Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

They're not forcing anyone to do anything. People can quit, right?
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
Whatever floats your boat.................even though Southern California Edison is a major player in H1B's............

Even though they are getting rid of american workers to replace the same........kinda makes your arguments suck doesn't it............................................

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
Whatever floats your boat.................even though Southern California Edison is a major player in H1B's............

Even though they are getting rid of american workers to replace the same........kinda makes your arguments suck doesn't it............................................

No, it actually indicates you do not understand logic or argument. Which makes further dialogue with you unproductive.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
Whatever floats your boat.................even though Southern California Edison is a major player in H1B's............

Even though they are getting rid of american workers to replace the same........kinda makes your arguments suck doesn't it............................................

No, it actually indicates you do not understand logic or argument. Which makes further dialogue with you unproductive.
Well BYE THEN............GET LOST...........
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
Whatever floats your boat.................even though Southern California Edison is a major player in H1B's............

Even though they are getting rid of american workers to replace the same........kinda makes your arguments suck doesn't it............................................

No, it actually indicates you do not understand logic or argument. Which makes further dialogue with you unproductive.
Well BYE THEN............GET LOST...........
Don't look now, but the conversation had taken a turn towards overall immigration issues, not just the H1B visas mentioned in the OP.

And, within the narrow domain of H1B visas...

Why should we import tech-folk when we should be growing our own right here, from amongst our own, to reduce unemployment?
We should be doing lots of things. But the fact is we do not have enough high tech workers to fill those jobs, so we import them. If we dont issue H1b visas the companies will hire those people anyway and station them in Canada, Ireland, or on a ship in the ocean. There is no issue of American jobs, except that if companies cannot get the skills they need they cannot grow and create other jobs.
That's pure bullshit Rabii. I myself can create shortage or justifications that I needed H1 people but I don't.
You can create shortages of workers? Wow, I had no idea.
Oh Rabii you totally do not have a clue. What I mean is of the 147 opening I have this year I can easily say I cannot find qualified people as justification. Then I start hiring H1. I will talk slowly.... do you understand?
So why dont you do that? If you can save a ton of money by hiring people from foreign countries you would be derelict in your fiduciary duty not to.
Are you admitting to being stupid?
So Charwin is saying that he could easily lie and just say he could not find American workers, but that he would NOT ever do that.... and good ole Rabbi says:
So why dont you do that? If you can save a ton of money by hiring people from foreign countries you would be derelict in your fiduciary duty not to.
Are you admitting to being stupid?

For him or you or any business to hire Hb 1 employees at less money than US Citizens are getting paid in your market....So YOU are advising him to hire hb1 immigrants to save/make more money for his business....and this IS EXACTLY THE LAWBREAKERS thinking....and That is BS ..... you are a criminal....and advising other business owners to be criminals....for the ALMIGHTY BUCK....AND you just admitted that this is exactly what we said the unscrupulous sect of Business owners like you, would do.
Last edited:
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
And it isn't that you can not find enough qualified workers for these supposed opened positions, the business owners/you are not willing to PAY what the local market in workers are willing to take for the position....you are not letting the market determine the 'price' for skilled workers....you are trying to import workers, so that the market value for skilled workers drops.... just like widgets.... just admit it.
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
You can also Google Pfizer in Connecticut employees replaced by H1.
Most people are only hearing this H1 nightmare SWAG maybe in last 2 or 3 years.
I was aware of this since 2003.
TO: My dearest Toro,

I'm grateful that you immigrated here....I'm thinking on an HB1...I'm proud to have you here, and glad you made the cut....and I don't believe for a nano second that you or other ex pat Canadians on hb1's bring the cost of Labor down here in the USA... what's being discussed here is how the process is corrupted by Business people like Rabbi...
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.
What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Lol, that is BS. The H1-B is still cheaper than the American born contractor and that is why these traitors hire them..
And they can hold the hb 1 worker captive....they can not change employers easily to go to a company that pays more....holding market value down for the position....

Guy guys guys......

This is so ironic to me.

Do you people on the left not support the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

You say that you don't.......... but think about what you are saying right here, right now, on this thread!

Compared to the rest of the world, WE ARE THE 1%. We're the rich people.

So poor people from another country, are coming here, because they want to earn more money.

And look at how you are responding to this?

We should keep these poor people out, hold them down, prevent them from advancing, and keep them in their place........ so that we can earn more money.

You self-centered, narcissistic, cruel and heartless people. You arrogant, selfish, whiny cry baby Americans. Now tell me who is for the rich getting richer, and poor getting poorer, HUH?!?! Who is the one supporting that view here!?!

I support more immigration. I think we should allow naturalization of anyone who has worked for 5 years straight inside the US, with the exception of a criminal record. I support Ted Cruz on this.
Just don't bring them here on A LIE.... Andy.

the rule for HB1 visas is that the business CAN NOT find Americans to fill the job, and the business can NOT hire the immigrant at anything less than the median going rate for Americans doing this job, in their market place of workers.

Rabbi is touting just the opposite, that businesses would not be doing their supposed fiduciary responsibility to the business if they did NOT go out and hire immigrants that would work for less money than Americans....which simply BREAKS THE LAW on hb1's.

No no... you missed it. I didn't mention HB-1, at all. I think we should allow immigration flat out. HB-1 or not. I don't think anyone should even NEED to lie. There shouldn't be any wage restrictions at all.

If someone from India is willing to do the job.... for whatever wage.... they should be allowed to do so. Why should you hold those people down under your foot..... just because YOU want to earn more money??

The people on the left, claim that's what the rich do, to harm the poor... right? So why is that bad if the rich do it, but good when *YOU* do it? Hypocrite much?

Just allow immigration. Stop being so selfish. I want EVERYONE to win. You only want US to win, and them to lose. You are doing exactly what you claim the evil rich do.
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
Andy. We are not talking about immigration here. Think hard what you are saying.. You do not have a clue of what you are saying.
Is it acceptable for you if I keep getting richer and richer and you getting poorer and poorer?
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.
Rabbi I now baptized you a terrorist in this board a pure anti American. You should join the ISIS. You are very disgusting person.
I now declare you are an ignorant fucktard, too stupid to debate with people.
My father ran our business for 35 years, I took over for 18 years ,now my son 35yo is my CEO for last 5 years. For several decades I've known hundreds of business owners and this H1 bullshit discussion comes up all the time. I can tell you that there are NO shortages of American workers. It is the business owners that drive and abuse this program. I could have easily defended Rabii ( anti American) here but I didn't. For Rabii promoting it is just disgusting.
It is very hard for me to swallow the 65,000 quotas let alone increase the number. We have thousands and thousands of kids graduated from colleges with engineering and computer science degrees each year. What happened to them? Did they vanished and die all at the same time?
If your son is smart he will replace your tech workers with lower-paid foreign labor.

And if the rest of us are smart we'll make that illegal.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.
Sorry but one or two examples does not constitute proof.
You lose.
You can also Google Pfizer in Connecticut employees replaced by H1.
Most people are only hearing this H1 nightmare SWAG maybe in last 2 or 3 years.
I was aware of this since 2003.

I've been aware of it since Clinton vastly increased the quotas.

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