.

Don't you have some slaves to go round up, ass hole?
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?

No, they are unemployed all over the place. I know about a dozen STEM graduates in the last two years who spent a year finding a job, one was a double major in airenautical engineering and mathematics and another graduated with top honors in her class, but could not find work. Why? Because of all the immigrants that the Corporate slavers are bringing in to flush out Americans from jobs in THEIR OWN HOMELAND!

It is WRONG and businessmen are eventually going to pay a damned steep price as the coming generation will support confiscatory policies directed at businesses and have not a shred of sympathy for them.

And you business types will have the likes of 'Rabbi' and other scum for it.
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.

And if the rest of us are smart we'll make that illegal.

It is already illegal I believe, but just another law that the Obama regime is choosing to not enforce.
Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.

Don't care.
Doesn't matter.
There is no reason to limit immigration. Why do you think other people shouldn't be allowed to succeed, but you should?

He never said that they shouldn't be allowed to succeed, you lying jack ass. They can do it SOMEWHERE else, dipshit.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

We need to start confiscating the property, ALL the property, of those abusing the immigration system and put the worst offenders in PRISON for LIFE.

And we need to start with Rabbi, Toro and Andythedipshit if they have broken immigration law.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

Dude.... YOU are the greedy American. The abuse of greediness, is you telling other people they can't come here and have a better life, because you don't want them to, for YOUR benefits.

YOU are the greedy abusive American.

This "I only care about me, myself, and *I*, and that's not greedy" is a joke. You want to hold other people down... for your benefit. There is no possible rational way to justify that, except self-centered greed.

Fuck off, moron.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?

That's what you support. You want to keep people just like me... just from a different plot of land than you... from being able to come here and work.... so that you can be richer.
YOU support that.

No. I do not. I support hard working American that are having hard time, people lost their jobs because they are being replaced by foreign workers.

Why should others be prevented from earning more money? Why should you be protected from earning less?

What makes you superior to any other group of people? You are the top 1% of people in the world. Is holding others down, for your benefit ok only when you do it?
I will try hold those business owners down as much as I can hoping to avoid abuses and greediness. I only support my fellow Americans that are struggling. I do not support third world countries coming here and take over American jobs. This is my point here.
If you are the protector of open the borders then go to immigration section.

Dude.... YOU are the greedy American. The abuse of greediness, is you telling other people they can't come here and have a better life, because you don't want them to, for YOUR benefits.

YOU are the greedy abusive American.

This "I only care about me, myself, and *I*, and that's not greedy" is a joke. You want to hold other people down... for your benefit. There is no possible rational way to justify that, except self-centered greed.
OMG you are as bullshit as Rabbi.
Where did I demonstrate my greediness here? I can almost tell you are an H1 people.
I'm holding and against people that are abusers and greedy which are business owners. And I will do it with my almighty. If you do not like it. TAKE A HIKE. For my Benefits. Tell me what benefits?
For decades I financially support homeless centers (with S.). Have you ever met American families (with S) displaced because of unemployment? WELL I HAVE. Then I feed them. So don't FUCKING tell me I'm greedy.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.
WOW! That's truly twisted Andy!

A No borders America....dreamers like you will dream I suppose....

Why not invite all the poor people of India, and all of the poor people of China and all of the poor people of Africa and all of the poor people of South America and all of the poor people of Mexico to live and work in America, as you say.....?

Just think for a minute and you should have your answer....
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Anti-H-1B senator to head immigration panel Computerworld

Sessions calls claims of a highly skill labor shortage a 'hoax'

The Senate's two top Republican critics of temporary worker immigration, specifically the H-1B and L-1 visas, now hold the two most important immigration posts in the Senate.

They are Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the Senate's Judiciary Committee, and his committee underling, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who was appointed by Grassley on Thursday to head the immigration subcommittee.

Grassley has been the Republican's most tenacious and unwavering critic of the H-1B program and has tried to curb use by offshore outsourcers, in particular. Sessions, however, may emerge as the Senate's most vociferous and fiery H-1B opponent.

Sessions, late Thursday, issued a statement about his new role as immigration subcommittee chairman, and said the committee "will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out,” and that includes “the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers."

Sessions last week accused the tech industry of perpetuating a "hoax" by claiming there is a shortage of qualified U.S. tech workers.

"The tech industry's promotion of expanded temporary visas -- such as the H-1B -- and green cards is driven by its desire for cheap, young and immobile labor," wrote Sessions, in a memo he sent last week to fellow lawmakers.

Last summer, Sessions attacked Microsoft's push for more H-1B visas as it laid off 18,000 employees. Now, as subcommittee chairman, Sessions will have the ability to conduct investigations and hold oversight hearings.

That Senate memo was Sessions' rebuttal to efforts by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, who is seeking an H-1B increase.

The contrast between Sessions and Hatch on this issue could not be sharper. Hatch said,
"Our high-skilled worker shortage has become a crisis." Sessions, meanwhile, responded: "Not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready, able, and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained in these fields who are unable to find employment."

Hatch introduced legislation, with the support of some Democratic lawmakers, to raise the H-1B cap from 85,000 to 195,000. But the bill creates what may be an unlimited influx of foreign workers by eliminating a cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field from a U.S. school. The IEEE-USA says the bill will destroy the U.S. tech workforce.

Don't care.
Doesn't matter.
There is no reason to limit immigration. Why do you think other people shouldn't be allowed to succeed, but you should?
This is America NOT INDIA...............Not CHINA..................Not MEXICO.................get the point................every country on earth has immigration laws and work laws, which include foreign labor...............and in most they set policy to protect their own country's people and not the worlds....................................

We have no obligation to cut our own workers throats to satisfy the Corporations and/or foreign workers...............If the Corporations need them so badly, as they lay off LOL, then move altogether as most already are doing.....................Eventually will get ticked enough, I hope to TARIFF their asses off on the way back in.................Let them sell their products to those countries that are lucky enough to afford their products.

The WTO, NAFTA, GATT............etc. are designed to end world poverty and bring up the undeveloped nations to a higher living standard and LOWER THE DEVELOPED NATIONS until they equal out.................You can read that in their charters...................they also recommend social SAFETY NETS FOR THOSE IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD FOR WHEN THEY LOSE THEIR JOBS...................aka to fuck American jobs and the standard of living we have..............so the Globalist can make more money and turn the entire world into a bunch of serfs.
They can certainly quit. At least you havent said they cant. So they arent being "forced" to do anything.

In Rabbi's fantasy world, he believes he is entitled to the fruits of other people's labor, to be used, wasted, and/or thrown away at his pleasure, and that ultimately they exist only to serve him. His pathetic entitlement complex is oozes out of every sweat pore.
No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

Government exists to serve its citizens. Why should a society enact its rules of immigration to the detriment of its own people? Why shouldn't a society place highest priority on its own people? Indians have no right to a life in the United States.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

I hope this is tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise you're a moron.
What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.

Well, another greedy sack of poop speaks up for the pirates of the economic world. These were the same kinds of people that defended slavery, indentured servitude and genocide all because it saved the elites a few bucks.

Patheitc, SMH

So you want to prevent other people from having a better life? Why are you against poor people having a better life?
Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

I hope this is tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise you're a moron.

We were bond to disagree on something. This is it perhaps. I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. And I have come to figure that it is inconsistent with my beliefs in equality as human beings, to say that I should have special privilege over people from other countries looking for a better life.

And honestly, I've met people who have lived in the states for 20 years, and have worked honest jobs for 20 years, and still don't have citizenship.... for what? I'm talking to a lady right now, from Germany. Can't get citizenship. For what? Why? Educated, skilled, honest, law abiding, a decent woman. Why?

A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship, and has to get a work permit renewed every 2 years. She is the highest educated, hourly cashier in the bank.... why? Because they won't promote her when her ability to work is in constant flux. Wouldn't want to train someone up a year for a management position, only to have them work one year, and then not be able to get a work permit.

Why? She is an asset to the country. Why are we holding her back? Just so you can have a higher paying job? Just so you don't have to compete with people who work?

Seriously. Why are you more important than her? Or me? Or anyone? My great grandparents crossed on a boat. Kick me out, so you can earn more?
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

I hope this is tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise you're a moron.

We were bond to disagree on something. This is it perhaps. I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. And I have come to figure that it is inconsistent with my beliefs in equality as human beings, to say that I should have special privilege over people from other countries looking for a better life.

And honestly, I've met people who have lived in the states for 20 years, and have worked honest jobs for 20 years, and still don't have citizenship.... for what? I'm talking to a lady right now, from Germany. Can't get citizenship. For what? Why? Educated, skilled, honest, law abiding, a decent woman. Why?

A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship, and has to get a work permit renewed every 2 years. She is the highest educated, hourly cashier in the bank.... why? Because they won't promote her when her ability to work is in constant flux. Wouldn't want to train someone up a year for a management position, only to have them work one year, and then not be able to get a work permit.

Why? She is an asset to the country. Why are we holding her back? Just so you can have a higher paying job? Just so you don't have to compete with people who work?

Seriously. Why are you more important than her? Or me? Or anyone? My great grandparents crossed on a boat. Kick me out, so you can earn more?
1. That is not the topic............it is about increasing the number of h1b's...........not the ones already working under visa under the old laws.

2. There is a legal path to citizenship in this country................which is directly related to your case and others...........one I'm very
familiar with...............What is it????????????????
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.

I hope this is tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise you're a moron.

We were bond to disagree on something. This is it perhaps. I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. And I have come to figure that it is inconsistent with my beliefs in equality as human beings, to say that I should have special privilege over people from other countries looking for a better life.

And honestly, I've met people who have lived in the states for 20 years, and have worked honest jobs for 20 years, and still don't have citizenship.... for what? I'm talking to a lady right now, from Germany. Can't get citizenship. For what? Why? Educated, skilled, honest, law abiding, a decent woman. Why?

A girl from Bolivia. Been working at a bank for 5 years. She has a degree in finance. She has followed the law. Can't get citizenship, and has to get a work permit renewed every 2 years. She is the highest educated, hourly cashier in the bank.... why? Because they won't promote her when her ability to work is in constant flux. Wouldn't want to train someone up a year for a management position, only to have them work one year, and then not be able to get a work permit.

Why? She is an asset to the country. Why are we holding her back? Just so you can have a higher paying job? Just so you don't have to compete with people who work?

Seriously. Why are you more important than her? Or me? Or anyone? My great grandparents crossed on a boat. Kick me out, so you can earn more?

The United States is not a welfare program to improve the lives of every desperate peasant in the world. Explain to me why I should have my standard of living lowered because some human on the opposite side of the planet managed to get born. I'd really like to know that.
I have worked along side immigrants for almost a decade now.

They are people, honest decent people, just like me. ...

And? Which laws does that negate? Why don't you go drive 90 MPH on the highway and when you get pulled over tell the officer that you are an honest, decent person. See how that goes.

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