Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Horseshit. Once the paperwork is done, the H1-B visa holder is a prisoner of his employer.

Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.
The idiot was wrong anyway. He fails at everything.

Based on the context, "you're" is the correct spelling, or do you also need a lesson in grammar?
No, actually he's right.

No, actually he's wrong.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?
What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Horseshit. Once the paperwork is done, the H1-B visa holder is a prisoner of his employer.

Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.

Then why are you attacking me for opposing it?
Based on the context, "you're" is the correct spelling, or do you also need a lesson in grammar?
No, actually he's right.

No, actually he's wrong.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?

You're delusional. See how I used "you're" there? That's the correct way to do it. You would have said "your delusional."
Obviously thre is a shortage. The cost to hire a foreign worker is considerably higher, given the paperwork etc to get that person here.

Horseshit. Once the paperwork is done, the H1-B visa holder is a prisoner of his employer.

Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.

Then why are you attacking me for opposing it?

The OP isn't about open borders, fool.
Horseshit. Once the paperwork is done, the H1-B visa holder is a prisoner of his employer.

Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.

Then why are you attacking me for opposing it?

The OP isn't about open borders, fool.

It's part of the discussion, moron. Rabbi has made noises that he supports it, as have several others.
No, actually he's right.

No, actually he's wrong.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?

You're delusional. See how I used "you're" there? "

You really don't know the difference between a gerund and the present progressive, do you?
No, actually he's wrong.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?

You're delusional. See how I used "you're" there? "

You really don't know the difference between a gerund and the present progressive, do you?

Did you look those up in the dictionary? What difference does it make? You misused the word "your." End of story.
Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.

Then why are you attacking me for opposing it?

The OP isn't about open borders, fool.

It's part of the discussion, moron. Rabbi has made noises that he supports it, as have several others.
You are a liar too. I never supported open borders.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?

You're delusional. See how I used "you're" there? "

You really don't know the difference between a gerund and the present progressive, do you?

Did you look those up in the dictionary? What difference does it make? You misused the word "your." End of story.
No, actually he didnt.
No, he's not. "Failing" here was a noun, not a verbal form.

Yeah, that's Unkotare's fallback position after he got caught posting something stupid.

Are you embarrassed YOU tried to pretend you understood the first thing about English grammar and ended up making an ass of yourself, fool?

You're delusional. See how I used "you're" there? "

You really don't know the difference between a gerund and the present progressive, do you?

Did you look those up in the dictionary?

No, you ignorant little twerp. Some people actually know the English language. Stop trying to play too big for your britches and you won't humiliate yourself like this.
Ease off the hyperbole, you hysterical little girl.

That isn't hyperbole, numskull. All you open borders traitors seem to be able to do is make personal attacks.

If anyone is in favor of "open borders" it isn't me, you dishonest douche.

Then why are you attacking me for opposing it?

The OP isn't about open borders, fool.

It's part of the discussion, moron. Rabbi has made noises that he supports it, as have several others.

You're a dishonest, ignorant buffoon.
Don't look now, but the conversation had taken a turn towards overall immigration issues, not just the H1B visas mentioned in the OP.

And, within the narrow domain of H1B visas...

Why should we import tech-folk when we should be growing our own right here, from amongst our own, to reduce unemployment?
We should be doing lots of things. But the fact is we do not have enough high tech workers to fill those jobs, so we import them. If we dont issue H1b visas the companies will hire those people anyway and station them in Canada, Ireland, or on a ship in the ocean. There is no issue of American jobs, except that if companies cannot get the skills they need they cannot grow and create other jobs.
That's pure bullshit Rabii. I myself can create shortage or justifications that I needed H1 people but I don't.
You can create shortages of workers? Wow, I had no idea.
Oh Rabii you totally do not have a clue. What I mean is of the 147 opening I have this year I can easily say I cannot find qualified people as justification. Then I start hiring H1. I will talk slowly.... do you understand?
So why dont you do that? If you can save a ton of money by hiring people from foreign countries you would be derelict in your fiduciary duty not to.
Are you admitting to being stupid?
What made you think I save ton of money by hiring H1 bull crap? There are tons of business owners like me that will never hire H1. It's a business decisions that an idiot like you will never understand.
I want to focus on this graph because it is just symbolic of the stupidity that passes for wit on this board.
The label indicates NAFTA brought job losses. I suppose the proof is the growing deficit between imports and exports.
Notice that the line labeled "exports" has increased, just not as fast as imports. So if "exports" have increased, how has that cost Americans jobs? We are exporting more under NAFTA than we did before! There should be more jobs in exporting companies than previously.
The Role of Maquiladoras in Mexico s Export Boom -- Gordon H. Hanson - Research Seminars Migration Dialogue

Executive Summary

Over the last two decades, Mexico has dramatically opened its economy to foreign trade and investment. The country has converted itself from an inward-oriented economy to one in which export production is the main source of economic growth. In 2000, the share of international trade in Mexico¡¯s GDP was 32%, up from 11% in 1980. The most dynamic exporters in Mexico are in-bond assembly plants, known as maquiladoras. These plants import parts and components from abroad, assemble the inputs into final goods, and then export their output. They are most active in the electronics, auto parts, and apparel industries. Maquiladoras main point of contact with the Mexican economy is through hiring labor. They purchase few inputs in Mexico and sell virtually none of their output domestically. The United States is the primary source for their inputs and the primary destination market for their sales. While all maquiladoras contract with foreign firms to obtain inputs and distribute outputs, not all are subsidiaries of multinational enterprises. Many are Mexican-owned facilities that deal with multinationals through arms-length transactions.

Between 1990 and 2002, real value added by the maquiladora industry grew at an astounding annual average rate of 10%. To put this growth in perceptive, over the same period real GDP in Mexico expanded by an annual average rate of only 3%. Since 1984, employment in maquiladoras has risen from 180,000 workers to 1.1 million workers, or to over one-quarter of Mexico¡¯s total manufacturing labor force. By 2000, the maquila sector generated 48% of Mexico¡¯s exports and 35% of the country¡¯s imports. These plants remain concentrated in Mexican states along the Mexico-U.S. border, which in 2002 accounted for over 80% of total maquiladora employment.

Ever heard of MADE IN THE U.S.A. and ASSEMBLED IN MEXICO................

Because that is the bulk of exports to Mexico now to assembly plants utilizing cheap labor.
That is the saddest post I've seen. You take one factoid and then assume it explains the entire phenomenon. Like the US hasnt sold a single item to the Mexican market.
I didn't say we don't sell a single thing to Mexico.................I posted data on what the Lion's share of it is.................One article I read put it at 60%..............

Either way, NAFTA outsourced our jobs overseas...................and the h1b visas imports lost jobs here................and I posted data showing lay offs to get replaced..............what did you show other than your ass....................
They're not forcing anyone to do anything. People can quit, right?
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

We should be doing lots of things. But the fact is we do not have enough high tech workers to fill those jobs, so we import them. If we dont issue H1b visas the companies will hire those people anyway and station them in Canada, Ireland, or on a ship in the ocean. There is no issue of American jobs, except that if companies cannot get the skills they need they cannot grow and create other jobs.
That's pure bullshit Rabii. I myself can create shortage or justifications that I needed H1 people but I don't.
You can create shortages of workers? Wow, I had no idea.
Oh Rabii you totally do not have a clue. What I mean is of the 147 opening I have this year I can easily say I cannot find qualified people as justification. Then I start hiring H1. I will talk slowly.... do you understand?
So why dont you do that? If you can save a ton of money by hiring people from foreign countries you would be derelict in your fiduciary duty not to.
Are you admitting to being stupid?
What made you think I save ton of money by hiring H1 bull crap? There are tons of business owners like me that will never hire H1. It's a business decisions that an idiot like you will never understand.
ding ding ding. Yes, it's a business decision. Thanks for clarifying that. Get off your moral high horse and let people conduct business.
They're not forcing anyone to do anything. People can quit, right?
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
They're not forcing anyone to do anything. People can quit, right?
You made the statement that we don't have enough qualified workers here............No you ignore it when they lay off domestic workers to hire H!B workers......................who historically work for less even after paying 10k per to get them here.........................

Your post pretty much here is a JOKE................Yeah they could quit early, before getting laid off and lose a few checks going to the unemployment line.................But it's not the point.............If they have to train the H1B immigrants..........then it blows your BS statements to hell.
People dont lay off domestic workers to hire foreign workers. You lose.
Just because you say so even though there are plenty of articles showing the opposite.................

Did you sniff too much glue or drink drano as a kid..............MENTAL.............
Post them or STFU.
Southern California Edison IT workers beyond furious over H-1B replacements Computerworld

Already did give examples bitch.

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