Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
Or a Libtard's heart more than legions of grateful future voters?
...But that is not the same as INFINITE roofs. Though endless the total number of roofs at any point in the progression is still finite.

There are just as many house-roofs as there are houses in town.

That is the domain (sampling universe) limit.

There are just as many house-roofs to re-shingle as there are roofs in need of that service - a finite subset of that larger finite set.

That is the practical limit.


There are a limited number of roofing companies that such a market can support.

There are a limited number of contracts that each roofing company (contractor) will be able to obtain.

There are a limited number of Roofing Laborers that each contractor can hire, in order to fulfill his share of re-shingling orders.

That is the job limit.

Not exactly rocket science, is it?

Tyopical dumbshit.
If what you said were true New York City would still have only 3,000 inhabitants. But in fact towns and cities grow, new houses and buildings are built. A boom construction market attracts new workers, who of course need places to live, etc.
The ignorance displayed here on economics is astounding.
Posters talking about a limited number of roofs miss the point. The BLS codes job classifications to track employment trends. A quarter of those classifications didn't exist 50 years ago. The economy changes as it moves towards more value- added activities. That is the only way that wealth can be created. If technological advancement stops, so will economic growth.

Similarly for those who talk about limited resources, ie oil. 300 years ago, oil was worthless. The only reason why oil became valuable is because human ingenuity figured a way how to convert it to energy. I imagine oil will once again be worthless 300 years from now as we discover new sources of energy.

ALL wealth and ALL economic growth over time is solely a function of figuring out how to produce and distribute goods and services at a decreasing cost, allowing for wider consumption of those goods.

But to do that, jobs that were necessary in the past will disappear in the future. And jobs in the future will include those that no one knows about today.
You are 100% correct. The only limit is human ingenuity. And that comes from humans. Look how much advancement came from people who werent born here, like Andrew Carnegie and Sergey Brin. Idiots like the posters opposing immigration would have denied us the benefits of their work and ideas.
Posters talking about a limited number of roofs miss the point. The BLS codes job classifications to track employment trends. A quarter of those classifications didn't exist 50 years ago. The economy changes as it moves towards more value- added activities. That is the only way that wealth can be created. If technological advancement stops, so will economic growth.

Similarly for those who talk about limited resources, ie oil. 300 years ago, oil was worthless. The only reason why oil became valuable is because human ingenuity figured a way how to convert it to energy. I imagine oil will once again be worthless 300 years from now as we discover new sources of energy.

ALL wealth and ALL economic growth over time is solely a function of figuring out how to produce and distribute goods and services at a decreasing cost, allowing for wider consumption of those goods.

But to do that, jobs that were necessary in the past will disappear in the future. And jobs in the future will include those that no one knows about today.
You are 100% correct. The only limit is human ingenuity. And that comes from humans. Look how much advancement came from people who werent born here, like Andrew Carnegie and Sergey Brin. Idiots like the posters opposing immigration would have denied us the benefits of their work and ideas.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were both born here. Sergey Brin was able to develop Google because he was here. No matter who would have developed Google or it's equivalent If Sergey Brin never immigrated to this country, it would have been done here.
Posters talking about a limited number of roofs miss the point. The BLS codes job classifications to track employment trends. A quarter of those classifications didn't exist 50 years ago. The economy changes as it moves towards more value- added activities. That is the only way that wealth can be created. If technological advancement stops, so will economic growth.

Similarly for those who talk about limited resources, ie oil. 300 years ago, oil was worthless. The only reason why oil became valuable is because human ingenuity figured a way how to convert it to energy. I imagine oil will once again be worthless 300 years from now as we discover new sources of energy.

ALL wealth and ALL economic growth over time is solely a function of figuring out how to produce and distribute goods and services at a decreasing cost, allowing for wider consumption of those goods.

But to do that, jobs that were necessary in the past will disappear in the future. And jobs in the future will include those that no one knows about today.
You are 100% correct. The only limit is human ingenuity. And that comes from humans. Look how much advancement came from people who werent born here, like Andrew Carnegie and Sergey Brin. Idiots like the posters opposing immigration would have denied us the benefits of their work and ideas.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were both born here. Sergey Brin was able to develop Google because he was here. No matter who would have developed Google or it's equivalent If Sergey Brin never immigrated to this country, it would have been done here.
OK so I'll mark you donw as agreeing with Liz Warren and Obama that Brin didnt build that.
I had no idea you were a closet Progressive. Yet you seem to agree with them completely.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up.

Your failing, loser.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.

Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

Rabbi's continued complete lack of comprehension for how the adult world works is really going to start causing him problems this year when he enters high school.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
You're making the same because your job skills havent improved relative to your peers.
Sucks to be you.

That's actually wrong, and so predictable coming from you, but even if it was true, my salary should have increased considerably simply from inflation. That hasn't happened.
Guestworkers in the high-skill U.S. labor market An analysis of supply employment and wage trends Economic Policy Institute

It addresses three central issues in the ongoing discussion about the need for high-skill guestworkers in the United States:

  • Is there a problem producing enough STEM-educated students at sufficient performance levels to supply the labor market?
  • How large is the flow of guestworkers into the STEM workforce and into the information technology (IT) workforce in particular? And what are the characteristics of these workers?
  • What are the dynamics of the STEM labor market, and what are the employment and wage trends in the IT labor market?
Our examination of the IT labor market, guestworker flows, and the STEM education pipeline finds consistent and clear trends suggesting that the United States has more than a sufficient supply of workers available to work in STEM occupations:

  • The flow of U.S. students (citizens and permanent residents) into STEM fields has been strong over the past decade, and the number of U.S. graduates with STEM majors appears to be responsive to changes in employment levels and wages.
  • For every two students that U.S. colleges graduate with STEM degrees, only one is hired into a STEM job.
  • In computer and information science and in engineering, U.S. colleges graduate 50 percent more students than are hired into those fields each year; of the computer science graduates not entering the IT workforce, 32 percent say it is because IT jobs are unavailable, and 53 percent say they found better job opportunities outside of IT occupations. These responses suggest that the supply of graduates is substantially larger than the demand for them in industry.
Analyzing new data, drawing on a number of our prior analyses, and reviewing other studies of wages and employment in the STEM and IT industries, we find that industry trends are strikingly consistent:

  • Over the past decade IT employment has gradually increased, but it only recovered to its 2000–2001 peak level by the end of the decade.
  • Wages have remained flat, with real wages hovering around their late 1990s levels.

The shortage of IT workers is just another BS story coming from our gov't and business.............It's not about shortages..........it's about cheaper labor..........Just as illegals have lowered wages in the Construction fields...........

There’s an old joke in which a man asks a woman if she’ll spend the night with him for $1 million? She will. Then he asks if she’ll spend the night with him for $10?

“Do you think I’m a prostitute?” she asks.

“We’ve already established that,” he replied. “This is just a price negotiation.”

Not a great joke, but it came to mind recently when a reader pointed me to a panel discussion last September at the Brookings Institution ironically about STEM education and the shortage of qualified IT workers. Watch the video if you can, especially the part where Microsoft general counsel Brad Smith offers to pay the government $10,000 each for up to 6,000 H-1B visas.

I Cringely Two H-1B s walk into a bar more on the visa scam - I Cringely
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
Yes, business owners created this shortage by demanding highly skilled employees and paying them appropriately. Damn them. If we shut down all those high tech businesses then there would be no shortage. Rather a glut of high tech people on the market. Democrat nirvana.

What shortage? There is no shortage. Charwin95 is saying the so-called "shortage" is phone, and he's right.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up.

Your failing, loser.

It's spelled "you're," not "your," moron.
Nothing gladdens a Conservatards heart more than cheap labor.
For cheap labor read "higher standard of living."
If the idiotcrats on here had their way we'd still be selling $500 VCR players and $50 sony walkmen.

A higher standard of living for foreigners, not for Americans.
Is our standard of living worse today than 20 years ago? When was the last time you saw a $500 VCR player for sale at the electronics store?

I'm making about the same as I was 15 years ago, and the price of everything has gone up. That's entirely because I have to compete with H1-B visa holders who are willing to work for 1/3 of what I make.

The government will increase the number of H1-Bs over my dead body.
H1-B program in its current format is an insult to highly trained American that discriminate against. It is the business owners that create these shortages. Who should be blame for the abuses behind close door. Supported by republicans.
Imagine if Rabii is a business owner. He will disregard applicants walking in his door then create his own shortages start bring h1 people.
You have to forgive Rabbi because a government employee who has no understanding of how the real world works. He has never met anyone on an H1-B because his job requires no marketable skills.

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