Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.
Rabbi I knew lots of business owners and at least 2 of them has several h1 people. H1 are paid substantially less. That I can tell you is 100% correct. Otherwise what is the point. That part you already lost.
I mentioned to you in other post that the economy is booming but you flatly in denial. Let me repeat what I said in 2014 I added 80 employees then 2015 I added147 more employees 80% of which are high paying job. You completely rejected the economy is booming. Then you blame Obama with your miserable life. And here you are supporting foreign workers taking American jobs.
You have more money in your bank account so the economy is booming, right?
Yeah your personal experience is pretty much irrelevant. The statistics tell a different story. Household income is flat. Household wealth is flat. Consumer spending is down. Business investment is down.
Where is the boom?
Are you waiting for the sonic boom? Look around you kid. New car sales are up, shortage inventory of new and old house, building construction are up etc. My instruments sales are up in last 2.5 years is an indication that economy is booming. Not just because of personal experience. My instruments is an indicator that the economy is booming. I know lots of lots of business owners and about at least 85% are happy with the economy where we are going.
Unless you are at the bottom of the barrel then you don't know nothing but ignorance then blame everyone with your miserable life selling nuts and bolts.
Yes, everyone around me voted for Mitt Romney so Romney must have won the election.
Great logic there, chief.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and whose standard of living have been eroded by same.
Neither one of those examples proves that their are finite jobs or resources.
There are people without electricity. Does that mean electricity is finite?
Understood. Disagree. The scope and scale of those examples is the 10,000-pound elephant in the room, which reinforces the argument I served-up earlier.
You disagree that the fact that some people dont have something indicates it is finite? How stupid are you? There is no 10000 pound elephant in the room. ANother meaningless catchphrase.
What the hell is wrong with you today... somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?... take your insults and shove 'em, pal.


At issue is whether we have the resources to absorb wave after wave of millions upon millions of Illegal Aliens.

And... by resources... this encompasses land, housing, employment, welfare, education, medicine, fuel, finances, and all the rest.

And... beyond the issue of resources, is the question of the wisdom (or lack thereof) of not demonstrating our resolve - thereby encouraging future waves.

And... beyond the Sending-of-a-Clear-Message to future trespassers, is the question of job scarcity and wage-deppression directly attributable to Illegal Aliens.

And... beyond job scarcity/wage-depression, is the matter of going to the outside for tech-talent (H), when we should be growing it internally.

Your point about it taking a long time to grow 'em ourselves - and not meeting immediate need - is well taken.

Nolo contendere.

We are also never going to become motivated to grow 'em ourselves, unless we impose draconian limitations on those imports, and make it costly to try to circumvent those limitations.

Consider that a short-term hardship (narrowly-restricted talent importation) to force the issue of internal cultivation, which is in the long-term interests of both The Nation and its People.

These are all valid and realistic concerns.

Your never-ending gainsay and denigrating verbiage notwithstanding.
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Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces.

Ah! So you're racist.

Yes I am ;) I believe whites needs to hold onto land and own our own future. Blacks need to own their own and Asians the same.

The idea is all about replacing whites and believe me everyone stays with their own one way or another...So we're all asking for a great deal of violence.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.

Your argument has been articulated for 200 years. The onus is on you to prove otherwise.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.
There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.
There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.

Exactly. The only limits are the limits of the human mind. Those who think "There is only so much oil and thus only so much energy" totally misunderstand the nature of economics and technology.

The one aspect where there might be limited jobs is if robots start doing everything for us. If that happens, then we will have a new socioeconomic order unlike anything we have today.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.
There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.

The job market isn't finite, but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate.

Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.
...There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure...

Tell that to the millions of Americans who have suffered job loss or quality-of-life loss (wage decreases) due to Illegal Aliens and off-shoring and talent-importing.

As to limited resources... you say that resources are unlimited because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of oil in the ground is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of arable and livable and affordable land is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of food is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of water is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of medical care is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of higher education is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of treasury money to provide for the welfare of the poor is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of housing is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of jobs is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

Uhhhhh... yeah... right.... sure.

I think I'll just let your words stand or fall upon their own merit.

Thanks for the time.
...There are neither finite resources...
Tell that to the millions of Americans who cannot afford a house or a car or enough to eat or to send their kids to decent schools and such.

...nor jobs.
Tell that to the millions of American workers displaced by NAFTA and off-shoring of jobs to Asian slave-markets, and to the millions displaced by cheap Illegal Alien labor in the trades and in our remaining manufacturing base, or whose wages have been suppressed and standard of living eroded by same.

There are not finite jobs.

There are more people in America working than ever before.

Civilian Employment - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The number of people working today, versus some point in the past, is irrelevant to the existence of a finite job market.
There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.

The job market isn't finite, but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate.

Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.
WTF does that even mean, the job market doest grow at an infinite rate?
We arent discussing people competing for the same job. This is macro, not micro.
...There is no finite job market. You failed to prove such a thing, or that resources are limited Resources are not limited because the human imaginination is unlimited.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure...

Tell that to the millions of Americans who have suffered job loss or quality-of-life loss (wage decreases) due to Illegal Aliens and off-shoring and talent-importing.

As to limited resources... you say that resources are unlimited because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of oil in the ground is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of arable and livable and affordable land is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of food is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of water is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of medical care is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of higher education is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of treasury money to provide for the welfare of the poor is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of housing is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

So, our supply of jobs is unlimited, because the human imagination is unlimited?

Uhhhhh... yeah... right.... sure.

I think I'll just let your words stand or fall upon their own merit.

Thanks for the time.
Yes those thngs are unlimited. Why? What do you think the limits are?
There was a limit to the number of horses you could have in Manhattan on a purely theoretic basis in the 19th century. We were running out of horse space. IT was going to be a crisis, not enough horses for transportation etc. And guess what happened. Human ingenuity invented cars.
We were running out of sperm whale oil for lights in the 19th century. And a wonderful thing happened: we got electric lights. Human ingenuity.
If the supply of jobs is limited please post what that limit is.
...The job market isn't finite...
I believe this is incorrect on both a literal and metaphorical level, but I won't belabor the point further.

...but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate...
Indeed. Oftentimes, it shrinks. Just ask Pittsburgh or Detroit or Gary or South Bend or any other rust-belt town that is (or was) heavily dependent upon manufacturing jobs.

...Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.

3 American workers, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has a living wage.

3 American workers and 10 Illegal Aliens, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has enough to buy gasoline, fat-and-gristle sandwiches, and cat food, to store in the cardboard box, under the bridge where he lives.
...The job market isn't finite...
I believe this is incorrect on both a literal and metaphorical level, but I won't belabor the point further.

...but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate...
Indeed. Oftentimes, it shrinks. Just ask Pittsburgh or Detroit or Gary or South Bend or any other rust-belt town that is (or was) heavily dependent upon manufacturing jobs.

...Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.

3 American workers, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has a living wage.

3 American workers and 10 Illegal Aliens, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has enough to buy gasoline, fat-and-gristle sandwiches, and cat food, to store in the cardboard box, under the bridge where he lives.
You clearly dont know much about roofing.
...The job market isn't finite...
I believe this is incorrect on both a literal and metaphorical level, but I won't belabor the point further.

...but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate...
Indeed. Oftentimes, it shrinks. Just ask Pittsburgh or Detroit or Gary or South Bend or any other rust-belt town that is (or was) heavily dependent upon manufacturing jobs.

...Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.

3 American workers, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has a living wage.

3 American workers and 10 Illegal Aliens, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has enough to buy gasoline, fat-and-gristle sandwiches, and cat food, to store in the cardboard box, under the bridge where he lives.
You clearly dont know much about roofing.

He obviously knows more than you. My brother used to have a construction business. However he had to fold because companies staffed with cheap Mexican labor were always underbidding him.
Ted Cruz never had my vote..................
Found out his wife worked for Goldman Sacked............ditched him already....
Increasing foreign labor when we already have so many out of work..........Exclamation mark.

Just smash your finger right off the bat so you will no longer have to anticipate the time you smash it hammering the nails.........and dance like a nut on the roof holding your hand making everyone watching think you really are a nut.

Unless you are a sissy and use a nail gun.
...Yes those thngs are unlimited. Why? What do you think the limits are? There was a limit to the number of horses you could have in Manhattan on a purely theoretic basis in the 19th century. We were running out of horse space. IT was going to be a crisis, not enough horses for transportation etc. And guess what happened. Human ingenuity invented cars. We were running out of sperm whale oil for lights in the 19th century. And a wonderful thing happened: we got electric lights. Human ingenuity. If the supply of jobs is limited please post what that limit is.
In a given town...

1. there are a finite number of roofs that require re-shingling this warm season

2. there are a finite number of companies providing such services for that town

3. there are a finite number of roofing contracts that each vendor can bid for and win

4. there are finite number of payroll jobs that each of those vendors (contractors) can offer

And, if you're a roofing laborer, once the jobs dry-up (a sure-fire indicator of their finite-ness), you're out of luck (and work).

And, if you're competing with not only your fellow Americans but dozens of Illegal Aliens whom the contractors can (and do) hire for a song, you're double shit-out-of-luck.

And, of course, there a thousand-and-one additional Real-World examples to demonstrate the finite nature of the job market - in simple terms of supply and demand.

Enough said.
Ted Cruz rails against crony capitalism and praises wife s Goldman Sachs career - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Ted Cruz is sounding off against Wall Street and financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, where his wife, Heidi, works as a managing director in Houston.

Asked whether Goldman Sachs is a positive or negative force in society, the Texas senator and recently declared Republican presidential candidate told Bloomberg Politics on Tuesday that there’s a little bit of both.

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“Goldman is one of the biggest banks on Wall Street, and my criticism with Washington is they engage in crony capitalism,” he said. “They give favors to Wall Street and Big Business, and that’s why I’ve been an outspoken opponent of crony capitalism, taking on leaders in both parties.”

“I am unabashedly proud of everything about Heidi,” Cruz said in response to a point that he did not mention his wife’s connection to Goldman Sachs during his announcement speech, noting that he did “mention the fact that she had an incredibly successful business career.”

Another used car salesman.
...The job market isn't finite...
I believe this is incorrect on both a literal and metaphorical level, but I won't belabor the point further.

...but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate...
Indeed. Oftentimes, it shrinks. Just ask Pittsburgh or Detroit or Gary or South Bend or any other rust-belt town that is (or was) heavily dependent upon manufacturing jobs.

...Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.

3 American workers, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has a living wage.

3 American workers and 10 Illegal Aliens, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has enough to buy gasoline, fat-and-gristle sandwiches, and cat food, to store in the cardboard box, under the bridge where he lives.
You clearly dont know much about roofing.
Yes, I'm sure you're right... you always are, aren't you?
...The job market isn't finite...
I believe this is incorrect on both a literal and metaphorical level, but I won't belabor the point further.

...but it doesn't grow at an infinite rate...
Indeed. Oftentimes, it shrinks. Just ask Pittsburgh or Detroit or Gary or South Bend or any other rust-belt town that is (or was) heavily dependent upon manufacturing jobs.

...Here's the bottom line: the more people you have competing for the same job, the lower the wage for that job. To refute that point you have to reject the basic principles of economics.

3 American workers, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has a living wage.

3 American workers and 10 Illegal Aliens, competing for a Roofing Laborer job, and the winning Laborer has enough to buy gasoline, fat-and-gristle sandwiches, and cat food, to store in the cardboard box, under the bridge where he lives.
You clearly dont know much about roofing.

He obviously knows more than you. My brother used to have a construction business. However he had to fold because companies staffed with cheap Mexican labor were always underbidding him.
Now... now... we all know that I'm totally outgunned in his presence...

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